Attention/focus on each single task at each second: fully in the present moment
You will learn how to apply mindfulness in every single frame of your time to be completely grounded and absorbed by the intensity of the present. Knowing most of the time we think about our memories or we project ourselves in the near future. It will enlarge your perspectives and your perception. It will stand for our basis, our grid of reading (and co-writing) the Great Book of Life to apply for all our activities, eating, walking, standing, the 5 senses, sleeping…
The art of breathing is the bridge in between the physics and metaphysics
In Shambali you will learn several techniques to breathe well and better. Thanks to meditation and globally speaking for your daily life, to have an active breathing, to master it. Always in full consciousness, you will know and master perfectly the basics of:
Holotropic breathing,
Cycling breathing,
Hyperventilated breathing,
Intermittent breathing,
Segmented breathing,
Sufi breathing.

“The lack” emphasizes what we have in daily life and of which we are no more aware. (fasting, detox of unwanted habits, behaviours…)
1-In Shambali we propose 3 options of fasting at the beginning of the retreat:
> Option 1 – 1 day of fasting (24 hours – drinking only water)
> Option 2 – 3 days of fasting (72hours – drinking only juices: 3 times per day)
> Option 3 – 3 days of fasting (72hours – drinking only water)
“Fasting allows to regenerate your immune system. It cleans your body, your mind and your soul”
2-During Shambali Retreat we suggest you not to use your mobile phone during the day, except at nights.
3-During Shambali Retreat we invite you not to follow the news.
4-During Shambali Retreat we recommend you to chase and avoid black ideas to adopt the positive filter for all.
*None of the options are compulsory. Our guests are free to continue to normal program without any fasting options.
The nutrition allows being conscious about the special intakes of each ingredient
In Shambali we propose 3 normal meals: breakfast + lunch + dinner but exclusively to experience vegetarian food balanced with raw food, Ayurvedic food, and gluten-free food. We believe wholesome, organic, seasonal, local and nutritionally dense ingredients combined with healthy cooking techniques are the basic building blocks of healthy cuisine. These foods are earth’s medicine and used consistently will restore health, vitality, and wellbeing. We have implemented a ‘farm to table’ cuisine whereby our organic garden produces and provides vegetables to the restaurant. We carefully prepare these ingredients into deliciously healthy dishes to delight our guests whilst taking them on an epicurean journey into different culinary styles. You will learn the miraculous ingredients, the tips to increase your health maintaining amazing tastes and pleasure of senses indicating some recipes. This is an alchemical approach of nutrition embodying a communion with the food in full awareness. We reserve you a large number of surprises and experiences regarding this delicious topic which is food.

Reconnection to 4 elements
Reintegrate the importance of the 4 elements to be closer to nature
During Shambali Retreat you will learn how to integrate the 4 elements and their good balance in your daily life. They stand for patterns applicable to different fields of the materialistic dimension: certain parts of your body, your different moods, your psychology, your resonance with Nature: an inner and outer world with a deep notion of feeling Nature, to be fully a part of it.
> Water: Aquatic Massage,
> Air: Meditation,
> Earth: Trekking,
> Fire: The vigil on the night,
> (Ether: meditation and beyond…)
Walking & Standing
The posture, the way of standing, behaving and evolving in mindfulness
In Shambali Retreat we will guide you to rethink your way of walking in full consciousness to be deeper grounded in the famous “now-here” for you to feel part of this planet, this present which is a gift, to be aware of each feeling of each step, at your pace, on your journey. We will give you some tips to correct eventually your standing, your posture to be more balanced: to be healthier, to be more esthetical and psychologically to feel more confident and to give an image of serenity (that you will find in or after Shambali).

Reconnection to 5 senses
Redevelop your 5 senses to develop the 6th one and reach the deep essence of Life of Oneness
During Shambali Retreat you will learn how to reactivate deeply and daily your 5 senses in a sense of full consciousness. It is an operational and practical application of the mindfulness. This allows being more grounded in the famous “now-here”, to be more present more intuitive and sensitive thereby more aware of the subtlety of the world as a whole a bit similar to Veda’s large cosmic breath.
Regaining your inner child
Relearn the capacity to marvel at simple pleasures
It is based on the Intensity of small happiness: each present second is a precious gift and to marvel at simple things, to enjoy the great game of life. The children observe, have purity in the eyes, no judgment, no anger… they are fully absorbed by their environment: they live naturally the Oneness. They are in their own cocoon or bubble: their magic fairyland full of beauties and fizzy colors.

Exploration of Noctural Dimension
Exploration of astral dimensions out of body experience, astral travel
In Shambali Retreat on some nights (according to the mood and the moon) we will propose to you special training for preparing you to astral projection and experiencing nocturnal dimension. These techniques allow to reach different states of mind and thereby reach modified states of consciousness enlarging your perspectives of perceptions an extension of consciousness and explore inner and outer worlds.
Decrypt the hidden messages of the Great Book of Life
Discover the synchronicities: solicit them and relearn to listen to nature
During Shambali Retreat you will learn how to decipher the hidden messages of Life (the hidden part of the iceberg) and regularly we will remind you to relearn how to see with different angles of views. This creates synchronicities phenomenon. It gives to Life a unique dimension of mysticism: like enigmas giving you hints on your pursuit of the Holy Grail.

Teachings of mysteries
There is an encoding of the visible world, only 4% is based on matter, all is based on sacred geometry
During Shambali Retreat on some nights (according to the mood and the moon), we will propose to you some exchange on existential questions of your choice making globally the globe going round since its single point like space-time, consciousness, the reality, the perception, are we alone? death, extraordinary experiences, what is the origin of mankind?…