As the great Hippocrates, the father of medicine said: “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease”.
Inside we have everything, but first most of the time we ignore our potential and these forces secondly our system does not promote it.
Concretely what holistic medicine means? Holistic coming from ancient Greek “holos” means “entire”. One takes the individual as a whole, one does not focus on a specific problem exclusively. A whole means the triptych of the body, the mind, and the soul. There are 3 entangled spheres as all of them impact us. In a certain way, to have a real impact the 3 spheres should be taken into account, this is the holistic approach: basically a global, overall dimension. Let’s have a look one by one.
1-The body should be analyzed as a whole, like an electric circuit, sometimes one component does not work because a resistance further is broken or a pipe is obstructed.
The traditional Chinese medicine evokes these electric circuits through the meridians. This is the reason of being of acupuncture.
The Ayurveda for Hindus which means “science of life” applies the same principle, the main center of energies being the chakras: 7 chakras, 7 notes of music (corresponding to certain frequencies measurable in hertz), 7 colors (corresponding to certain waves lengths).
Always keep in mind this essential quote from Einstein: “What we have called ‘matter’ is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” And this is true also for us. Even an individual is only energy. It is made of organs, themselves made of cells, themselves made of molecules, made of atoms, composed of subatomic particles which are ultimately only energy. Most of the diseases are due to a lack of circulation of energies. It is a little bit like stagnating water: it does not circulate so it smells bad.
2-The mind should be analyzed as a whole. Most scientists and doctors have recently admitted that he mind, the psyche, consciousness whatever the name, has an impact on health. As what we think is energy, it affects directly the vibrations of our body. There is an important part of the psychosomatic dimension in holistic medicine.
Experiments of Professor Masuro Emoto’s intentions on water (or the experience of rice) show by crystallizing this water that thought impacts reality: harmony intentions created harmonious flakes whereas contrary intentions of hate create disgraceful and disharmonic figures. Keep in mind that we are made of 70% water.
Everybody heard about “Placebo” or “Nocebo” effect. Literally “placebo” means in Latin “I heal”. “Nocebo” has been created artificially in the ’60s to explain the contrary it means “I harm”. Official medicine admits that 30% of our drugs are pure “placebo” implying there has no curative effect except the force of the mind believing in it.
In a certain way, this is exactly the same principle of miracles. It might be from both sides: 1-the person has abilities and some fluids, he or she can let pass the Light. This is the basic principle of Reiki, the Key of Reiki or Rei-Key if I can say, being not to emit any resistance, the giver does not give his/her energy but just surrenders and let passing without any interference towards the receiver. 2-the person who receives the miracle believes in it: in the phenomenon and in the abilities of the person (bonesetters for instance or let’s generally speaking the healer). So in the second aspect of the miracle, there is a psychosomatic dimension, it is a kind of self-miracle. And here is one of the key. That is why I entitled this article “HolYstick medicine » for 2 reasons: stick refers to a magic stick reminding that we are co-creators if we apply the technics explained in “Majestic Magic stick” that’s to say to see and visualize a result already there and being grateful for that, implying that you feel it as real in your mind and in your heart. This is one of the greatest secret taught since the beginning of times by all mystics and prophets. The second reason of “HolYstick” is the Y, why? Because it refers to the Holy Grail which is deep inside us, and holy refers to a sacred dimension that we “have to” find back as an enigma to reactivate our full capacities.
3-The soul should be analyzed as a whole. The soul would be your eternal part, a drop of The Consciousness, a drop of the ocean of The YOUniversal Soul” if I can afford what lots of mystics say your individual divine part.
The soul would be comparable to your body which does not change to one day to another one and your clothes would be the personalities of your different incarnations. Knowing that reincarnation is present in all religions: the three monotheist ones: only institutions do not recognize but the esoteric parts do: Cabbalist or Essenes (who taught among other Jesus himself) for Judaism, Gnosis for Christians and it is official: reincarnation disappeared from the Holy Scriptures which have been changed (and this is official history) at the 4th century by the Roman Empire Constantine (Council of Nicea) and Sufism in Islam. The traditional mystics of the past everywhere on the planet: the Shamans, druids, Vodoos… in Siberia, Mongolia, Africa, Northern and Southern America with so-called “primitives”, in Europe, in Australia…, were doctors of souls. They are basically links in between the physical and the metaphysical world (“meta” beyond in Greek: beyond of the physics: the invisible world). They were intercessors with spirits, energies: they were channels to help, facilitate certain fluidity and passages. They were electricians working on the hidden electric systems invisible for us in our house.
For the soul there are many ways depending on the depth of the problem: it can be linked to your genealogy, the orchestration or the past of your family: for this it exists the family constellation for which the goal is to reactivate the frequencies of the egregores (the thought-forms) of the family to discharge certain bad energies. It can also be further, some problems of souls come from previous lives: a trauma, a mission, a battle, an injustice… The goal is to dig deep inside your soul memory to clean-up: to discharge these bad energies, entities… This is purely energetic surgery. You can use regression or hypnosis.
Most of the time, the disease (dis-ease) is not bad in the absolute, it is just a warning. A bit like a flashing light indicates a problem. However, in our modern traditional approach one tends to delete this flashing light: one does not read the message it brings us: we just kill it.
Holistic medicine has more a preventive approach that a curative: basically on tries to avoid the problem instead of solving them.
Let’s have a look at a crucial example with traditional Chinese medicine is based on a preventive approach. In the past in former times, in China doctors had an allocated area they were in charge of. They were obviously paid by this community. They were in charge of the good health of these people. For that, they use to visit them regularly as much as they need to anticipate potential problems. If someone was sick, the doctors were not paid and it was affecting his/her reputation because it was perceived as a mistake. Imagine the gap with now! I do not want to be negative or in the conspiracy but it is a matter of fact, our system of healthcare became a real business for which if we are all healthy, this industry collapses. It is, by the way, the 4th industry in the world: the first one being oil, then food, strange that oil is before food after we find weapons, strange to have what can injure and kill before healing! Then there are drug traffic and human traffic. When we see the ranking as an aside and a parallel with medicine it reminds the Krishnamurti’s quote saying “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” But let’s be positive otherwise it is bad for our health.
If I can afford the last word, even for curative treatment, some new technics seem to be really efficient: they recommend to embrace the disease, to treat it by Love and not to struggle against it. Why and how come? It is based on the principle that Love/Light cleans, fight against darkness maintain this darkness, that’s why Mother Teresa always said: “do not invite me for a demonstration against the war but if you ask me to come to walk for peace, I will come”. What is the difference you are going to ask! In one case you struggle against bad energies so you credit it unconsciously and the second case you create Love and Light which are the best ingredients for the recipe of health and harmony.
I am not saying we have to reject the modern medicine of course not, I am absolutely in the notion of duality but in the appliance of holistic vision: a global vision, there is always good points in each part: the tradition and modernity, the past and the present…
But I am convinced that the future of medicine will be what we call now alternative technics or parallel medicine without being exhaustive: acupuncture, sound therapy, hypnosis, healing: Reiki, Qi Gong, Regression, family Constellation, good nutrition, naturopathy, Light therapy, Reflexology…
In Shambali, we will approach the principle of holistic medicine as a preventive dimension: taking care of your health day by day through nutrition, exercises, circulation of energies: Kundalini yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Reiki, Qi Gong, Holotropic breathwork, some disciplines: Self-hypnosis, Sound therapy, Bowl healing, Light Art Therapy… in Ubud which means “medicine” is local language as according to the legend this place heals the body, the mind, and the soul.
Issa ~ AM