As Albert Einstein said it “everything in life is vibration”. However currently, we are living in a permanent aggressive environment at different levels: in a lot of offices due to the system, the pressure…, in our relationships, because most of the people are stressed, in the cities…
How to create a shield to this permanent aggression
and being able to rise up our frequencies?
Here is a list of different tools:
1- Positive mind: we are what we think and in the law of attraction like magnets, we attract what we vibrate. It is important at first to force yourself to stop the bad habit to be negative. As long as you have a negative thought, block it, flee it or try to see beyond the positive aspect of it. This is a gymnastics taking time but step by step this game will be easier as you will (re)parameter your schema of thought.
2- Gratitude: Feel grateful for what you have, it could always be worse… Always keep in mind that happiness is not getting what we want but enjoying what we have. Being grateful is important, it means you do thank, who? Whatever, whoever! Life, nature, destiny…
3- Surround yourself with positive people: it is important to preserve yourself regarding your environment with optimistic people. You can help punctually friends who face a difficult period but you cannot be the permanent fireman saving everybody. It is good to avoid the energy vampires (those who systematically are pessimistic and maintain their low frequencies).
4- Thought consciousness: try to force yourself to think and not to be thought it means you have to master your mind through mindfulness. It is very important to practice the mindfulness that’s to say to be absorbed fully in what you are doing, in the task you handle avoiding systematically not to be concentrated and to think about your memories or your schedule of the next actions or future events.
5- Healthy life: It is important to have a balanced life, to avoid excess in general. Having a healthy life is passing through avoiding too much consumption of alcohol and drugs because it disorganizes your nervous system in terms of access and secretion of the hormones of happiness (endorphins). So the overuse impedes you to be harmonious naturally as the neurons are blocked in their action. It creates also more stress and aggressiveness.
6- Meditation: literally “getting back to your center” in Latin, it allows you to be more balance, there 5 schools of meditation:
7- Energetic nourishment: it is important to prioritize quality instead of quantity
8- Move your body: do some sport that you like, ideally even just 5-10 minutes every single morning just to wake your body up, to activate it, to make circulate your energies within your body.
9- Nature: reconnect to nature, your true nature. Even if we are not aware of it, nature calms us, resource us consciously and/or unconsciously, force yourself at first by going at least once a week (ideally 3 times a week) to walk or to stay in nature to charge yourself
10-Audio frequencies: study the importance of listening (10-15min per day) some special audio records that you can find for free on YouTube with good (harmonic) frequencies like 432 Hz or 524 Hz… It is a natural harmonious sound rising up your own frequencies.
11-Ritual of protection: visualizing a few minutes a shield of Light every single morning and/or each time you feel some negative energies from outside: an environment, some people… helps you to protect yourself. You are less vulnerable regarding these low frequencies.
12-Cleansing: they are many ways to cleanse
13- Crystal healing: try to find your own mineral: your stone or crystal that you like, for instance: rock crystal (more social and delicate towards your environment), agate (release the body blockages), amber (against depression, back pain)…
14- Repeat affirmations: this is the Coué’s method: auto-suggestion, the goal is to repeat a maximum of times per day so clear positive messages (goal to achieve) for your unconscious soak and integrate it. It can be “I feel good” or “I am happier and happier”…
15- Set a positive intention before sleeping: prepare the next day, by thanking your night will be excellent and tomorrow you will wake up super fresh, rested and will enjoy an amazing day full of miracles, fun, and happiness…
16- Massage: it allows to make circulating your flows of energies in your body.
17- Laughing: if you laugh 6 minutes a day it is extremely good for health, it rises up your frequency. Try to watch shows, movies, books of jokes… few minutes a day to laugh. Force yourself if you cannot laugh naturally the effect will be there. Osho said wisely” “Life as such has to be taken as a cosmic joke – and then suddenly you relax because there is nothing to be tense about. And in that very relaxation, something starts changing in you.”
18-Harmonious home: it is not linked to expensive furniture… it is correlated to Feng shui the harmonious current of energies within your home: it has to be clean and organize, with air, with the colors you like…
19- Say something nice to a stranger: it allows you to create waves of high frequencies with a boomerang effect.
20- Practice compassion and forgiveness: clean up your past, your bad memories, your trauma… do it for releasing you.
21- Bath of light: if you can afford to try to have access to sunbath or light therapy it allows to secrete serotonin: one of the 4 hormones of happiness and in addition it helps to have a deeper sleep.
This list is obviously not exhaustive at all in Shambali you will be taught of many other operational tools and daily life tips in order to rise up your frequencies and to live more harmoniously.