The legend of the holY grail has been the source of hot topics for ages. Where does it come from? What does it mean on a symbolic level? The word “symbol” etymologically speaking means “gather” or “to put together” but leaves room for any personal interpretation for better or for worse but at least it has the merit to be personal and to leave all freedom according to the sensitivity of each and/or the evolution of each. A myth, a legend, a symbol can be deciphered in a certain way at a certain age and be perceived with many other angles of view with the experience of life by increasing its field of consciousness.
Let us try to make a non-exhaustive list of the meanings of the holY grail. When I write HolY grail with a “Y” I already insert a key, it’s up to you to open the doors that are in you (your YOUniverse) on the dimensions you want. This famous “Y” refers in iconography to these 3 main meanings that we will evoke. The “Y” resembles a vase, a womb, a descent in a form of genealogy: a genealogical tree and a tree of life and the fact that it would remain in each of us: a sort of individual organization chart: our ego our master or our service according to the latitude and the freedom that one grant to him, it is then a vehicle which can take you to your higher self the first self or Higher Self leading to the collective unconscious, akasha, the big All, The Source, God, the soul of the world … no matter the name.
So here they are :
1-The holY grail for certain people would represent for a golden chalice that Josephus of Arimathea would have used to collect the blood of Christ. We will say that this is the most commonly accepted vision and also, the image of the understanding of our materialistic society, if I may say so.
2- The holY grail for other people would embody the real blood, the royal blood, the sacred blood, with the form of chalice Y as a uterus for symbolism signifying the descent of Jesus Christ with the Merovingian and beyond why not known characters such as Leonard de Vinci, Botticelli, Newton, Victor Hugo …
Jesus would have taken refuge in the south-west of France where he would have had children with Mary Magdalena his wife or this last enclosure of Jesus would have come in France and would have given birth to an offspring of Jesus. Beyond all the secret societies of the Knights Templar, the Catharses, the Priory of Sion having given the torch to the Freemasonry, to the Rose Cross … would have transmitted the hidden message and protected the lineage.
3-the transmission of the Christic lineage beyond Jesus (which would be prior to Himself, “Christos” the purest element, the 7th state in alchemy to know beyond gold, in language birds, mystic green tongue: gold must be deciphered (to leave the crypt, namely darkness) as “AUR” or “OUR” in Hebrew, or by extension in Semitic language that we find in Arabic with “NOUR” which means light, but this is not the visible light of photons but the subtle light divine.
Indeed this sacred message would simply be that everyone can reach the Christ state, roughly the status of “son of God” or “Christ” would be in no way reserved to Jesus as an end but just as an example to know that everyone can reach this state, just as the awakening of the Buddha (Sanskrit Buddha means “enlightened”) which is exactly the same principle. Thus subtly the “blood of Christ” namely the potential to reach this state would remain in suffering in each of us, in the veins of anyone on the planet having a universal dimension and no longer confined to a single religion namely Catholic or Christian. The Holy Grail would thus be that famous divine dimension present in everyone that according to the Hindu legend, God (and where the council of the gods as God’s abilities) would have hidden in the heart of each individual the latter. To us individually and collectively to decipher the enigma of life. In Christianity, Jesus said literally “the kingdom of heaven is in you” we cannot be clearer.
So why go outside? Is it the materialistic dimension that pushes us in this direction?
The fact that everything comes from within, any initiatory quest in all the esoteric currents of the world whatever the religion, the pattern is identical: an inner quest makes it possible to clean inside and once the ego is in its place as a good servant and not a master, when it is at the service of the elevation, the individual can access the second phase his transcendental personal dimension leading to the absolute. If I had to sum up the well-managed “I” (the ego) leads to the “Higher” (self) of there to the eye of consciousness which is a stepping stone to unity, individual and beyond collective: the inner and outer harmony. It is present through the alchemy and the famous formula of VITRIOL: Visitabitis Interiora Terrae Rectificando, Invenietis Occultum Lapidem which means “visit the interiors of the earth by correcting, you will find the hidden stone.
The hidden stone corresponding to the philosopher’s stone, the holY grail.
It is written and inscribed in traditional Western philosophy in ancient Greece at Delphi: “know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods”.
I insist all the esoteric currents advocate the same technique: work on oneself, cleaning, raising one’s higher self accessing individual unity then collective from there the experience of Oneness: not ALONE but ALL-ONE…
It goes without saying that this seems theory but it is also very practical.
In Shambali you will experience through many ways this concept of holY grail through a triptych of methodology T.I.P as a piece of advice: Theory Intuition Practice to be able to manage it in your daily life.
Issa ~ AM