The choice of the new paradigm
Nowadays everywhere on the planet, we assist to awakening at different scales. People more and more literally question their routine and start to ask themselves some existing questions like: “Who am I?” “Where do I go?” “What is the sense of life”? “What is my reason of being?”…

They feel that the pattern of our world is not vibrating with their deep beliefs. They feel something is going wrong and that it cannot continue like this. We realize that the world is not going in the good direction: there is a triple problem: at ecological dimension (our way of consuming), financial (our economic system) and societal (segmentation of groups, lack of content and goals, some people feel lost).
There is a transition happening everywhere: the path from the former paradigm and the new one.

But this change is hard to understand and to adhere to it without any preparation as this is in human nature to be scared by the unknown. The first step on the way of freedom of mind is the most important.

Here is a non-exhaustive list in between the former paradigm that’s to say our (future) old world and the new world:
- Pac man “VERSUS” Eagle eye: questioning everything and adopt a sense of criticism (crisis in Greek meaning to select instead of absorbing all information as the truth
- Quantitative growth “VERSUS” Qualitative growth: at microcosmic scale (individual) choosing our life according to what we like what we vibrate instead of seeking exclusively money or career. In the consumerism: refrain our behavior according to our real needs and not only fashion, advertising… being aware of our nutrition as well (organic…). At macrocosmic dimension considering the human condition or the collective human interest before the profits
- Competition “VERSUS” collaboration: the others are perceived as some hands compared to seeing them as threats as the more we give the more we receive, helping people brings a better master of our knowledge
- Pessimism “VERSUS” optimism: it is important to preserve our high frequencies instead of the low ones, the world is not worse than before there are many positive projects all-around the planet, people are awakening more and more. Being pessimist credit and reinforce the future old world whereas being optimist prepares the foundations of the new paradigm
- Pleasure exclusively “VERSUS” harmony: pleasure is something outside us, requiring always more creating a bulimic circle. Harmony is the inward process, once you reached it you are free and not dependent anymore from the external events or people.
- Possession by the materiality “VERSUS” reconnection to nature and our true nature. Understanding us deeply as we are the true “I AM” beyond the masks, the filters of the education, the environment… To be aware of our
- Skewed vision through the materiality (the physical world) “VERSUS” enlargement of perspectives through the invisible world. According to the scientist perspectives, our physical world counts 4% of our reality, 27% is made of dark energy and 69% of dark energy.
- Virtual hyperconnection“VERSUS” Reconnection to the YOUnity. Being grounded to earth and in the meantime reconnected to our higher self, our soul and thereby our 6 senses and the 5 elements instead of being hyper-connected to virtual reality (thousands of contacts through the social media)
- Always thinking about the past or the future “VERSUS” practicing the mindfulness in our daily by being fully absorbed by the present which is a gift
- Judgment or proselytism “VERSUS” empathy, by applying a holistic vision (with height) understanding the integrated system of each individual, accepting the difference is normal and the fruit of an enrichment.
- Scarcity “VERSUS” abundance: with new technologies like Free energy we will have access to infinite and clean resources
- 3D exclusively “VERSUS” 5D: spirituality, highest frequencies, a better alignment like the symbol of the cross with a good balance in between the horizontal dimension (materiality, Epicureanism) and a vertical one (invisible world/energies)
- No more opposition of homogeneity or segmentation but harmony by preserving the differences in a notion of tolerance
- Centripetal “VERSUS” centrifugal forces: radiating and sharing instead of attracting every to you (with a selfish vision)
However, this change should be the fruit of an inner path. It is up to each of us, nobody can impose anything: it should happen to respect the natural rhythm of all. Those who are already on the path can help by radiating, illuminating the others to find their own way, not by shining but enlightening them.
Progressively once we reach a certain critical point (a minimum of people), the majority will shift naturally into this new paradigm a bit like a quantic leaf or when you put a drop of milk into the black coffee, instantaneity the color changes.

Our system or our western society is comparable to the caterpillar which feeds on its microsystem to the extreme the first part of its life. It eats compulsively, then it stops, refocuses itself, mature or molts and gives place to a magnificent butterfly and can thereby fly to other horizons without limit: after crawling and filling, it aspires to rise… And to conclude as the Asiatic philosophical vision reminds (re-mind) us: “a butterfly beat (wing flapping) in the East can create a tornado in the West”.

In Shambali we will guide you to find your own way to shift and transit the most harmoniously into this new paradigm in which step by step it will become a peaceful state of mind in which you could rest and live wholly.