Duration : 30 mins | Daily
Reconnect our mind with our body and with the YOUniverse with different techniques for you to find your own one
You will learn different methods (a large choice to get the most adapted one to you) and apply this ritual as a habit early morning alongside the river before eating or any other activity: as a bridge (or a rainbow) in between the astral dimension and the “reality” and every evening before eating. These private moments will be guided and step by step naturally, intuitively will become yours and vital for you at your pace on your journey.
Duration : 1 hour | Daily
Connection in between breathing-posture-mind
To wake your body up but also your mind and your soul we will do Pilates every morning after meditation, to wake up physically and awaken your body like a massage in action. By the time you will be familiar with the techniques that you will integrate and can easily reproduce with pleasure.

Kundalini Yoga
Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins | 2 sessions
The harmony of postures and breathing to activate your vital source of energy Kundalini
You will practice 2 sessions of Kundalini yoga for you to discover, experience then to master and integrate the basics. The Kundalini is a powerful energy located in the spine, in the center of the spinal cord, from the sacrum to the top of the head. This energy that lies dormant in us is just waiting to awaken by being stimulated and activated to boost your capacities and basically your health or your emotional stability.
Aquatic Massage
Duration : 2 hours and 30 mins | 1 session
The Harmony of the gestures in the flow of water requiring trust between partners
2 sessions of Aquatic Massage for you to discover, experience, master then integrate the basics. It is a beautiful symbol of harmony in between 2 persons (close or strangers) with a respect of the intimacy. Being practiced in a water of 36 degrees (near the body temperature) this reactivates the memories of prenatal and postnatal experiences with the feeling to surrender wholly in full trust to your guide.

Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins| 1 session
The release of the gravity: no more weight experience allowing enlargement of consciousness
3 sessions of floating: 1- a pure moment 2-with breath work (hyperventilation) 3-with breath work & autohypnosis. Floating allows liberating the body of the constraint of the gravity and weightlessness reactivating the feeling of serenity of the child in one’s ex nihilo experience. Beyond of that, it permits to enlarge your consciousness with certain practices out of your body.
Sacred Sound Journey
Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins| 1 session
The principle of cymatics: the positive effects of the sounds on our bodies and magnetic fields
It uses sounds and vibrations for therapeutic purposes. It is a technique of well-being by the sound massage with therapeutic tuning forks. The tools (or keys) according to their frequencies can activate certain parts of your body to reenergize and balance them for at the end facilitating the flews of energies: called the meridians.

Duration : 2 hours| 2 sessions
Autosuggestion progressively to enter in different layers of trance to reach your unconsciousness and thereby to reconnect with your Higher Self
This technic helps you to work on your trauma, fears, weaknesses that you want to work on and the positive things that you want to improve. Self-hypnosis workshop in a group will give you the tools and template for you to record your own voice with the text you will have chosen according to your desires. You will be guided to create your material and you could use and listen to the record during the stay in Shambali but also at home. By knowing the techniques you could even eventually customized new ones according to your needs.
Holotropic Breathwork
Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins | 2 sessions
Hyperventilation allowing to release some post-trauma and to reach harmony
Breathwork for you to discover, experience and the second time to master and integrate the basics. 70% of physiological and psychological toxins are released by breathing. Hyperventilation accelerates this process. It releases the past trauma or weaknesses, fears (buried emotions)… Beyond that, it creates a deep expansion of consciousness that uses the power of breathing and music to overcome the usual barriers of perception. It would cause entry into an altered state of consciousness allowing the mind to change its mode of operation having an immediate salutary effect.

Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins | 2 sessions
Re-energization of the flows (Ki, Qi, Prana) of the body through different meridians
2 sessions of Reiki for you to discover, experience and to master and integrate the basics. You will learn the basics for you to practice and to receive knowing that giving is as much as important as receiving because both parts are gaining the healing benefits. The giver is not an issuer of energy or an absorber of energy from the receiver the giver is a vehicle: he/she becomes transparent as crystal to let the Light channeling through him/her.
Bowls Healing
Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins | 2 sessions
Purification of the energies of the body and the mind through the sound and the Tibetan bowls
Based on cymatic (the science/study of the impact of the frequencies and the sound on the matter). The Tibetan bowls emit certain frequencies activating your 7 chakras as there are 7 notes of music vibrating together to stimulate them and release potential blocking and thereby facilitates the flews of energies.

Qi Gong
Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins | 2 sessions
The fluidity of the movement in the space, balance between strength and weakness, firmness and flexibility
2 sessions Qi Gong for you to discover, experience and to master and integrate the basics. The Qi Gong is an application of the wise Chinese philosophy of Taoism. It influenced the development of the famous traditional Chinese medicine. These are several physical exercises balancing the breath and the visualization to gently massage and tones the Organ Systems, which helps promote longevity. This is basically an inner meditation in consciousness (applying mindfulness) in movement with certain symbolic gestures or gestural body language. This is a paradox way: control the non-control of both dual energies: Yin&Yang in harmony.
Anchoring Light Painting Therapy
Duration : 3 hours | 1 session
This sacred painting practice explores your ability as a channel through painting
In this 3 hour workshop, you will be guided on a deep meditation journey that inspires you to get out of our own way, allowing spirit to dance through your paintbrush. It is amazing what skills you have when we let go of limiting beliefs about our capabilities and enjoy the freedom when we create from this place. Combining art and healing, this workshop fuses light and glow techniques that enable you to to create a magical looking painting, whist unlocking your unique energetic codes, imbuing intention and exploring your own creative language."

Sufi Music Concert and Dervish Whirling Workshop
Duration : 3 hours | 1 session
Transcendental meditation by sipping to reach trance and dilution of the ego into the YOUniverse
An amazing Sufi night with 3 hours of a concert of Sufi (mystical Muslim music from Persia) and a workshop to teach you how to practice the dance of the Sufi dervish whirler. This is a sacred ecstatic esthetical dance but essentially with the goal of losing ground, losing one’s ego. This is the dilution of the Ego into the Big ALL… This is considered as a symbolic imitation of the planets in the solar system orbiting the sun to reach trance and thereby the YOUnity with the YOUniverse.
Ecstatic Dance
Duration : 1 hour and 30 mins | 1 session
Ecstatic dance allowing to release your inner animal and your natural creativity to reach the YOUnity by renouncing to your ego
An amazing night and unique experience of Trance and dance (aspiring to “Transcendence”) an ecstatic dance pure creation based on spontaneity: to release your wild part as well as prohibitions of the society. This is a crossed activity using different dimensions like traditional dance, Kundalini, Qi Gong, Dervish whirling, Rebirth, Auto-Hypnosis… Be sublimated by the music, our movements are doing only one, both are two faces of the same medal representing a springboard to reach the Oneness.

Balinese Herbal Compress and Healing Bath
Duration : 2 hours | 1 session
Activate all muscles in mindfulness to relax them after an effort to feel deeply each single pieces of the masterpiece of your physical body to reach peace
An unforgettable massage of 120 mins in the private spa room together with healing bath. In a heaven place with nature, flowers, a concert with the sound of the river, the birds and a piece of slight music you will delight to be pressed on the sensitive points of our body stimulating every single piece of it. Stretching the muscles, mobilizing the joints, kneading the pain points is the art of healing for ages. It allows to reduce stress, to sleep better, it allows better blood and lymphatic circulation, it improves digestion, prevents diseases, improves the flow of energy
Reconnect to the celestial vault, reconsider our space-time dimension and our human perspectives and beyond
Several nights to be taught about the key points: the most famous stars and main constellations to know and to observe with a telescope. These are magic moments which are priceless putting us as a human being in our natural perspective: to be reconnected to the YOUniverse which is so large, so beautiful, so fascinating… If it is your first experience you could not feel insensitive to admire the craters of the moon (all are retreats are taking place during a period of the full moon) the rings of Saturn, Mars…

Vigil around the fire
The fire warms the hearts up and makes people closer
We will spend several nights together around the so fascinating fire since the dawn of time symbolizing the union, with different themes and with the pleasure of the natural show warming up human links, allowing us to lay oneself bare and share what one wants more privately & quietly. We will remake the world around fire animating with music, chants… according to our feeling.
Explore Bali and Culture

Tirta Empul Temple-Holy Springs
Duration : half day
A Hindu ritual of water purification
The temple was founded in 926 A.D. and is dedicated to Vishnu, who is the Hindu god of water. The name of the temple actually means ‘holy water spring’ in Balinese. Holy water has 3 different purposes, that very important for people's lives. First is Tirta Gering for cleaning bad and evil spirits, the second is Tirta Merta for prosperity and third is Tirta Sudhamala for purifying body and soul. The objective is to receive emotional spiritual and energetic cleansing. It releases negative emotions, creates a feeling of bliss and a greater sense of awareness and inner and outer peace (with you and your environment).
Tegallalang Rice Terrace Walk
Duration : half day
We will make you discover the magnificent rice fields of Bali, where the landscape (the terraced grounds) is absolutely sumptuous to permit the growth of the primordial resource of food of the planet namely: the rice. A very nice trip to appreciate the generosity of the nourishing Mother Earth.