Holistic approach for your WELLNESS
During this Holistic Wellness Retreat in Bali, we propose a complete holistic approach and new vision with a complete accompaniment. We guide you on your journey to find your own way with theories and practices. The goal is to present you different keys to open up the doors you want and get daily tools to achieve permanently a stable harmony through inner and outer fullness.
There is a common thread in the entire pattern of the organization creating at the end a luminous and beautiful big picture. We explain and establish bridges between the different activities to show that all is linked and entangled. This journey to reach YOUnity passes through different steps of initiations, introductions to new perceptions and new experiences. The ultimate goal is you find yourself and find back your “natural nature” and your balance.
Holistic Journey Bali
The holistic approach like the tree of life through the branching/arborescence reveals a new perspective in the light of different new ways of teaching putting in practice the interconnection of the activities and the disciplines as a whole. There is a common thread between them which corresponds to a subtle and progressive ascent to the full senses. Systematically we apply the mindfulness to reconnect our self through the triptych of the harmony of the body, the mind, and the soul to be horizontally and vertically balanced.
Step 1-The primer and the ultimate goal is to reach happiness daily
Step 2-how? Thanks to a good balance of life with different tools:
Step 3-by reconnecting with nature (the YOUniverse, your outer world)
Step 4-by eating properly in consciousness
Step 5-by releasing your past and bad habits
Step 6-by meditating (coming back to your center, your inner temple)
Step 7-by applying the new vision in the different daily activities
Step 8-by reconnecting with people (the YOUman outer world)
Step 9-by having fun and a certain lightness and detachment
Step 10-by marveling at small things
Step 11-coming back to the initial point of happiness integrating the all previous steps to aspire to sustainable harmony
The primer and the ultimate goal is to reach happiness dailySTEP 2
how? Thanks to a good balance of life with different tools:STEP 3
by reconnecting with nature (the YOUniverse, your outer world)STEP 4
by eating properly in consciousnessSTEP 5
by releasing your past and bad habitsSTEP 6
by meditating (coming back to your center, your inner temple)STEP 7
by applying the new vision in the different daily activitiesSTEP 8
by reconnecting with people (the YOUman outer world)STEP 9
by having fun and a certain lightness and detachmentSTEP 10
by marveling at small thingsSTEP 11
coming back to the initial point of happiness integrating the all previous steps to aspire to sustainable harmonyPackage overview:
Shambali Holistic Wellness Retreat in Bali is limited to a small group with a maximum of 20 people preserving the proximity for the people to know each other and beyond with an accompaniment from the practitioners providing a permanent availability. Our travelers and guests most of the time become friends or even part of the big family & community SHAMBALI. With this Holistic Journey in Bali our goal is to set up bridges, a solid network on the long-term run among us. In the spirit that we are not ALONE we are ALL ONE…
Duration :5 nights, 6 days
Location :The retreat takes place in Ubud, Bali (Indonesia)
Inclusive :Accommodation, Food, Indoor and Outdoor Activities, Airport pick up / drop
Group :max 20 people

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Raising your energy, vibration & thereby your quality of life to reach inner and outer harmony (to achieve YOUnity)! With Mat Bankes & Issa
In the video, you will be given 20 different operational technics to raise your vibrations and become more harmonious in your daily life!Every single day must be “Christmust”
And what if Christmas was every day? And if the magic of the beautiful stories were in our eyes and could happen at every moment of our lives? The beauty is in the eyes of the one who sees it. Here is a piece of life, a masterpiece to master peace. These little elves of Santa Claus, belonging to the orphanage that SHAMBALI supports financially had made a small musical show. The band was playing a Christmas song with the same instrument. But each of them embodied a musical note. Thus the prowess remained in the fact that individually, they emitted only a tasteless sound, a simple note, only the magic operated thanks to the group. It really made me think that only we are capable of very little or nothing. Imagine being on a remote island tomorrow, without a trace of civilization and you have to make do. Nobody, even the greatest engineer, Nobel Prize winner in physics, philosopher, the greatest athlete would be able to recreate the smallest signs of comfort in our modern society even if it were just a table, for her be smooth, sand and have tools. How to create tools from scratch? I do not even talk about bringing water, let alone a sewer without your area is infested with stench and then a quickly undesirable company, beyond diseases. You are sick, what do you do? How do you care? Naturopathy certainly but with which plants? Unless you know but it's rare. Individually we emit only a simple note of music insignificant but related to the orchestra creates a magnificent symphony. People must be aware of this. In the word Individuality is important to hear indiviDUALITY, we can see that the duality is important to find back the YOUnity (the unity within you). Not ALONE but ALL ONE, keep in mind that etymologically speaking “to exist” comes from “to segment”, “to fragment”, we come from The Source, The absolute, The Oneness, The YOUnity, we embody here down to earth to separate from the whole to better find it back and admire the masterpiece once you put altogether the different pieces, thereby you reach the inner and the outer peace… We are only a drop of water in the ocean, which at the same time is an indelible part of the Source. This is why the great Sufi Rumi said: "You are not a drop of water in the ocean, you are the whole ocean in a drop." To meditate and to « innerstand »… In Shambali, we will guide you to find back this YOUnity, this deep connection of your higher self and with The Source to feel the world, life vibrates at each level within you. Issa ~ AM
Name(/the “logos”): Shambali is obviously the merger of Shambala and Bali. But beyond that « Shambala » in Sanskrit (शम्भल) literally means "place of peaceful happiness". The legend of Shambala is present in Hindu and Buddhist mysticism (Bali being Hindu it is a hint) but also in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: in all religions seated. It stems for a point of connivance, a common point, a commonplace, a link. It also refers to Sham(s) in the plural because he is abiding in us as an archetype: Shams of Tabriz (Sham ed Tabrizi) one of the greatest unconventional Sufi mystics and practitioner of his faith. The wise Sufi who taught Rumi of everything: the hidden shadow who put in light the Rumi's radiation embodying the subtle Light and not the physical light. The famous AUR/OUR in Hebrew: the hidden light from inside. And despite all the esoteric character, Shambali wants to be detached from religions, "purely spiritual". The "myth" of Shambala is that it is not a physical place, not a nation or a state but precisely a state of mind. Shambala is interior, a sort of inner harmony allowing access to external harmony. It is an imaginary, mythical and mystical place that one does not approach with the eyes but more with the heart. It is a kind of paradise but cannot be exclusively earthly nor therefore celestial: a kind of in-between unexplainable in terms of words: it is impossible to define it in theory, it has to be experienced in practice (referring to the notion of “Samadhi”). “Sham” in old English means "mascarade", "comedy", illusion referring to the notion of “Mayas” in Hinduism: our physical world stands for an illusion, the reality is not perceptible with eyes. In Islam there is a hadith (oral transmission) saying: "Choose Sham, because it is what God has chosen from His land, He will attract those whom He has chosen from His servants." One can see subliminally in ShAMbali, in the center "AM", in the language of birds/green language (the mystical language) "soul" in french « âme » but also in English "I am," implying God* and / or each host/guest in the sense “I exist” and “God/Big All exists/is through us”. It refers to Victor Hugo who says “Consciousness is God present in man". This is all mystical teaching (for instance in Sufism with the Tariqa) one shifts from “I am” to “High am”… One polishes one philosopher’s stone to become transparent as the crystal (Christ dimension) and let pass the divine Light through us… once the ego (he go(es)… let it go…). When you arrive at the airport you can see « I AM IN BALI ».Shambali Symbolism
“In site media” media: pl of the medium in Latin: meaning “the way, the path” // the sight is touching in the absolute and touching the nothingness, there is no ego anymore, as a vehicle of light full of innocence (the primary sense, the true nature). “I AM” is literally a prayer to the universe. “I AM” grateful, happy,… When the ego represented by the "I", disappears and rests, the "high" can awaken implying "High AM". I am, I exist at a higher level. The « BA », is the 2d letter of the Arabic alphabet in esoteric Muslim Sufi, draws from the quintessence of the Bismillah بَ . Because if we should summarize « ALL », بَ this dot under « B » or « BA » contains and conceals (con-seal, as a stamp, a mark) the YOUniverse: inner-outer harmony)… The famous Bismillah means "In the name of God", because this undertaking (Shambali) is in the name of God, the Great All, Allah (ALLah), Mother Nature, the united field, the infinite source, the ocean of possibilities, no matter Its/His/Her name ... Al means “beyond” in Arabic, implies a detachment, height for a global vision. Ali: the name of the controversial prophet for Shiites, why? Ali symbolizes the schism among a community regarding a human dogma (not the initial essence and substance) because the heritage is by the heart, the voice and not the blood… It is a deep symbol to pay attention to all messages (and messengers…) to question them and see beyond the masks… Sham in Arabic means “the sun”. It reminds my own primary motivation since I am kid deep inside and this natural attraction, fascination for it. My orientation through exchange/business was motived by it (the sun). And as I studied in different ways, the sun is the hidden motive of most of the cults referring to the cult of Sun. Aïvanhov (the great Christian mystic) said "The universal principle is at the origin of all religions. The symbol of this universal religion is the sun. All religions come from the sun, they are ramifications of solar religion. Shambali is also a mix in between Shanghai (for Sham) and Bali. Shanghai is a business orientated, debauchery, partying, pollution… the peak of the western world and Bali is the offering life, pure, spiritual, full of nature… Why such a mix? Because no need to choose one extreme maybe the way of the balance, the way of the middle (the middle path of Taoism…), the in-between the equilibrium is the wisest one… Shambali is like the symbol of the cross: the alliance in between the horizontal; materialist world/dimension, down to earth) and the vertical world/dimension: the spirituality. Shambali aspires to a balance in between both key aspects of fullness Logo: There is obviously 3 degrees of perceptions, 3 superposed images: 1. the flower of life 2. the Vitruvian Man 3. the planet
The flower of life is an ancestral symbol present everywhere on the planet (Europe, Middle East, Africa, America, Asia…) since millenniums beyond the exchange of the civilization. It represents the hidden grid/link of the interconnection of all elements of the world. It embodies the Ether, Akasha, The source,… It is at the origin of the evolution of everything at each level and each scale: physical (galaxies, cells…), psychological, micro/macrocosmic…
The Vitruvian Man symbolizes the double polarity of mankind:
the square representing the rationality the materialist world, the physics, and the circle stands for the intuition, the spirituality, the metaphysics. The Vitruvian Man and the planet shows the microcosm and macrocosm linked/tied with a notion of mutual/reciprocal effect thanks to the Flower of Life which is highlighted (and high lightened) (with the notion of Light) with colors where the two other ones are in grey (like gloomy). The flower of Life beyond the schema, the link of everything in the universe: physical and metaphysical is the symbol of the movement: the evolution: growth and fractal segmentation (reconnecting all). Thanks to Shambali people can meet themselves: to reach the inner/inward harmony to achieve afterward the outer/outward harmony. There is a vocation of butterfly effect (and hundredth monkey principle) to increase the Light of the world. That’s why in filigree we can see the little dots, the little lights of awakening. These Lights illuminate other people, they are not shining but enlighten others to find themselves, their vocation, and their own mission on this planet: the maieutic principle (to make the other meet himself). They are random dots of Light and others corresponding to the energetic centers of the earth: the pyramids in Egypt, in Jerusalem, in Chichen Itza (in Mexico), in Machu Picchu (in Peru). These little dots hint also at the stars which illuminate the darkness of the sky. Alif: (۱ ) it is the first letter of the alphabet, the beginning despite it is closing the name (the last letter of “Shambali”). As in Shambali we teach a way of thinking in reverse side/”right” side. Arabic is read from right to left. “Alif” in Arabic has the same root than the Hebrew letter “Aleph” and in Turkish “Elif”. It's Hebrew sign א symbolizes the fact of letting passing the Light, let the Light through (not the light of photons but the subtle Light: prana, ether, dark energy the one connecting all together, this frequency contains all others (it is similar to the famous « om » in Sanskrit ॐ). Aleph/Alif is the source of the divine Spirit, it is also the link between the Earth and the Sky, between the material and the spiritual, between the man and God. The “Aleph”/Alif is in mysticism a special concept. The Aleph/Alif is a point which contains the sum of all the other points that’s to say past, present and future(s), small, big, high as well as low (cf: table of Emerald in hermeticism and alchemy to know "as above so below" a quantum metaphor). It is "concretely" a geographical and physical place where different people will feel the same but not perceiving it in the same way (according to their openness, their past (lived) as well as the present moment example: the same person in the same place with the same experience but 3 days later will probably still see it differently). Basically, when it happens to us, one is then to understand, to perceive something without being able to explain it. At the extreme, there is a Greater Aleph (or divine Aleph, in a way,) which corresponds to two persons (two incarnations who love each other) whose souls are found after a certain time (through the centuries, for example) and then reconnect: they then align all these points (Spatio-temporal coordinates, related to the position of the Earth in the galaxy at a given moment) of encounter and by extension beyond (a bit like an algorithm, or a full ...). The example that one could take is that of the positive and negative pole of the same pile creating this energy (the current, the electricity) as the planets that attract and then collide creating an unprecedented exposure... Ba: بَ « BA », is the 2d letter of the Arabic alphabet (after 1> 2: the symbol of duality) in esoteric Muslim Sufi, it is said that BA draws from the quintessence of the Bismillah بَ . Because if we should summarize « ALL », بَ this dot under « B » or « BA » contains and conceals (con-seal, as a stamp, a mark) the YOUniverse, the dot emphasizes, highlights the universe and infinity)… The famous Bismillah means "In the name of God", because this undertaking is in the name of God, the Great All, Allah (ALLah), Mother Nature, the united field, the infinite source, the ocean of possibilities, no matter Its/His/Her name ... “Petit point” (in french, small dot, is the nickname that Elif gives me): Alif + Ba represents the duality and the union (or reunion) like the feminine and masculine Yin & Yang in Tao (the whole) Schin/shin (at the center) (ש): This is the symbol of fire. We are born of Divine Fire. It animates the stars, the Sun and the center of the Earth; it is also present in the depths of us, and its creative power is the precious gift of Life. Shin reigns over the fire element, in its physical and more subtle manifestations. It energizes us, encourages us to act, to create harmony and life around us, in us. It reveals to us our creative power. Shin protects us from the negative energies that hold us back. This letter symbolizes the spirit and energy in motion and describes the action of a centrifugal force. This letter radiates by its branches and shows the expansion. The three branches of the Shin represent the soul. The three connected heads show the distinction of units. Shin is the symbol of emotion, the purpose of life and individuality. This is the materialization of the divine breath on earth ש. As it is on the reverse side it is the material dimension which aspires to touch divinity and transcendence. Ya: (ې) represents the 10th letter of the alphabet the number 10th is extremity important because this is the beginning of the endless circle (after 0,1,2,3,4…) after the 10 figure, appears the numbers with an unlimited series. And this “Ya” (ې) is also symbolized by the snake which represents infinity. The symbol OM (ॐ): In Hinduism, “OM” is one of the most important spiritual symbols. It refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, the entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge). The syllable is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in the Vedas. This syllable represents the original, primordial sound from which the Universe would have been structured. We can also write OM, AUM. • A represents the beginning, the birth, and the creator god Brahmā; • U represents the continuation, life, and the god Vishnu; • M represents the end, the death, and the destructive god Shiva. In AUM or OM, the original sound we can also hear in the green language (the mystical language of birds) “home” our natural & primary household and origin. The syllable, therefore, represents the totality of what exists, it is that "which contains the past, the present and the future, while being of another essence", as well as the Hindu trinity. Za: ( ظ ) is the penultimate letter of the alphabet. It represents the extension and the appearance because Shambali has a pretention of individual extension and worldwide expansion beyond the appearances for helping/teaching people to see beyond the “Mayas” (as Hindus called it) the illusions of the materialistic world. Za has the sound of “chief”, more in the sense the leader, the guide in Arabic. NB: the fact that Hebrew and Arabic letters embrace each other is to show the harmony among religions and the co-existence. There is beyond of the co-habitation a real complementarity. And even further beyond of the “religions of the books” (Abrahamic) there is the link with the symbol OM of the Asian philosophies (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism…) with a notion of resonance, “OM” being the primary sound representing all what exist and standing for the link, the essence in between all… Snake: The serpent embodies the power (abilities), the will, the passage of time, the mortality. The snake also symbolizes the origin of knowledge (in Genesis especially when it offers the apple of knowledge to Adam and Eve), essentially through this illusion that time passes. This symbol is present in ancient Egypt but also in the Mesopotamian, Chinese, Nordic, Indian cultures… It surrounds the totality of the existing world, of the material world. In fact, the ouroboros has paradoxical side is that by biting his tail he shows that life is an endless cycle in which life feeds on itself and begins with death and ends with death and vice versa. He injects life into death and incites death to create life. In parallel, the snake symbolizes the umbilical cord, connecting all humans to Mother Earth.
The Hindu calls it Kundalini, the Japanese Ki, the Chinese Qi… This is the transcendental energy allowing to align vertically: to reconnect to our inner harmony to achieve the outer harmony. The snake is also a hint to the reptilian dimension of the human and his origins probably from far (in space-time). The snake in all symbolism is associated to the Dragon: the verb (in the language of bird/green language) ”to drag on” means “lasting infinitely” (to reach eternity/eternity) that’s why it surrenders the circle and the square: it is beyond the circle of time and the materiality symbolized by the square. The dragon is the symbol of the occult knowledge referring to alchemy, the quest of the Holy Grail (by the good knights/good nights to battle peaceful the darkness for serving the Light in other dimensions and to wake up/way cup differently) and all the tribes and so-called “primitive” myths all around the planet at different periods remaining a world heritage and its “forbidden” fruit making things turning around but also turning around. 6 colors: theoretically there are 7 colors in the spectrum of light, for 7 notes of music, 7 chakras the color white on the flower of life seems, at first sight, to be missing but it is embodied by the light dots on earth: the white (symbol of the union with the Oneness) is spread over the planet subtly. This is the inner/outer quest… It is everywhere and nowhere (now here). The circles: the double circle of the flower of life embracing the black circle of the Vitruvian Man of Da Vinci symbolizes the activation of the third strand of DNA. The triangle is the first form of Euclidean geometry and it represents, on the vibratory plane, the resolution of the eternal struggle for equilibrium in the polarity of duality. The information that will be encoded in the third strand of DNA will accomplish what will be perhaps the most important leap of consciousness: it will create the triangulation in the DNA, which will restore the fundamental master plan through which the humankind will find the inheritance galactic that was inaccessible to us so far. Remembering our stellar heritage is one of the most important aspects of our awakening. Through this process, we will be able to repair the miasmas embedded in the astral and causal bodies and to revive in you the cosmometry of enlightened consciousness. The tail of eternity stands for a stamp and also an aureole blessing the planet with gratitude the mankind for its awakening & the ancient knowledge of sacred geometry revealing its secrets. The circle is like a wave of energy and the name “Shambali” the sound like in cymatics reminding that all is frequencies and energies before impacting matter. It is beyond the other symbols and touching only the square symbol of materiality: like the ground, the grounded outlet as Shambali is still a simple and down to earth adventure. Images of cymatics shaping the matter/the physics:
In Shambali you will discover many symbols and myths which help you in your daily life and also to reactive your inner child to marvel at life and to relearn how to read the Great Book of Life. Issa ~ AM
Well-Rounded Root Meditation
Did you know that since the solstice of winter 2018, we organize a monthly planetary meditation at distance? Why, how, when?Reason for being:
The reason for being of this meditation is basically a Light/Love rising. It is only 8 minutes (in numerology the symbol of infinity) to rise the beautiful energies on the planet. (We have created a Facebook group Well-Rounded Root Meditation for those who are interested in joining!) If we meditate in the same way with the same objective at the same time whatever the location our scope on the matter is huge. Together we are stronger and “Lighter”. Light has a double sense: weightlessness and the energy of photons. All is vibration, the more we love and we are peaceful the lighter we are: this is linked to the highest frequencies.Principle:
It is based on an ancient legend from the Vedas which are mystical teachings from the Indus valley that some people updated that’s why one can call it “Maharishi effect”. Gregg Braden evoked it also in the “Divine Matrix”. This is a world heritage of humanity and in no way remains personal intellectual property. The principle is simple: everything is energy. Science admitted it. Nicola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” In addition to that Albert Einstein the father of our modern science explained: “Everything is energy and that's all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” It means that our intention or our thoughts impact the matter in terms of energy as everything is energy. Our emotions impact reality. If we analyze the word “emotion”: e-motion: e=mc2 (the formula of energy discovered by Einstein), literally, the emotion is energy in movement.All is energy Einstein one more time said "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." Concretely the formula of this “Maharishi effect” is √1%Y: Y= the population So, for instance, we are roughly 7, 7 billion inhabitants: 1% of that population is 77 million and the square root of that: a bit less than 10,000 people. 10,000 people mobilized, unified at the same time on the same cause, on the same vibration and energy can impact our entire planet. Of course like the flow of energy in an integrated system in electricity, there should not be any resistance. The participants should be sincere, having pure intentions that's it. There is no notion of performance, just to be on time with a pure heart. So far we are in between 3,300 and 4,000 people.
Indeed for rational people, it can be weird or funny. If we provoke laugh at least we will have created good energy thanks to that’s great. And for those a bit skeptical or extremely rational 2 things: 1- We do not have anything to lose except releasing bad energy (just a few minutes relaxing) 2- Einstein said "You cannot solve the problems of the present with the same state of mind who created them. " Maybe this method is not conventional but science proved through the quantic mechanics that the intention of the observer impacts the reality if we refer to Young’s double-slit experiment.
Step1: we will start by asking (the intention) for “a peaceful and harmonious world full of Light & Love” being grateful it is already there. Step2: (follow the guided meditation) we will visualize a ball of light coming from our heart/plexus solar growing and growing progressively. Step3: the ball of Light reaches 2m of diameter. Step4: gradually the ball of Light becomes as big as your house, the district then the city, your country, the continent… Step5: this light is merging with other lights of people doing the same like embracing each other to enlarge more and more the perspective of the Light of Love and prosperity. Step6: the ball of Light embraces completely the planet earth, mother earth. Step7: you have the feeling to hug the planet, to hug all inhabitants and members: the human, the animal, the vegetal world, everything with an unconditional Love. This Light is emitted and maintained by you but reciprocally in parallel, you receive waves of Light and Love by positive boomerang effect like communicating vessels. You are merging with this Light, you are Light…Audio:
For those who need there is: Option 1: an audio file on our Facebook page available to download “ENGLISH-Audio for Guided Meditation.wav” Option 2: an audio file on our YouTube channel available to watch/download: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg0KRfn8508Duration:
It will last 8 minutes (vertically the symbol of infinity). The record is 9 minutes as the circle of numbers for you to have 1 minute to land. For those who want to extend all is fine.Date:
Each full moon as normally this is a special period of tensions on the planet The exact date and time will be announced on our Facebook group Well-Rounded Root MeditationPreparation:
It should be very simple. Organize a comfortable atmosphere: pillow, quiet place, etc. This is a self-experience meditation, all the participants will join the meditation at distance on time, and there will not be a prior announcement or live access for this meditation. You can just attend on your own wherever you are.Why this name?
It is referring to “square root” √ because in the basis of formula (√1%Y) the square is embraced by the opposite and the complementarity of round (circle) and well-rounded means harmonious. “Root” is in the singular because we are one, not ALONE but ALL ONE. There is a common trunk in the tree of life (which is invisible). Only one root, no border, no time difference, no space-time impact, no social, educational, religious, political dimension… just pure energy of Light and of Love. The goal is just to reach worldwide harmony nothing more nothing less: a peaceful balance for achieving YOUnity.Shambali is not only an organization providing holistic retreats, but this is also and mainly a foundation as we finance and support an orphanage and we handle different charity projects. Shambali is a state of mind based on the famous Gandhi’s sentence saying “be the change that you want to see in the world”. Humbly at our modest scale, we just try our best to open up the mind and the heart of a maximum people who desire to contribute by welcoming the new paradigm based on a more harmonious world. Issa ~ AM Sources: In 1993: 4,000 people meditate to decrease the crime rate, the police noticed that the rate reduced by 23%... see the article of the NEW YORK TIMES: http://www.nytimes.com/1993/08/01/nyregion/meditating-to-try-to-lower-crime-rate.html In 2006: during of Lebanon-Israel in Middle East some people meditate to stop the war (more precisely for peace), few times after the conflict was ended. See the article http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/lebanon_peace_project_research.html https://tmhome.com/benefits/study-maharishi-effect-group-meditation-crime-rate/ Group meditation effect : http://www.globalloveproject.com/power-of-group-meditation/ Young’s double-slit experiment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment Hundredth monkey effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundredth_monkey_effect
Walking meditation in nature
Recently some doctors discovered and agreed with the fact that hiking in wild and rustic nature is a full-fledged therapy for the mind, soul, and body the golden triptych which brings harmony. John Muir wrote in Our National Parks: "The peace of nature will seep into you as the sun's rays penetrate the trees. The wind will give you its cool, and the storms their energy, at the same time that the worries will fall like autumn leaves."The first point is this is vital to be reconnected to nature, we are one with it: it feeds us and in our urban life we are too disconnected from it which is comparable to try to do yoga or stretch with armor from the middle-age. In addition to that walking meditation in nature allows avoiding to have too many negative thoughts about oneself and also anxiety, depression and other problems such as binge eating or post-traumatic stress disorder. Indeed have you ever observed nature properly: just passively, without any judgment, just as a sponge emptying your mind to absorb the vibrations of the environment. When you do that, suddenly and miraculously after a certain practice, you will feel the energy of the whole, the subtle ether encompassing, entangling everything… The object, the subject, and the observation are making one: this is the Oneness… You become like a recipient, a glass containing a part of The Source. By mimicry, you absorb the high degrees of the vibrations of nature. But for being deeply penetrated it is better to remain silent: the power of nature is thereby more intense and transcendental.
I invite you to do the test and to marvel at the process of life, to admire that everything is perfectly at its place. You could meditate of this Veda saying “find the place which is already yours in this cosmic breath and dance”. More down to earth if I can afford the French writer Victor Hugo said: “How sad to think that nature speaks and mankind doesn't listen." The study demonstrates that hiking in nature by disconnecting from technology stimulates creative problem-solving. A very simple method of having an amazing result is to have a normal speed of walking by meditating. You just walk at your own pace but you align and coordinate 3 aspects of your body:
- Your heartbeat which should be your metronome, your cadence indicating your natural rhythm
- The pace of your steps/treads are natural, not forced (not too slow not too quick)
- Your breathing follows also your natural rhythm
You can see walking meditation like climbing as ascending: a kind of difficulties or effort to reach a peak and the reward at the end is the view: you have a horizon, high visibility of the landscape. Even if I always say life is a path for which happiness occurs on the road not only at the destination…
This can be perceived as a metaphor of life as well because in a certain extent all is a pretext to meditate. Meditation like mindfulness is a permanent state of mind: this is not an activity but a style of life, a mindset… If we go beyond by extension we could see walking as meditation because it reminds us of the process of life: stability/movement/stability/movement and also balance/unbalance/balance/unbalance. It is a kind of metaphor: to advance you need to take a risk and question your stability. Keep always in mind the incredible Egyptian philosophy regarding the endless inner journey “True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages”. Subtly you will “innerstand” that you are reaching step by step your inner temple allowing to be able to contemplate literally what we used to call in Shambali “The Great Book of Life”.
In Shambali you will learn many ways for meditating: the active and passive way through the main known schools of the world giving you a maximum of tools and tips to make easy your learning. It will become a natural need afterward, a physiological need like eating, drinking or sleeping… Issa ~ AM
Find your higher self in Ubud
YOUbud to make blossoming your tree of Life
Literally, Ubud means « medicine » because according to the local tradition Ubud heals the body, the mind, and the soul. Ubud is the heart of Bali as Bali is the neuralgic center of Indonesia regarding spirituality. Every sensitive people will find special energy here, a high vibration matching actually with their higher self. We cannot dissociate Ubud from the spiritual dimension. What to do in Ubud if you are looking for a deep spiritual meaning? Here are the three key inescapable places to visit integrating their symbolism:1-Monkey forest: It is a sacred forest dedicated to the Balinese tradition of TRI HITA KARANA. This principle is simple: to reach harmony there is a triptych to respect: to be in harmony 1-with humans (YOUman: inner and outer fullness), 2-with nature and 3-with the sky: the invisible world: the energies… Without this respect life is unbalanced. The forest which embodies as a group the three of life is protected by the monkeys. By monkey we can hear “Monk key”, the key to becoming a kind of monk to face your monkey mind here might be a subtle message of the magic forest. This is a key point of the success of meditation and the free mind.
2-Tegallalang Rice Terraces: The rice field in the terrace is a kind of metaphor of the Egyptian wisdom saying: “True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages”. It reminds also that here in Bali local farmers still respect the spirit of nature with prayers, rituals, and deep respect of mother earth which feeds us. Being able to be taught and to perceive the deep message of the rice field is an initiatory journey and an application of the principle of TRI HITA KARANA in practice.
3-Tirta Empul Temple: This temple remains you that the main temple is you: it allows you to contemplate nature which is an inwards and outwards process but for that, the first step is to purify your body, your mind and then your soul. There is a precise rite to follow corresponding to a deep ceremony to be accompanied on your inner journey: cleaning your past and welcoming your harmonious future. The main subtle symbol is from The Source, you are purified and reconnected thereby to The Source: the deep connection with the multiple dimensions of the existence that often we missed or lost in our western cultures. As a transition, it might be what Elif Shafak evoked with her deep question of the sense of life, the essence of life through her quest with “No matter who we are and where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete. It is like having lost something and experiencing the need to find it back. What is this "something"? Actually identifying and finding the answer of this “something” is clearly the main reason for being of Shambali retreat. Shambali is a holistic wellbeing center proposing We propose in Ubud at the core of nature to find back your true nature, your true self. This is based on the maieutic which is helping people to find themselves. We apply a T.I.P approach: Theoretical, Intuitive and Practical methodology. During an unforgettable stay of 5 days we propose to our guest around 20 different activities:
- Meditation: Reconnect our mind with our body and with the universe with different tools
- Kundalini Yoga: The harmony of postures and breathing to activate your vital source of energy Kundalini
- Pilates: Connection in between breathing-posture-mind
- Holotropic Breathwork: Hyperventilation allowing to release some post-trauma and to reach harmony
- Reiki: re-energization of the flows (Ki, Qi, Prana) of the body through different meridians
- Qi Gong: the fluidity of the movement in the space, the balance between strength and weakness, firmness and flexibility, involvement, and detachment
- Sound therapy: Principle of cymatic: the positive effects of the sounds on our bodies and magnetic fields
- Bowl healing: Purification of the energies of the body and the mind through the sound and the Tibetan bowls
- Self-hypnosis: Autosuggestion progressively to enter in different layers of trance to reach to unconsciousness to reconnect with your Higher self
- Aquatic massage: Harmony of the gestures in the flow of water requiring trust in between partners, reactivation of the prenatal dimension. Reactivation of the safety of the womb and thereby trust the process of life.
- Floating: The release of the gravity: no weigh anymore allowing enlargement of consciousness
- Massages: activate all muscles in mindfulness to relax them after an effort to feel deeply one's physical body
- Herbal & bath therapy: release your pain and take care of yourself: let people take care of you
- Sufi Music: Transcendental meditation by sipping to reach trance and dilution of the ego into the Universe through an unforgettable concert and workshop
- Ecstatic dance: release your inner animal to reach YOUnity by renouncing to your ego, redevelop your artistic dimension
- Anchoring Light Painting: the resonance in between the harmony of colors, your mind, your soul and your intuition: reactivating your artistic dimension.
Raising your Consciousness, Vibration & Quality of Life!
What is consciousness concretely? What is the Source, the Oneness, the ego, the personality, the individuality…? What does the word “exist” means deeply? We try partially to arouse interest and lift some existential questions with this interview without the pretention to be exhaustive or to reply to all. These are just some humble reflections to help people to initiate the first step of an infinite inner journey in order to reach YOUnity and vibrate with the YOUniverse more harmoniously… This video was made by Mat BankesWhat is SHAMBALI concretely, what is its reason of being?
Do you know a lot of people saying “ I love my life”? We met so many people on our road with an incredible career, very honorific titles, everything amazing on the paper: a good job, a beautiful family, nice relatives, the all attributes of our society: the big house(s), the car(s), the full package proving the success… But at the end of the day, they were admitting to missing something, they could not explain: deep inside they were feeling incomplete. Actually, they were wandering without a real sense of life. Elif Shafak said this very wise sentence which is most of the time hard to accept: “No matter who we are and where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete. It is like having lost something and experiencing the need to find it back. What is this "something"? Most of us will never find it. And among those who succeed, even rarer are those who go on its quest.” Actually, the reason of SHAMBALI is to help people to find this “something”, to identify and then be able to reactivate it. This is the basis of maieutic: make people give birth to themselves. In other words to help people to find themselves by proposing them a maximum of tools and technics to find their own way as everybody is unique and there is no unique magic recipe. Our modern society separated us: each other, from the environment, nature, and from our true nature: our deep soul & our deep self. Our modern society brings a virtual hyper-connection and overwhelms most of us by so much information occupying our mind all the time, creating the phenomena of “busease” (a mix of busy and disease). Therefore we are never anymore absorbed by the present: we are always absorbed by something else: our memories, our future plans… That’s why this “something” is maybe due to the fact people are lost basically. SHAMBALI is a "center of well-being", where the word "center" at the core becomes wholly meaningful: to return to the center (etymologically "meditate"): to meditate on the meaning of life, the senses of life, the essence of life and ultimately to redevelop our senses: our 5 senses and even beyond our 6 senses (by developing the 6th one). Indeed we propose a holistic approach and new vision with a solid accompaniment. We guide our travelers on their inner journey to find their own way with theories and practices. We use and suggest a special methodology called T.I.P method: Theoretical Intuitive Practical approach. The goal is to present the different keys to open up the doors they want and to get daily tools to achieve permanently a stable harmony through inner and outer fullness. There is a common thread in the entire pattern of the organization creating at the end a luminous and beautiful big picture. We explain and establish lots of bridges in between the different activities to show that all are linked. This journey to reach YOUnity passes through different steps of initiations, introductions to new perceptions and new experiences. The ultimate goal is you find yourself and find back your “natural nature” and your balance. Practically the full package is made of 5 full days and 5 nights all included: food, room, activities (even outside)… It is quite intense as we take care of our hosts from 7:00 am till 10:00 pm but obviously, people are completely free to squeeze an activity as they do at their own pace. All is done for letting people evolving at own rhythm following their own harmonious inner symphony. The retreat proposes different disciplines: Mindfulness, Meditation, Pilates, Kundalini Yoga, Aquatic massage, Floating, Sound therapy, Self-hypnosis, Breathwork, Reiki, Bowls healing, Qi Gong, Light painting’ art therapy, Sufi dervish Turner initiation, Ecstatic dance and also various activities: Trekking in rice fields, Vigil with fire, Massage, Stargazing... The choice is large for the exploratory dimension of our guests, like this they will have a large insight and they could decide later to deepen more activity than another because it will more vibrate as we are all different with different sensitivity. We are inspired by the light of different disciplines in order to reflect it harmoniously to people. We are proposing various principles, values, perspectives to apply a new grid of reading and co-writing the Great Book of Life. If we go more in details here is the list of the activities and their reason of being:1-Disciplines
We provide several disciplines as different keys to open up the doors of the same thing: harmony and happiness like all roads lead to Rome.- Mindfulness: Attention/focus on every single task at each second: fully in the present moment
- Meditation: Reconnect our mind with our body and with the YOUniverse with different tools
- Pilates: Connection in between breathing-posture-mind
- Kundalini Yoga: The harmony of postures and breathing to activate your vital source of energy Kundalini
- Aquatic massage: Harmony of the gestures in the flow of water requiring trust in between partners
- Floating: The release of the gravity: no weigh anymore allowing enlargement of consciousness
- Sound therapy: Principle of cymatic: the positive effects of the sounds on our bodies and magnetic fields
- Self-hypnosis: Autosuggestion progressively to enter in different layers of trance to reach to unconsciousness to reconnect with your Higher Self
- Breathwork: Hyperventilation allowing to release some post-trauma and to reach harmony
- Reiki: Re-energization of the flows (Ki, Qi, Prana) of the body through different meridians
- Bowls healing: Purification of the energies of the body and the mind through the sound and the Tibetan bowls
- Qi Gong: Fluidity of the movement in the space, the balance between strength and weakness, firmness and flexibility
- Anchoring light art therapy: The resonance in between the harmony of Light (geometrical draws) and your mind through your personal intuition and artistic dimension
- Sufi dervish Turner initiation (and show): Transcendental meditation by sipping to reach trance and dilution of the ego into the YOUniverse
- Transe & dance (ecstatic dance): Ecstatic dance allowing to release your inner animal to reach YOUnity by renouncing to your ego
- Massage: Activate all muscles in mindfulness to relax them after an effort to feel deeply one's physical body
- Stargazing: reconnect to the celestial vault, reconsider our space-time dimension and our human perspectives and beyond
2- Relearning/concepts
We propose you various concepts to relearn the essentials, the bases, the foundations that most of the people lost and we approach a deepening with new perspectives- Cleansing: The lack (fasting, phone detox, bad habits…) emphasizes what we have daily and of which we are no more aware
- Breathing: The art of breathing is the bridge in between the physics and metaphysics
- Eating: The nutrition allows to be conscious of the special intakes of each ingredient
- Walking & Standing: The posture, the way of standing and evolving in mindfulness
- Reconnection to 4 elements: Reintegrate the importance of the 4 elements to be closer to nature
- Reconnection to 5 senses: Redevelop your 5 senses to develop the 6th one and reach the deep essence of Life
- Regaining of our childish vision: Relearn the capacity to marvel for simple pleasures
- Exploration of nocturnal dimension: an exploration of astral dimensions: out of body experience, astral travel
- Decrypt the hidden messages of the Great Book of Life: Discover the synchronicities and solicit them and relearn to listen to nature
- Teachings of mysteries: There is an encoding of the visible world, only 4% is based on matter, all are based on sacred geometry
The HolY Grail
The legend of the holY grail has been the source of hot topics for ages. Where does it come from? What does it mean on a symbolic level? The word “symbol” etymologically speaking means "gather" or “to put together” but leaves room for any personal interpretation for better or for worse but at least it has the merit to be personal and to leave all freedom according to the sensitivity of each and/or the evolution of each. A myth, a legend, a symbol can be deciphered in a certain way at a certain age and be perceived with many other angles of view with the experience of life by increasing its field of consciousness. Let us try to make a non-exhaustive list of the meanings of the holY grail. When I write HolY grail with a "Y" I already insert a key, it's up to you to open the doors that are in you (your YOUniverse) on the dimensions you want. This famous "Y" refers in iconography to these 3 main meanings that we will evoke. The "Y" resembles a vase, a womb, a descent in a form of genealogy: a genealogical tree and a tree of life and the fact that it would remain in each of us: a sort of individual organization chart: our ego our master or our service according to the latitude and the freedom that one grant to him, it is then a vehicle which can take you to your higher self the first self or Higher Self leading to the collective unconscious, akasha, the big All, The Source, God, the soul of the world ... no matter the name. So here they are : 1-The holY grail for certain people would represent for a golden chalice that Josephus of Arimathea would have used to collect the blood of Christ. We will say that this is the most commonly accepted vision and also, the image of the understanding of our materialistic society, if I may say so.2- The holY grail for other people would embody the real blood, the royal blood, the sacred blood, with the form of chalice Y as a uterus for symbolism signifying the descent of Jesus Christ with the Merovingian and beyond why not known characters such as Leonard de Vinci, Botticelli, Newton, Victor Hugo ...
Jesus would have taken refuge in the south-west of France where he would have had children with Mary Magdalena his wife or this last enclosure of Jesus would have come in France and would have given birth to an offspring of Jesus. Beyond all the secret societies of the Knights Templar, the Catharses, the Priory of Sion having given the torch to the Freemasonry, to the Rose Cross ... would have transmitted the hidden message and protected the lineage.
3-the transmission of the Christic lineage beyond Jesus (which would be prior to Himself, "Christos" the purest element, the 7th state in alchemy to know beyond gold, in language birds, mystic green tongue: gold must be deciphered (to leave the crypt, namely darkness) as "AUR" or "OUR" in Hebrew, or by extension in Semitic language that we find in Arabic with "NOUR" which means light, but this is not the visible light of photons but the subtle light divine.
Indeed this sacred message would simply be that everyone can reach the Christ state, roughly the status of "son of God" or "Christ" would be in no way reserved to Jesus as an end but just as an example to know that everyone can reach this state, just as the awakening of the Buddha (Sanskrit Buddha means "enlightened") which is exactly the same principle. Thus subtly the "blood of Christ" namely the potential to reach this state would remain in suffering in each of us, in the veins of anyone on the planet having a universal dimension and no longer confined to a single religion namely Catholic or Christian. The Holy Grail would thus be that famous divine dimension present in everyone that according to the Hindu legend, God (and where the council of the gods as God's abilities) would have hidden in the heart of each individual the latter. To us individually and collectively to decipher the enigma of life. In Christianity, Jesus said literally "the kingdom of heaven is in you" we cannot be clearer.
So why go outside? Is it the materialistic dimension that pushes us in this direction? The fact that everything comes from within, any initiatory quest in all the esoteric currents of the world whatever the religion, the pattern is identical: an inner quest makes it possible to clean inside and once the ego is in its place as a good servant and not a master, when it is at the service of the elevation, the individual can access the second phase his transcendental personal dimension leading to the absolute. If I had to sum up the well-managed "I" (the ego) leads to the "Higher" (self) of there to the eye of consciousness which is a stepping stone to unity, individual and beyond collective: the inner and outer harmony. It is present through the alchemy and the famous formula of VITRIOL: Visitabitis Interiora Terrae Rectificando, Invenietis Occultum Lapidem which means "visit the interiors of the earth by correcting, you will find the hidden stone.
The hidden stone corresponding to the philosopher's stone, the holY grail. It is written and inscribed in traditional Western philosophy in ancient Greece at Delphi: "know yourself and you will know the universe and the gods".
I insist all the esoteric currents advocate the same technique: work on oneself, cleaning, raising one's higher self accessing individual unity then collective from there the experience of Oneness: not ALONE but ALL-ONE…
It goes without saying that this seems theory but it is also very practical. In Shambali you will experience through many ways this concept of holY grail through a triptych of methodology T.I.P as a piece of advice: Theory Intuition Practice to be able to manage it in your daily life. Issa ~ AM
The symbols of symbolism, the symbolism of life
First of all, we must know that the word "symbol" means "to gather" unlike "diabole" (Diabolus in Latin which means "to separate", "to segment") which gave the word “devil”, like satan which comes from Seitan in Hebrew or Sheitan in Arabic which means the obstacle (implying to the Light). There is a kind of duality between these two complementary elements: symbol and devil (Diabolus in Latin diabolos in Greek). This being the symbol aspires to a form of unity. It is thus intended to bring people together, much like religions etymologically speaking "religare" means "to connect" which is supposed to connect people to each other, within the community and then (allusion to the symbolism obliges) to the image of the flower of life to know an appreciation with more height through the esoteric vision one realizes that each religion is supposed to be entangled with each other and complementary recreating a fractal dimension: like the flower of life. Fractal means that the pattern, the pattern, is reproduced smaller and smaller.Personally, I see or rather I perceive the symbolism on 7 levels, I will draw up the list then if you allow me I will develop each of these subsets afterward:
- Innocent drawings scattered on the earth just waiting to be decrypted
- Indirect communication
- The synchronicities
- Nature speaks, life singing
- The encoding of our reality: binary 1-0... and also the Platonic bodies...
- The archetypes and egregores
- The symbolism of our lives
2-Indirect communication: By the protocols, the investitures that it is at the international, national or individual scale send direct and indirect messages to our interlocutors. A simple and very down to earth example I convene a factory in my premises being an electronic product business manager because he made a mistake of productions is not the same approach, the same message sent only when I go visit the same factory to establish a partnership and show that I make the effort to move. When the President of the French Republic has just been elected and makes his speech in front of the Louvre Pyramid against the backdrop of the alignment of the Obelix de la Concorde (a remnant of ancient Egypt referring to Napoleon but also the fascinating past of the mysteries of Egypt) it is a multitude of symbols that are sent. Indeed the great of this world know how to play with this symbolism and this even in mystical dimensions to which we do not pay attention or who do not say word consents... This is a very subtle technique. In another extent, symbolism occurred in our life for communication at a really basic dimension with the emoticon. A smiley/happy face shows happiness and there is no need for translation it touches immediately the right hemisphere, instantly the message is perceived. A book in China has been written recently using exclusively emoticons no words.
3-The synchronicities: The synchronicity according to Carl Jung's definition of psychoanalysis is "the simultaneous occurrence of at least two events that are not causally related, but whose association makes sense to the person who perceives them. Every day we are bombarded but only the level of awakening and widening of our spheres of consciousness allow us to pay attention.
We invite you to take a look at our article " The synchronicities" written on this fascinating theme of synchronicities: 4-Nature speaks, life singing As Victor Hugo so wisely put it, "It is a sad thing to think that nature speaks and that mankind does not listen." Indeed there are resonances, winks every second for each individual. These symbols can be personal and constitute totally private messages of sorts. But to decipher the hidden messages of the Great Book of life, you have to be able to read between the lines and, above all, to be as receptive as possible, not to be confined to our limiting ego, but to do so it is good to open up to the different spheres of consciousness without which we admire the magnificence of life only from a keyhole. It's up to us to open the door or doors.
5-Encoding of our reality The encoding of our reality means that it remains a parallel reality, a kind of backstage of a show scene or the kitchens of a restaurant, invisible to the hosts. For Plato the world is number, moreover, for many, we could transcribe our reality in a binary 1-0 ... leaving room for all combinations possible and imaginable. 1-0-1-1-1-10 or 1-0-0-0-1-1 etc ... If I extend this idea according to Plato himself, every aspect of our reality could be transcribed in 5 forms what the Platonic bodies or solids were called: the tetrahedron associated with the element of fire, the octahedron: the air element, the cube (or hexahedron): the earth element, the icosahedron the water element, and finally the dodecahedron the ether element. These are pure and regular ie edges of the same size as well as tunes of each identical face. This is sacred geometry but without going too far. Then there are less pure derivatives. Now one could decode every psychic, physical or metaphysical situation as a derivative or a pure form. Our universe, as well as our daily tasks, would be only more or less harmonious clusters of these representations. More broadly, the sacred geometry has an encoding that transcribes life, which is beyond us ... the magnetism of the stars, the number of gold that are an integral part of the natural architecture and that we could call divine...
6-Archetypes and egregores So what do we mean by that? An archetype is a model, a diagram, an English pattern of behavior, of standardized human reactions, which recurs in a recurrent way in different situations. A bit like learning shots, chess strategies (hundreds of combinations) or catches and martial arts sequences. Moreover, these archetypes inform us most of the time about the individual psychology of each and his relationship to the group, the situation ... I give you a simple example, the archetype of the rebellious adolescent who challenges and questions any established order and authority in general. As for the egregore, they are thought-forms, a kind of group spirit, or rather an idea rallied by a group that gives it life and autonomy, as well as an active function influencing the thoughts of others. This term seems relatively recent, mid-nineteenth century under the pen of Victor Hugo, to tell the truth, it has just updated to the extent of the concept has existed since the dawn of time just as the term archetype or synchronicity that we wrongly attributed to Carl Jung ... In short, it's a detail. I can give you a simple example, egregore of the system: our system (Western consumerist). Who is this system? Who embodies this system? Is there a Mr. system? "Hello, I am the system!" Not at all, the system does not exist as such, it exists by our mere belief of will or strength and we all maintain it individually.
7-The symbolism of our lives Everyone in his life is full of deep symbolism. This is what poetically Paulo Coelho called his "personal legend". Indeed, it remains a subtle and invisible frame that has a program "divine" if I may say, say a logic that has its logic and that often exceeds us. Ideally, the goal of the game is such an enigma to unravel the mystery and decipher the enigma that lies in our mission of life. It is as if our lives correspond to a canvas that is woven but is predefined. But often we see badly or in a narrow way: often upside down. So the idea is to put things in perspective with a broader vision and especially by putting things in the place: hence the tangled and disharmonious threads then seem to make sense when we return the canvas and we see to draw a beautiful design that represents something: each mesh, embodying a pitfall, a moment of happiness ..., then seems necessary and is a lesson in life, an experience...
In Shambali we will help you to be able to be aware of the signs of life, the symbolism, in general, to decipher more easily the Great Book of Life. Issa ~ AM
Possessed by possession?
Possessed by possession, what does it mean? It is meant for certain people and meaningful of others, that’s the beauty of life: all tastes are in nature. “Possessed” means “obsessed” and it is commonly used for exorcism. By extension, I used the word “possession” for property, ownership and in the absolute the materialistic world in general: money, High Tech, consumerism basically. I could say that possession in the sense of consumerism is comparable to the principle of “it is an excellent servant but a bad master”. The problem occurs when it becomes a finality and possesses your mind and heart. “We never own anything except a bit of time” as the wise Asian philosophy says. The house that you have, the car… in one century, in 1,000 years and beyond, will it still be yours?! You will tell me it will be a heritage to your family, maybe 100 years, 200 years and then? Your car in few years, in 50 years will be not fashionable anymore, it will be not updated anymore because we will have new technologies and by the way, with the notion of programmed obsolescence it will not work in few years. Indeed it is not a legend High Tech products have been made not to be eternal but not to work anymore after a certain amount of time. This is not fair but it is a reality. Dalai Lama said: “What surprised me the most about humanity is Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” Sometimes we can think about those we just want always more, for what? For being able to buy a golden coffin?Actually, we are touching a non-return point or a point high lightening the quadrature of our system: everything is based on growth. Our system, our financial system: our economy is based on debt and growth. Without growth, our system collapses. That’s why all is done for us to over-consume. The hyper-consumption is associated with comfort and pleasure. The marketing created that, with the pyramid of Maslow… I always said until 2004: I do not want a mobile because so far I do not need it and the day I have one I could not manage without it. This is exactly what happened to me and to many people in the world. More and more people do a detox of the electronic device and/or mobile (or social media). Our system is based on growth but do the trees reach the sky?
The hyperconsumerism sprinkled of the entertainment is the best recipe to make us possessed by possession. This is what it has been called “the Tittytainment”, the fruit of Brzezinski one of the best US presidents adviser. “Tittytainment” is a mix of Tits and entertainment reminding the concept of bread and circus? It creates the brainwashing of mainstream media, a lot of people are in the non-action, just swallowing the news: “following without digesting everything without analyzing the ins and the outs of the situations”. Aldous Huxley said "The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy, a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not dream of escape. A system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, slaves would love their servitude." Uncle Scrooge is the best archetype of the possession of money: he has so much money that he can even not count but he is never happy and is always greedy and upset not to have enough. “Happiness is not to have what you want but to be satisfied with what you have”
Tityternmaint is a mix of Tits and entertainment but what does it mean? Tits give milk and psychologically milk is linked to being nourished and is linked to emotions, sensations, and love. That’s why a lot of bulimic problems are linked to emotional issues: lack from childhood… Actually, our modern society created this confusion between happiness and pleasure, mixing both concepts as if they were the same. We have been brainwashed to think money creates happiness. Pleasure is a momentary feeling bringing a good moment that comes from something external which is quick. It is requiring more, more, more (money, attention, care, fun, power…) like bulimic vicious circle creating dependence, frustration and the need for growth endless… as addiction. Happiness is an inner harmony which brings outer harmony. This is stability it is sustainable fullness whatever the changes and the events. It is a feeling of fullness: you feel happy and you are full no more need. You are in harmony, therefore, all that you do or see is harmonious.
I could do a parallel with food and these two concepts. Feeding with rich ingredients (full of valuable products) to give energy for longer, you do not need to eat so much or too often. If you eat cotton candies in general, it is good it is sweet but it does not nourish you, it will not give you power. You will reach satiety and punctual satisfaction punctually just for a while and after a couple of hours, you will be hungry again and again. The endless pleasure-seeking society creates the hyperconsumption and feeds itself by “the more of more”. It is a kind of endless bulimic dimension. Once again I do not say our materialistic society is bad I repeat myself it is a good servant but a bad master. It becomes worse if we only have that as finality and if we do not have a balance of life. Possessed by possession implied also the notion of property. Rousseau one of the 4 philosophers of Enlightenment said this brilliant sentence explaining the birth of property: “The first who, having encircled a piece of land ventured to say: This is mine and found people simple enough to believe it was the true founder of civil society.” Today it is possible to buy islands, during the Greek economic crisis the government thought about selling more. Today it is possible to buy a star. If tomorrow mankind walks on another planet it will become its own one immediately. The US motto is « In God we trust », and we could say that the worldwide western society motto is “in Gold we trust”. The prophets of this new cult are the advertising agencies…
Property is not bad it can be natural when you observe kids playing with huts, they just want to possess for a while a kind of space-time. But when these old kids always want more and more properties playing unconsciously to monopoly game it is another story. I think the future of mankind will be the qualitative growth instead of the quantitative growth that’s to say to realize the true values, to reply to the existential questions. To access to this, it is important to start your inner journey with the desire to explore something deeper. There is something definitively higher beyond the sensations, beyond the materialistic largely richer than anything else. According to me, it is the real Holy Grail which is deep inside us what I call the YOUnity, feel the YOUniverse: the Oneness, the harmony: inwards and outer fullness. Once you get that you are the richest one in another world. As the Sufi proverb says: “What you give is yours forever. What you keep is lost forever.” Here is also a short story for you to meditate on this important topic: once happen a time, a young man climbed up to the top of the mountain with his rich father who said to him: look one day all will be yours”. Then the young the boy starts to develop anxiety, he was stressed because he was afraid to lose his future richness and to disappoint his father. Once happen another time, a young man climbed up to the top of the mountain with his poor father who said to him: look, admire, all this beauty is yours forever as long as your eyes can afford to see it”. Let me tell you’re a true story. One day I was sitting on the grass of a park with my lover on my knees. She was sleeping. I saw a unique little flower. First I admired it and immediately I was pushed to pick it to offer to my lover. Then I just realized with my real eyes, that this flower in front of me was mine as she would have been mine if I would have been picked. But on the night it would have faded and people would have never had the chance to enjoy it the days after. My lover woke up and she saw immediately the flower asking me to pick it up. I told her the story and said to her: in your eyes or in your hands it is the same: if we understand this, sweetheart, we will be always rich and happy. I think very often to this little flower because she is still blossoming in my mind as a real treasure: it is still shining and enlightening at distance. She is eternal. She has never faded. I realized it was my flower of life and my flower of Light.
Awakening is not only for spirituality: it is to be aware of the Mayas as the Hindus called this phenomenon, the illusions of our materialistic world: the economic system, the ecology, the weapons industry, the food industry… This is not a revolution but an evolution: a peaceful inwards battle to change and improve our civilization if we want it survives. Without being apocalyptic (“apocalypse” means in Greek: “revelation”), if we continue like this at this rhythm in 30 years (2050) or for the most optimistic scientists in 50 years (2070) life will not possible for us. Antoine De Saint-Exupery who wrote the little prince said: "We do not inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children".
Einstein said wisely: "You can not solve the problems of the present with the same state of mind who created them. " I could quote again Einstein with a very existential aspiration as a conclusion or let’s say as a springboard of reflection and further discussion to “innerstand” the notion of ONEness and that we are not ALONE-we are ALL-ONE especially if we want to go further on our human condition:
“The human being is part of a whole that we call the universe, a part that has its limits in time and space. We experience ourselves, with our thoughts, our feelings, our perceptions, as if we are a separate entity and separate from the rest. But this is an optical illusion of consciousness and this illusion becomes our prison. We build a reality in which we include, through our perceptions, our desires, and feelings, only ourselves, the beings and places that are close to us. Our task as human beings is to liberate ourselves from this prison and expand our circle to infinity to include, in love and compassion, all beings, nature and the universe in all its beauty. The true value of a human being is measured by his ability to free himself from his limits and to live the totality, the infinite, unlimited value of Being. If humanity wants to survive, a radically new way of being and thinking is needed. " In Shambali, we will cover many existential questions trying to help you to find yourself and to open up the doors of your true self to be released of your cell. Therefore we will help you with different tools to shape your own master key. Issa ~ AM
The EGO: Lego an adult construction game as easy as a child’s play
The ego (Lego) can be perceived as an adult construction game but actually, it is more a fruit of destruction when it is badly used. In fact, it is partially true. Ego is a great servant but is a bad master. What is it concretely? The baby in front of the mirror will think it is another baby, a potential friend (never an enemy because before 3 years old, a human being cannot emit hate, which is really symbolic). He does not realize that the reflected image is himself. He has no self: let’s say no conscious self. The key word is self. But even though this word, there is an ambiguity. We have to distinguish the self and the Self with a capital letter. Let’s use synonyms to explore these definitions. The Self would be the soul, the true you, the real essence of you, your eternal part, the infinite (divine) the drop which is part of the Source. The self would be associated with personality, identity, and individuality. When we grow up we shape our self, we build it. The personality is the result of this long process. “Persona” in Greek means “the masks” referring to the theater.These masks represent the layers (and also liars) of your true self, your true you, your true nature. They exist due to your environment, your education, your social origins, your beliefs… You gathered them from the outer world. You adhered to some ideas which are not yours initially and identify all these thoughts to what you are. But this identity is not you, just an illusion or reflection, the mirrors of the others but not really you.
“Identity” in Latin comes from “idem” which means “same”. Actually, it implies a notion of a standard/pattern of the ego: we are just “same same but different” as Asian use to say. We are a bit different by picking up some elements of existing behaviors: the parents, the environment, the mentors, the boss as examples, source of inspiration or counter-example and tool to improve. Individuality etymologically speaking in Latin means “indivisible”. This is really interesting because there are two ways of appreciating this point. 1-the self is separated and well distinct from the whole, the environment or 2-it is an indivisible part of the whole implying that the self is still subtly a part of the whole. Both are true, to be frank, according to your beliefs. If you are materialistic and rationalist you are separated and if you are more in a process of awakening you start to understand and to realize that the separation is an illusion. And far from me the idea to separate science and spirituality (I invite you to refer the article: “Science & Spirituality a Hidden Love Story”). Thus just three quotes of the great scientist to show that the awakening process is not linked exclusively to spirituality but also science as I always say: all the roads lead to Rome, and to home”. Max Planck the father of quantum mechanics and Pride Nobel of physics in 1918 said "All matter comes from a force and exists only by it. We must assume the existence, under this force, of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter ". It means there is a kind of common thread interlocking, interconnecting everything: physical matter (4% of our visible world), dark matter (27% of our universe but invisible to our eyes) and dark energy (69% of our universe). As the second quote from Einstein "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." Precision if I can afford it is a matter of fact, we are as a human being made of organs, made of atoms, the subatomic atoms made at the end of only energy and vibration. Thus 3rd quote from an amazing scientist Jean-Emile Charon “In the universe, every atom is connected to every other atom, through the substance (spirit) of antimatter, and every knowledge is potentially accessible to every atom of the universe." Thus that’s why I am saying that the Self is a part of something higher, even if a part of society denies it, on the other way round modern science tends to admit it more and more.
Actually, since Rene Descartes in the 17th century (the father of rationality, Cartesianism…) the Ego has been separated from the environment with his famous “I think therefore I am”. Which is absolutely partially true. I am sorry but The Self is the proof of the contrary. Who is thinking about breathing? About giving orders to your cells or your organs to organize your digestion, your blood pressure…? Your consciousness, your self? Have you ever thought about this? This is your unconscious part, your higher self, the automatic pilot inside and outside you: the “night watchman” as I call it. If he was not there, you would die when you sleep: chocked or suffocated. Just a short aside, Descartes used to define the pineal gland (the third eye) as the “seat of the soul”, he was really a believer and even was closed to Rosicrucian current. Why do I precise that? Because his behavior and his approach were not completely cartesian, the only History pretended he was as it is always easier to be Manichean that’s to say “it is black or white”, but life is a rainbow full of shades of colors… Ego can be seen as a chance to realize by going beyond the materialist approach that it does not matter which created consciousness but consciousness that creates matter. Ultimately consciousness is independent on the ego. For deepening this complex and large topic I invite you to read the article entitled: “Are you ready to explore and approach the gateless gate of Consciousness?” In our modern society led by hyper-consumerism and a materialist approach, it is hard to admit that ego limits your higher consciousness as all are made to create homo deus. We could say we go to a Selfish, Selfy, golden fish, jellyfish society navel-gazing. What does it mean? 1-Selfish: the modern society is a matter of fact more and more, individualist 2-Selfy: it is a symbol, some many people spend their life by taking selfies (which is a new trend coming from Asia 10 years ago), which is not bad but when it is extreme, it can be just a prison. You just focus on you, your image, your envelope, not the letter itself, the content anymore (what’s inside: the heart beating, beyond that the eternal soul). Selfy is by extension the all narcissistic dimension. You just focus on yourself. This is good to be confident, to have cleaned your traumas, to be grateful for what you are, what you have, but it is also good to be aware of the fact there is something beyond of you that we call the world. 3-Golden fish: this animal has a memory of a few minutes. Martin Luther King said about the US Tittytainment (mix of Tits and entertainment, the fruit of Brzezinski) concept: bread and circus. “These people have a memory of 4 days”. It is linked to ignorance, manipulation: the economic system, the false flags, the wars or animosities created artificially… 4-Jellyfish: due to the consumerism, the entertainment (once again the Tittytainment, the brain watch of mainstream media, a lot of people are in the non-action, just swallowing (“following without digesting everything without analyzing the ins and the outs of the situations) the news. Aldous Huxley said "The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of democracy, a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not dream of escape. A system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, slaves would love their servitude." NB: sorry to be a bit dark for the first time but awakening is also at this level. Ego is a vehicle, like a car, to travel down to earth, in this materialist world but it is not a finality. Except that some people deify their car which is a kind of extension of themselves.
Ego is just a recipient of The Source. So you are just a tiny part of the immensity. On the Oracle of Delphi, it is written: "Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe?" What does it mean? Knowing yourself means that you understood the illusion of the ego, the masks hiding your true nature. In addition, you can access to the Divine Consciousness which is deep inside you. In other words, you access your divine part: the small god in progress. And this process is always inward, never outward. By the way the proof how do we call the enlightened people, the sages? Insider! What does it mean? The knowledge has been taught from outside but the experience is inside. If I apply the psychoanalysis, you are released of your consciousness (or aware of it) allowing to access to your subconscious which is the springboard to access to collective Consciousness, Plato’s world of ideas, or the morphic field, the Soul of the world, the Akashic records as the Hindus say. There is in life an infinite reflection as the Emerald tablet remained it: “as above, so below, as below so above”. That’s why Rumi the great Sufi said: “you are not a drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean within a drop”. You are the YOUniverse. God experience Himself through and we experience Him/Her/Itself through us (each other). Actually, we come from The absolute, the Soul of the world, the YOUnity, the Divine Matrix, the Oneness, then we incarnate to experience the separation of this oneness otherwise being the Oneness you are not aware of it. If you are part of the painting you cannot admire the artistic prowess. You need to extract yourself. That’s why the artist takes distance to have a larger perspective. This is the reason why the great Sufi Rumi said: “you are not a drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean within a drop”.
There is a Sufi proverb saying “when I am You are no more when You are, I am no longer. There is no space for both at the same time: your ego and your divine part. That’s why I like to say: Life is a gigantic puzzle for which each of us, embodies a single piece of it. The enigma seems to be to gather and respect all the pieces in order to seize the beauty of this magnificent masterpiece and thereby and thereby to master peace (inner and outer peace). To what I always add “YOU are the member of this infinite body that one calls YOUniverse, YOU are now here and nowhere at the same time to re-member it, on the way to reach YOUnity”. Actually, the self is a kind of cell for which there are two meaning 1-prison for which the walls exist because we decided to give a sense to them and because we are blind by our own fears, our own ghosts and our own darkness in a certain way. That’s why the first step of initiation and awakening is to open up the eyes of this masquerade: the IIlusion of the reality, our own masks and our own distortions of the reality. Embracing our fears and our weaknesses is the first step of the awakening. The second meaning of “cell” would be a part of a gigantic body. That’s exactly what the Vedas (the Hindu holy texts) reveals: “find the place which is already yours in this cosmic breath”. Waking up is to enlarge the perspective of our visions: seeing beyond the veil of the illusion. When the “I” of the ego becomes “high” for higher self or the “I” of the eye of consciousness if you access to your double you “w”. That’s why you can see and decipher the magic of the subtle “now here” that we repeat always in meditation. If you shift your “w” (double you) from “nowhere” you obtain “no where”. I invite you to meditate on that, in both senses for meditation. Indeed one of the keys of meditation is to reach fullness thanks to the emptiness which is a paradox. Why? The ego thinks “he knows everything”. He is a bit arrogant most of the time. Ego (he go) and leaves you alone with your own ILLusions. If you can access to your higher self by giving the proper place of your ego you can access to the Oneness. Then things are reversed and you do not see in a negative way. Instead of thinking “ME” you think “WE”. Have you ever seen that: ME vs WE? But in reality, this is not an opposition but a complementary. This is diluting your ego into the ocean of Consciousness: The Source. Meditation allows you to come back to your center, etymologically “medium” in Latin means “the center”. Meditation facilitation this access to your true nature, your natural nature: not your little moral ego but your eternal soul. For those who are more down to earth and need a more rational explanation. Here is the definition of ego by Einstein.
When you sign a book or a painting, you mark off yourself. The self is not bad, once again it is a good servant but a bad master. The proof being that at the top of the pyramid of Maslow what do we find? Self-complacency. What does it mean, you are just humbly satisfied with yourself. Then beyond that, it allows seeing the hidden reversed pyramid which shapes the HolY Grail which is deep inside you. This is another topic I will evoke later.
By extension, I can talk about spiritual ego? What does it mean? Basically, it is thinking we are superior to people who are not awakened. Thinking we emit light, we do not emit, we let passing the Light through us, this is what we call the Christic dimension (Christos = the purest metal, this is a metaphor, the Christic dimension is not exclusively reserved to Jesus, Krishna, Buddha (etymologically speaking his name means “the enlightened” or “The Light”). Apparently enlighten is endless, it is not a diploma, but a never-ending championship for which we win not to struggle not to fight but by enjoying and understanding that there is no ownership and we have a common sense to evolve together. The more you awake the more I do and reversely (referring to the theory of the 100th monkey). If I discover something or you do, it is not from you. You just download it from The Source, Plato’s world of idea. If the approach of the awakening is just to show off, and to shine you will be blind by the reflection of your own ego as the Ouroboros that’s to say the snake eating its tail.
If one player of a team scores, all team is champion. And do you think his right leg shows off towards his left leg saying: I scored not you, looser!?
In addition, the spiritual ego is also linked to thinking (as we are in a society of “all quick” & “zapping”) I saw a ray of the Light and that’s set. That’s finished. The awakening is endless and it is not so easy. An Egyptian proverb written in a Luxor temple said: “True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages”. The great Sufi Rumi said, “Once you conquer your selfish self all your darkness will change to light”. He said also by complementarity: “Human is something huge. In him, everything is inscribed, but it is the veils and the darkness that prevents him from reading in him this 'science'. " That’s why we could see E.G.O as Edge God Out(side). All mystics know well this principle and whatever what you put under this word God: the divine matrix, the YOUniverse, the Soul of the world, the Absolute, TAO/DAO, Big All, Big whole, ALLah, Yhwh…* * “the unpronounceable name” The mystic Sufis say: “When I am you are not when you are I am not”. This is the full meaning of the famous “I AM”. Here is a short story “I” invented to reveal some aspects of the ego, those who have some eyes, read between the lines. There are a lot of subtle messages.
"Once upon a time there was a little flame that wanted to shine. One day she protested proudly, God, saying, "I know who I am". "Oh yes," replied God, "I know, too." Without even listening to what God had just said she said to him with confidence "I am the light" then was silent. Strong satisfied but confused by her inner demons sometime later she asked again God: "good, of course, I know who I am but it's not enough, I'm going to be the light, knowing is good but it's better to be. I want to feel what it's like to be the light. " "But you are," replied God. "Actually I did not create anything other than The Light. So it's hard not to experience what you're seeing that you're all in fact. The only possibility would be that you experience what you are not to know what you really are. " "How then?" Asked the little flame. "You are God, you can do everything. " God says, "I can create darkness. " "What is darkness?" Asked the little flame. You'll know it when you see it. Then a small shadow appeared: "Wow, thank God," said the little shadow. " "Hello," said the little light. "Why do you say thank you?" The little shadow replied, "I thank God for making you appear in my life: I asked him what the light was, in my world, there is only darkness. So I wanted to see, I asked and you appeared. " The little surprise flame replied to God: "But it's me, it's me, it's me God who asked first. " "Yes, you two had asked me at the same time. So I answered you here you are. " The little shadow gently asked the little flame. "So can I be you a few moments to feel what it's like to be the light. " The little flame accepted and so God made them exchange their state. The little flame that has become darkness says: "wow, that's it, I'm now that, I'm here, and you're here, you're this, both said in heart" wow incredible, it's magic "! When they were tired of playing in their infinite space-time, they asked God. "Can we come back as before? And instantly He heard them. They laughed loudly: "wow, what an experience! " God asked them, do you want to go back to your respective worlds? They both looked at each other and said, "No, just as long as the other stays to remind us what we are not, in case we forget and lose sight of it." God says to them: "Your desires are my orders, always keep in mind" what you seek, seeks you too ". I had to separate the unit for you to understand it through segmentation and beyond for you to find this unit. We are the unit, you are me, I am you, I experience myself through you and you experience me through yourselves but this separation is only an illusion and just necessary to better meet and coexist: to exist means to separate. "
Just as a precision a bit more down to earth, etymologically speaking, “existing” in Latin means “to separate”. If I can afford, personally "I appreciate darkness because it allows me to better admire the beauty of the stars". In Shambali, we will help you in many ways, several techniques and tools to find back your higher and to manage properly your ego, both are primordial to access to a profound inner and outer harmony. Issa ~ AM“What’s holYstick medicine?”
Holistic Medicine As the great Hippocrates, the father of medicine said: “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease”. Inside we have everything, but first most of the time we ignore our potential and these forces secondly our system does not promote it. Concretely what holistic medicine means? Holistic coming from ancient Greek “holos” means “entire”. One takes the individual as a whole, one does not focus on a specific problem exclusively. A whole means the triptych of the body, the mind, and the soul. There are 3 entangled spheres as all of them impact us. In a certain way, to have a real impact the 3 spheres should be taken into account, this is the holistic approach: basically a global, overall dimension. Let’s have a look one by one. 1-The body should be analyzed as a whole, like an electric circuit, sometimes one component does not work because a resistance further is broken or a pipe is obstructed. The traditional Chinese medicine evokes these electric circuits through the meridians. This is the reason of being of acupuncture.
The Ayurveda for Hindus which means “science of life” applies the same principle, the main center of energies being the chakras: 7 chakras, 7 notes of music (corresponding to certain frequencies measurable in hertz), 7 colors (corresponding to certain waves lengths).
Always keep in mind this essential quote from Einstein: "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." And this is true also for us. Even an individual is only energy. It is made of organs, themselves made of cells, themselves made of molecules, made of atoms, composed of subatomic particles which are ultimately only energy. Most of the diseases are due to a lack of circulation of energies. It is a little bit like stagnating water: it does not circulate so it smells bad. 2-The mind should be analyzed as a whole. Most scientists and doctors have recently admitted that he mind, the psyche, consciousness whatever the name, has an impact on health. As what we think is energy, it affects directly the vibrations of our body. There is an important part of the psychosomatic dimension in holistic medicine. Experiments of Professor Masuro Emoto's intentions on water (or the experience of rice) show by crystallizing this water that thought impacts reality: harmony intentions created harmonious flakes whereas contrary intentions of hate create disgraceful and disharmonic figures. Keep in mind that we are made of 70% water.
Everybody heard about “Placebo” or “Nocebo” effect. Literally “placebo” means in Latin “I heal”. “Nocebo” has been created artificially in the ’60s to explain the contrary it means “I harm”. Official medicine admits that 30% of our drugs are pure “placebo” implying there has no curative effect except the force of the mind believing in it. In a certain way, this is exactly the same principle of miracles. It might be from both sides: 1-the person has abilities and some fluids, he or she can let pass the Light. This is the basic principle of Reiki, the Key of Reiki or Rei-Key if I can say, being not to emit any resistance, the giver does not give his/her energy but just surrenders and let passing without any interference towards the receiver. 2-the person who receives the miracle believes in it: in the phenomenon and in the abilities of the person (bonesetters for instance or let’s generally speaking the healer). So in the second aspect of the miracle, there is a psychosomatic dimension, it is a kind of self-miracle. And here is one of the key. That is why I entitled this article “HolYstick medicine » for 2 reasons: stick refers to a magic stick reminding that we are co-creators if we apply the technics explained in “Majestic Magic stick” that’s to say to see and visualize a result already there and being grateful for that, implying that you feel it as real in your mind and in your heart. This is one of the greatest secret taught since the beginning of times by all mystics and prophets. The second reason of “HolYstick” is the Y, why? Because it refers to the Holy Grail which is deep inside us, and holy refers to a sacred dimension that we “have to” find back as an enigma to reactivate our full capacities. 3-The soul should be analyzed as a whole. The soul would be your eternal part, a drop of The Consciousness, a drop of the ocean of The YOUniversal Soul” if I can afford what lots of mystics say your individual divine part.
The soul would be comparable to your body which does not change to one day to another one and your clothes would be the personalities of your different incarnations. Knowing that reincarnation is present in all religions: the three monotheist ones: only institutions do not recognize but the esoteric parts do: Cabbalist or Essenes (who taught among other Jesus himself) for Judaism, Gnosis for Christians and it is official: reincarnation disappeared from the Holy Scriptures which have been changed (and this is official history) at the 4th century by the Roman Empire Constantine (Council of Nicea) and Sufism in Islam. The traditional mystics of the past everywhere on the planet: the Shamans, druids, Vodoos… in Siberia, Mongolia, Africa, Northern and Southern America with so-called “primitives”, in Europe, in Australia…, were doctors of souls. They are basically links in between the physical and the metaphysical world (“meta” beyond in Greek: beyond of the physics: the invisible world). They were intercessors with spirits, energies: they were channels to help, facilitate certain fluidity and passages. They were electricians working on the hidden electric systems invisible for us in our house.
For the soul there are many ways depending on the depth of the problem: it can be linked to your genealogy, the orchestration or the past of your family: for this it exists the family constellation for which the goal is to reactivate the frequencies of the egregores (the thought-forms) of the family to discharge certain bad energies. It can also be further, some problems of souls come from previous lives: a trauma, a mission, a battle, an injustice… The goal is to dig deep inside your soul memory to clean-up: to discharge these bad energies, entities… This is purely energetic surgery. You can use regression or hypnosis. Most of the time, the disease (dis-ease) is not bad in the absolute, it is just a warning. A bit like a flashing light indicates a problem. However, in our modern traditional approach one tends to delete this flashing light: one does not read the message it brings us: we just kill it. Holistic medicine has more a preventive approach that a curative: basically on tries to avoid the problem instead of solving them. Let’s have a look at a crucial example with traditional Chinese medicine is based on a preventive approach. In the past in former times, in China doctors had an allocated area they were in charge of. They were obviously paid by this community. They were in charge of the good health of these people. For that, they use to visit them regularly as much as they need to anticipate potential problems. If someone was sick, the doctors were not paid and it was affecting his/her reputation because it was perceived as a mistake. Imagine the gap with now! I do not want to be negative or in the conspiracy but it is a matter of fact, our system of healthcare became a real business for which if we are all healthy, this industry collapses. It is, by the way, the 4th industry in the world: the first one being oil, then food, strange that oil is before food after we find weapons, strange to have what can injure and kill before healing! Then there are drug traffic and human traffic. When we see the ranking as an aside and a parallel with medicine it reminds the Krishnamurti’s quote saying “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” But let’s be positive otherwise it is bad for our health.
If I can afford the last word, even for curative treatment, some new technics seem to be really efficient: they recommend to embrace the disease, to treat it by Love and not to struggle against it. Why and how come? It is based on the principle that Love/Light cleans, fight against darkness maintain this darkness, that’s why Mother Teresa always said: “do not invite me for a demonstration against the war but if you ask me to come to walk for peace, I will come”. What is the difference you are going to ask! In one case you struggle against bad energies so you credit it unconsciously and the second case you create Love and Light which are the best ingredients for the recipe of health and harmony. I am not saying we have to reject the modern medicine of course not, I am absolutely in the notion of duality but in the appliance of holistic vision: a global vision, there is always good points in each part: the tradition and modernity, the past and the present…
But I am convinced that the future of medicine will be what we call now alternative technics or parallel medicine without being exhaustive: acupuncture, sound therapy, hypnosis, healing: Reiki, Qi Gong, Regression, family Constellation, good nutrition, naturopathy, Light therapy, Reflexology… In Shambali, we will approach the principle of holistic medicine as a preventive dimension: taking care of your health day by day through nutrition, exercises, circulation of energies: Kundalini yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Reiki, Qi Gong, Holotropic breathwork, some disciplines: Self-hypnosis, Sound therapy, Bowl healing, Light Art Therapy… in Ubud which means “medicine” is local language as according to the legend this place heals the body, the mind, and the soul. Issa ~ AM
Are you ready to explore and approach the gateless gate of Consciousness?
There is a difference between consciousness and Consciousness. The first one is a piece of the masterpiece that represents Consciousness. The individual consciousness is a tiny part of the Giant and infinite Consciousness. That’s why Carl Jung (the real father according to me of the psycho-analysis) said: “In addition to our immediate consciousness….there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals.” Our individual consciousness is a part of Consciousness as the drop is a part of The Source. This is the reason why Rumi said “you are not a drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean within a drop.But you will tell me, this is like the Oneness, it is an illusion, it is a new age vision… I am me, I am different from you, he is different from her. This is a pure illusion even if the trick is really well done to a certain extent. We could compare The Consciousness to the air. In a house, this is the same air everywhere even outside. If there is a nuclear leak, everything will be affected. This is the same air whatever the room it is a matter of fact. However, the container can change slightly. The smell of the kitchen could perfume differently in this room. In the living room if grandpa is smoking a big cigar it is still the same air but a different smell. In Theo’s room who invited 2 friends of him (12-year teen-agers) freshly wake up, the room smells fusty. Outside the neighbor is burning some trees, it smells smoke from his garden but it will be always the same air. I could have to use the same metaphor with water being Consciousness, the snow, the rain, the river, the water in my glass, on the floor are the same water: just the state changes and the recipient. Consciousness is an interface between the physical and quantum world. Our system of space-time is based on gravity which corresponds to magnetism: attraction vs repulsion: a kind of cosmic respiration. As an aside imagine the resonance the solar cycle is 25,720 years and an individual on average does 25,720 breaths per day. The collapse of the drawing wave function in the quantum field creates a state. Awakening is an expansion of the point of attention: consciousness. The reality is a simultaneity point of view fluctuating all the time. That’s why Pascal said: “It is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”.
Once again I insist there is the consciousness (the individual one) and Consciousness which is a kind of Global consciousness, collective unconsciousness that Hindu calls Akasha. Akasha could be compared to a hard driver of humanity: past, present, future, virtual and potential. The Akashic record is accessible to individual consciousness. Max Planck the great scientist and father of the quantum physics (prime Nobel in 1918) said: "All matter comes from a force and exists only by it. We must assume the existence, under this force, of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter ". He also said: "The Divine Matrix is our world, it is also all that exists in our world. It is us and everything we love, create and experiment. Living in the Divine Matrix, we express, as artists, our passions, our fears, our dreams, and our most secret desires through the essence of a mysterious quantum canvas. " All is One not Alone (ALL-one), all are interconnected and interlocked. It is like a table cloth: there is a unique thread/a common thread, each print of the table cloth exist (as individual consciousness), physically they are independent but linked through this invisible common thread. If the thread were conductive putting some electricity instantly all would be touched. By the way, “Bereshit”, the first word of Genesis means "weft" (like a frame). The scientists discovered that galaxies are like set on a grid, a frame. We imagine a thread of energy, a thread of invisible Light. This confers the Max Planck’s quote previously denounced. Former Vedas (the Hindu mystic texts) taught Nada (sound/vibration) Brahma (God) (the vibratory field) the source, the pearls of Indra’s net, Akasha, Ether look like an invisible nervous system… All these elements represent Consciousness. Nicola Tesla who discovered this magnetic field (this unified field) has been inspired by oriental philosophies: Veda (Hindu mystical texts)… Nicola Tesla said: "Every living being is a motor/engine connected to the driving wheel of the universe. While one might think that each living being is affected only by its direct environment, its outer sphere of influence extends to infinity.” The Akashic record is the collective unthinking/unconscious in psychoanalysis, the Plato’s World of ideas. There is a soul in the matter, there is a consciousness that moves in everything, through everything and is everything. The eye with which we look at the original field and the eye with which the field looks at us seems to be the same eye. This is what we called the eye of consciousness.
Nietzsche said, “If you look long enough at the abyss, the abyss looks at you”. This concept has been used by all mystics, the Egyptians used the eye of Horus:
Whatever the name Mother nature, God, Akasha, the big All, the Source, the singularity point, the unified field, the union… Victor Hugo said, “Consciousness is God present in man". It is like the sap of the tree of Life. According to me the best representation of what the consciousness is: Take a look at these amazing paintings of Alex Grey:
Concretely 2 important things: 1-Our individual consciousness is an emitter and receiver of information. The information is initial pure energy let’s analyze this word: information: in formation in progress of getting a form in the matter. This is just pure vibration without form (thought-form) which is picked from the tree of Life, the tree of Consciousness (Plato’s world of the idea). The proof is when we invent, etymologically speaking in Latin “inventare” means literally to “pick” (like picking a flower from the field) implying to pick an idea from the field of Consciousness which is already existing somewhere. That’s why I always say “all exist and all ready to exist”. When we say “to discover” it means “dis cover” taking out the cover of something which was there. We just put some light on the darkness. Thus when we think about an idea we credit it, you charge this idea (form-thought) and this magnetism activates the process of creation: it creates the quantum collapse. That’s to say the state of one reality among an infinity. Our consciousness puts some load and some emotion (e.motion: E=mc2, energy in motion) on the information (pure vibration) allowing it to fall down into the matter: our subjective reality, like a cloud, after a while when the condensation is too important it becomes rain. Our consciousness activates the process of quantum collapse: from a field of possibilities to a physical particle (from the contingencies to a form of reality). 2-Consciousness is not the seat of the brain: thinking our consciousness is in our brain is like listening to music and believing there is a band in the electronic device. The (individual) consciousness might be in our magnetic field our aura (our different subtle bodies), that’s why perception is still possible in near-death experience or out of body experience. This is also the reason why all mystics try to extend their sphere of consciousness beyond their simple mind. When we practice Qi Gong at a certain level this is what we do: we expand our consciousness beyond our limitation physical body. Here is an illustration of the activated third eye (“the seat of the soul” as Rene Descartes called it), standing for a kind of GPS, largely beyond of the materialistic limits of our brain.
When we say hereafter, what does it mean? Beyond of us, beyond our consciousness. Isn’t it? Let’s dig deeper with an eternal existential question which is the following one: if the tree falls down and nobody is in the forest, does it emit a sound? This question has been the fruit of an amazing discussion in 1913 with Einstein & Tagore (a great Hindu mystic). If I had to summarize simply the exchange, here is the problematic:
l)Things exist independently of ourselves
Einstein said something like: if I close my eyes, the moon is still there) what seems to be logical and rational, Cartesian, scientist, physical… But if I can afford I think Einstein was a bit binary to this question. It is not: the moon exists or does not exist if I obverse it. We have to separate the topic: a simple tree or the moon, even if a single individual refuses to believe in its existence, it exists anyway because the collective unconsciousness holds it. But if nobody has the knowledge of this particular tree in the forest, maybe my personal consciousness has an impact. Or it exists as a potential (virtual) in the quantic field (the wave of probabilities) and has not yet been materialized… That’s why Carl Jung I insist heavily said: “In addition to our immediate consciousness….there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals.” ll)Things come to life/meaning for us when: 1- We integrate them into our consciousness (apparently in our brain) / into us 2- We move our consciousness on the energy/frequency channel of those things that already exist and thus we understand them, marrying them and ultimately integrating them. To these 2 flagship ideas I could go beyond because it seems to be the visible part of the iceberg, the physics or the physical aspect of this metaphysical question (“meta” in ancient Greek: beyond) :lll)- We influence things around us from our psyche (our consciousness).
This refers to the quantum dimension, the observer influences the result of the observed elements: particle or wave. This is the principle of this schema: you can not see both images at the same time: either a man, either a woman.The field of probabilities would be a sphere of an infinity of pictures (not only 2). What we see is only one face and this each second. If we look at the sub-atomic level, if we measure a wave, we will have a wave and if we measure a particle, we will see a particle. Before we look at them, we swim in a cloud of probabilities, they are in different places under different potential. Only our look makes it choose a state if I may say, like the ball of the roulette in a casino that turns and falls on a number.
This could be comparable to what is called "the quantum collapse" this choice rather than another while an infinity of tables reproducing an infinity of scenarios at the same time that echoes and resonate also to the multiverse.
lV)-We project ourselves on the scenarios of the multiverse through the force of our consciousness,
So we do not act on the elements by shaping them but by shifting to the vibrations of a certain reality. Although if I refer to the Jesus’ quote: “If someone says to this mountain, "Go thence and throw yourself into the sea, and if he does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, he will see it accomplished." In fact, we just activate the frequencies of the reality that we “consciousize or consciouseize” (this word does not exist in English, it would mean the action of activating the consciousness) and so we project ourselves, what science calls the subatomic level: the quantum leap... We are, as a human body composed of atoms like any physical thing: the table (of Emerald (LOL), the chair (musical LOL) ... And atoms are made of subatomic particles which are made of energies. There is only energy, we are only energy. As Einstein said, "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." If I fall asleep saying that despite my problems tomorrow it will be better and everything will be better and as if by chance I wake up and everything is resolved, A project is abortive leaving me more time, etc ... A small miracle seems to appear while we simply switch to another parallel world ... Hence also self-realization, maintaining skepticism: nothing works in your stupid theory: who realizes you if you do not believe it and gives you the proof (very pernicious and subtle). Life is shit, why would it change, I do not believe in your bullshits "You will continue to have the life in which you believe: that is to say, of shit: Your wishes will be fulfilled." That’s why Einstein said “Everything is energy and that's all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” In both cases 1-2 it is as if we are turning on the unifying field / the global canvas (common server). It refers to the fact that things are segmented but are no longer considered in terms of unity, global consciousness, God Himself possesses a consciousness ... Accessing this consciousness divides us into the holistic/global consciousness… endless(ly). This is exactly the principle of Indra’s net in Hinduism. We are God in progress and in the meantime God is experiencing Him/Her/Itself through us… This idea one cannot understand it, one can just “innerstand” it if I can say (with a neologism, as this reality does not exist for us). I can do a parallel with the notion of Shaman, for instance when Columbus arrives, the local people could not see the vessels. To become “real” and visible, the shaman had to see them, these new frequencies and materialize them somehow. Who knows if it is not the same for aliens…? Or even angels, spirits, and all fairyland beings? Let’s go deeper and deeper with 7 theories or concepts allowing you to enlarge your spheres of consciousness.1-The Morphic resonance
This theory of the doctor and biologist Ruppert Sheldrake suggests that the nature of things depends on fields called morphic fields. Each type of natural system has its own type of field. There is a field for insulin, a field for stone, and a field for a dog and so on. These fields shape the different types of atoms, molecules, crystals, living organisms, societies, customs and ways of thinking. Morphic fields are known from physics. They are non-material regions of influence extending into space and extending in time. When a particular organized system ceases to exist - when an atom is disintegrated, a snowflake melts or an animal dies - its organizing field disappears from the specific place where the system existed. But in another sense, the morphic fields do not disappear, they are schemas or patterns (software without supports) of potential organizers influence, likely to appear again, at other times, in other places, wherever and whenever, the physical conditions will be appropriate. It refers to the notion of archetypes and egregores. When they do, they contain a memory of their previous physical lives. The process by which the past becomes present within morphic fields is called morphic resonance. Morphic resonance involves the transmission of formative causal influences through space and time. The memory within the morphic fields is cumulative, (like clouds) and that is why all kinds of phenomena become more and more habitual by repetition. When such repetition has occurred on an astronomical scale over billions of years, as was the case for countless types of atoms, molecules, and crystals, the nature of the phenomena has acquired a habitual quality if deep that it is indeed immutable, or seemingly eternal. The cosmos appears more as a growing and evolving organism than as an eternal machine. In this context, habits are undoubtedly more natural than immutable laws. The morphogenetic fields would contain an inherent memory acquired by a process of morphic resonance, composing the collective memory of each species (idea emitted by the eminent psychoanalyst gist Carl Gustav Jung). Thus, the brain, too small to hold the memory, is not a storage organ but a link with the database of the morphogenetic field (the Akashic record) in which past, present, and future mingle. The morphogenetic field stands for an external drive.2-The Backster effect:
Living cells, even vegetal, are indeed sensitive and are aligned and resonate with the events, emotions and human intentions occurring in their environment; the pendulum offers a comparable means of communication from the brain to brain. Backster took a polygraph machine, used also as lie-detector machine recording sensory information from the body: pulse respiration, blood pressure, heart rate/beats and made a test on a plant. He discovered it has a very slow movement. He did some experiences. One moment to increase the reaction he thought about burning a leaf of it. Suddenly the machine recorded amazing vibrations as if the plant was scared and had detected the intention of Backster. He reproduced in laboratory several times this experience to make sure there was no interference. Plants do not have well-located brains, but probably multiple control centers. All elements of the cosmos animal, vegetal,… creates energy and has a kind of soul. We could go even further even the unanimated object like a table etc… Why because the craftsmen gave energy (cf: the myth of Golem in Hebrew mysticism). That’s why animism (the religion) gives soul to everything in nature like all so-called primitive believes: all tribes had this communion and respect of all objects and components of the creation in general.3-Gaia hypothesis:
Gaia's hypothesis was formulated in the 1980s by Lovelock and Margulis. According to these authors, the biosphere behaves, globally, as a living being with its own homeostatic regulations, adapting the composition of its atmosphere to values allowing to keep a climate, temperatures or hygrometry compatible with the existence of life. We know that plants and animals, not to mention bacteria, through their respiratory activities, photosynthetic or their interventions in the nitrogen cycle, play a major role in the composition of the current atmosphere. What we knew less and research has shown is that, with the appearance of life, the composition of the atmosphere has been modified. For example, the rate of carbon dioxide decreased as life conquered the planet. The drop in the greenhouse effect that accompanied the drop in the atmospheric CO2 content should have led to a drop in temperature, but this low CO2 content, allowing better penetration of the solar flux, also helped to keep the temperatures near zero. Gaia's hypothesis should be more easily verifiable in the fields of exchanges of matter and energy between the ecosystems or compartments of the Planet. From this point of view, the ecological niche is also a notion that reflects the thermodynamic functioning of open systems and the regulations that exist between the protagonists, both individually and within populations, guilds or populations. Lovelock said “we can consider the whole range of living matter on Earth, from the whale to the virus, from oak to seaweed, as a single living entity, capable of manipulating the earth's atmosphere for the purpose of meet its global needs and have faculties and capabilities that are well beyond those of its constituent parts ".4-Theory of hologram:
David BOHM was an exceptional scientist at the origin of this theory. Controverted but also recognized, however, as a leading scientist, he even caught Einstein's attention. Turning to mysticism in the 1950s. In close relationship with KRISHNAMURTI and close friend of the Dalai Lama, he felt that quantum physics could lead to the discovery of hidden levels of reality. For this astrophysicist, the Universe would be an immense hologram, each of its elements enclosing the essence of the totality of the Universe. The Cosmos could be an infinite structure of waves where everything is connected to everything, and where being and non-being, mind and matter, would be only different manifestations of a single deep reality animated by a permanent flow of creative transformations, life. Death itself could then be an energetic transformation and not annihilation. Gigantic illusion, the universe would be a hologram. This is by extension the principle of fractal holographic dimension. Who are we? Are we this body that we see while looking at us in ice cream? Are we not rather this Spirit, who is not our body, but who is able to become aware of our body, and the image that it offers in the mirror? All that we have lived since our birth has been felt through our Spirit: this Spirit has memorized our memories. It is he who made us love or hate, he who has prepared at every moment the action we are going to perform, he who is now shaping the thought that we are going to have or the word we are going to address. We must, therefore, conclude that we are this Spirit. Without him, our I, our Self, disappears completely. It represents what we are, from our birth to our death. But is it so certain that this Spirit, which we call ours, did not have a proper existence before our birth? When we look at the work of every cell of our body, we cannot help but be amazed at the knowledge that is unfolded, to build in particular our body from the two initial cells from the moment of fertilization, to them to be completed, with all its organs and potentialities. Should we not say that it is still the Spirit that operates, since actions at the cellular level reveal a knowledge that physicists and biologists, with all their "spirit", would still be far from being able to reproduce? Is not this cellular knowledge the proof of a deep-rooted Spirit rooted in a past long before our birth, a past in which the Spirit in Matter would gradually learn his "know-how"? Would there not be, as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin foresaw, from the level of the most elementary particle of matter, an "outside" and an "inside", the outside having only the properties of raw matter (physical laws), the inside conferring on the particle certain spiritual characteristics? And what happens to our Spirit after our bodily death? Religions have, for the most part, promised us eternal life for our Spirit (at least a judgment): but is it only a "wishful thinking" expressing hope of survival, or may this eternity of our spiritual life, today, be supported by scientific knowledge? One point seems, in any case nowadays, definitively acquired: it is no longer "convincing", precisely because of contemporary science, to believe in the Spirit as an "ethereal" entity, capable of existing without the support of any material. However, this conclusion only gives rise to a new question: since, after our bodily death, all the matter of our body ends up returning to the dust, that is to say to these elementary particles of matter that physics of today It is the task of studying, one must think again, as Teilhard had done, that it is in these particles themselves that the essence of our Spirit resides, and that spiritual eternity is a consequence of the practically unlimited life of this elementary matter? Are there cosmic objects that would justify believing in the existence of such an "outside" observable space? Astrophysicists now know that this is the case. These "invisible" objects of the sky are called "black holes". In recent years they have become a leading topic in research. Black holes bear this particular name because they are, precisely, housed in the "outside" of the space in which astrophysicists point their telescopes: nothing can come out of this outer space, not even light. Let us say a few words about these curious cosmic objects, and especially the very special properties of this new space which is ours, what the outside is inside. No more direct communication exists between our usual space and the black hole, in that no object could come out of the black hole to come into our space. But this black hole can nevertheless have an "indirect" influence on our space, and thus translate its presence "behind the screen": it can, for example, signal this presence by means of a magnetic field, acting on charged particles of our space that come to pass in the vicinity of the point of contact between the black hole and our space. Therefore it becomes quite natural to think that if one is led to give the electron a zero volume during its direct observation, it is because this electron develops its dimensions not in our observable space but in the "outside" of this space. And, indeed, the most recent studies in theoretical physics soon showed that a "model" could be provided that gives a particularly satisfactory account of all observations relating to the electron by assimilating this electron to a black micro-hole. And the properties that astrophysicists have discovered for the space of black holes, whether or not they are observed, are then valid for the black micro-hole electron, which is certain of existence. What are these properties of space and time in this "outside" of our Universe where electrons and black holes are moving? Space and time exchange their roles when we pass from within to outside our observable space. In the outside, space "flows" constantly, as our usual time does; and, always in this outside, one "moves" in time, eventually returning to past events, as one moves in all directions in our ordinary space. In a very short time (because we cannot, unfortunately, enter here into the detail of these properties of "paradoxical" look), this means that if a "traveler" penetrated inside a black hole or an electron, he would constantly see before him, as during a continuous scan of a cyclic space, all the information contained in this new space; on the other hand, this information would have a kind of "relief in time", in the sense that the traveler could say: this information dates from ten days ago, this one from yesterday, etc ... In short, the traveler would have access to information from the black hole, or from the electron, as we have access to the information stored in our Mind, that is with a possibility to scan the entire field of stored information and chronologically date each of this information. The electron is the bearer of the Spirit, and in this sense he becomes the knowledge of Being; thus it introduces a new concept in science, that of psycho-material/psychomatter: since matter is made up of atoms (themselves formed of a nucleus and electrons), it contains in the invisible universe a "psychic side". It is for this reason that we can see since the beginning of the third millennium an evolution of concepts in this field, we mean the passage of matter to "psycho-material" and the advent of "psychophysics". How far are we from objective conceptions of the universe? What is remarkable in this new physics is to see its convergence with major philosophical currents such as Buddhism.5-The theory of the hundredth monkey:
A species of Japanese monkey has been observed over a period of 30 years. In 1952, on the island of Koshima, scientists fed the monkeys with raw sweet potatoes by throwing them on the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of sweet potatoes but found their dirt unpleasant. An 18-month-old female, named IMO, thought she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this thing to her mother. Their playmates also learned this new way of doing things and taught it to their mothers as well. This cultural innovation was gradually adopted by different monkeys before the eyes of scientists. Between 1952 and 1958, all the young monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes filled with sand to make them more palatable. Only adult monkeys who imitated their children learned of this social improvement. The other adult monkeys kept their habit of eating dirty sweet potatoes. In the fall of 1958, a number of Koshima monkeys washed their sweet potatoes - their exact number remains unknown. Suppose that when the sun rose one morning, there were 99 monkeys on Koshima Island who had learned to wash their sweet potatoes. Suppose again a little later that morning, a hundredth monkey learned to wash the potatoes. Then something amazing happened! That evening almost all the monkeys of the tribe began washing their sweet potatoes before eating them. A little as if the additional energy of this hundredth monkey created a kind of "scientific breakthrough"! Like the drop of milk into the coffee changing in a raw the entire color. But that is not all: the most surprising thing observed by these scientists was the fact that the practice of washing sweet potatoes was spread unexplained and simultaneous to colonies of monkeys living on other islands as well as the troupe of Takasakiyama monkeys on the mainland who also began washing their sweet potatoes.6-Consciousness and critical mass
This story of the 100th monkey is remarkable because it highlights two crucial points that I would like to retain for our future in the short and medium term. First of all, for such a change to be possible, it is not enough for a small group to take a different attitude. It is not a question here of the domination exercised by a minority using force and coherence but on the contrary of the accession of a group to a higher level of consciousness. This is the first key. And here is the second. Although the exact number may vary, this "Monkey Thirty Phenomenon" means that when only a small number of people learn a new way of doing things, it can become part of the consciousness of the whole community. Indeed, at a given moment, if only one more person starts to adopt this new awareness, its field of action expands so that this awareness is adopted by almost everyone! This is the miracle of the two keys together.7-Our future:
It is natural to think that to change the world, at least half of the population plus one person must consent. After all, we are in a democracy in many countries (or sometimes the illusion of “demotorship”). But, and the hundredth monkey is there to remind us, things do not quite work out that way. In truth, half the people do not have to be ready. What is important is that the need for change is brought to the attention of a sufficient number of people. Today we are racing against the time. Some of us are ready for anything in the name of God, profit, power, or to keep their way of life as unsuitable as wasteful, even if it leads to the end of the world. On the other hand, others sincerely seek valid solutions to the human, social, economic and political problems of our planet. These embody a higher consciousness of what life is. As more and more some of us integrate this consciousness, we will come closer to critical mass. That's the point. It is a condition that humanity can control. For this, we must come together and choose to evolve consciously, in co-creation, towards a new world. When this critical mass is reached, things will change suddenly and irreversibly, and humanity as a whole will switch to a new paradigm. We have had the means for a few decades to put an end to all human life on Earth. The coexistence of advanced technology with limited awareness is a dangerous mix. Without a planetary awareness, sooner or later the first will cross the second and it will probably be the beginning of the end. Our future is in everyone's hands, more than we think. That’s why Gandhi said, “Be the change that you want to see in this world”. In a world where three-quarters of people still face problems of daily survival and almost a quarter of them still cling to their own gains and interests (even worst 80 families own half of the richness of the planet), it would have been unrealistic to think of rallying the majority to greater awareness. vast by conquering souls one by one. But with "the phenomenon of the hundredth monkey", this is no longer impossible. At the individual level, awareness or awakening is the key. At the collective level, it's our number. Between the two, the critical mass is the solution. The rest will be done naturally. But we do not have all our time. The Earth is suffering, humans are suffering and others are ready to use our deadly technology to establish their domination forever. Everything is in our hands, it is up to us, also because all depends on our choice, always keep in mind: all exists already and all ready to exist! By extension regarding this endless concept of consciousness, I like to say: “Everything is superposed & superimposed and above all (superbly) posed but never imposed” In Shambali, we will experience many disciplines through different ways to develop our consciousness. In addition, we will evoke all these kinds of existential questions as a springboard of discussion to enlarge the spheres of your consciousness when we discuss on a night around the fire, admiring the stars to always keep in mind as Carl Sagan said, We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our self knows where we come from. We aspire to return. And we can do it because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of stardust. Issa ~ AMDiscover what "Space-Time" evokes in your YOUniverse
The great scientist Einstein said “The distinction in between the past, the present and the future is only an illusion although persistent” How come an illusion, I see the sunrise then the sunset every day, the more I read this article the more I advance on the timeline! Actually, why is it important to precise Space-time? There is no arrow of time, there is no timeline. There is only now, now here that we repeat all the time in meditation and in all spiritual and Asian philosophies beyond of that in all kind of esoteric currents. We can consider a certain quadrature of the circle of our system of measurement of time. Is time difference/zone real or artificial? Even that if we check on the map, it is not homogeneous: in Europe, in between Galicia (extreme west of Spain) and extreme east of Poland, same time zone despite there is 3,000km, in China same but in real 3hours like in the USA. On the moon, on Mars… other solar systems, what time is it? This is what I asked so many times to my teachers when I was a kid and nobody replied to me. Does it make sense? At the extreme in the Pacific Ocean, there is a line of 1m separating 24hours. Does it make sense? A plane took off in 2018 to land in 2017 (1st of Jan vs 31 Dec). Does it make sense? There is a notion of perception of time, the subjective time. For a football team leading the score 5 minutes is endless whereas for the led team perceiving them as too short. The 2 hours of listening to the clock of the retirement home and 2 hours of big laugh and fun in a party have nothing to compare. A worldwide study has been handled on the kids preferring in 100% of the cases a little piece of chocolate now than a chocolate bar in 1 hour.It is like the story of the eternal gardener for the daily roses. He is eternal because, in their life of one day, the grandfather rose was always saying that his grandfather was talking about the same gardener, and his own grandfather also… If the old gardener is working for 50 years. 50 x 365 days = 18250 lives of rose. Like at our scale if one life on overage lasts 50 years proportionally it would be equivalent to 18,250 x 50 = 912,500 years (we could conclude he is almost eternal), 456 times the distance with Jesus Christ (if you do not believe, Julius Caesar, historical character at the same period not questioning). The more I live the less time is long. If I was living 4.6 billions of years (the age of the earth), 100 years would a blink of an eye. (0.0000022%), at the scale of 100 years (= 68 seconds, one minute of silence). Some studies said that even in case of nuclear conflict, earth would need 200-300 years to be clean like in the past: at human level it represents 2-3minutes (2-3 times one minutes of silence to the memory of humanity RIP) (“please wait 2-3min please”) hahaha, this is so human navel-gazing thinking we are a threat for the planet: we are just a threat for our own survival and for other guests (other forms of lives). The hours are never enough for Lovers, who sometimes go out of their bubble of no-time to realize time was turning independently of themselves.
Shakespeare said: "Time is very slow for those who wait, very fast for those who are afraid, very long for those who lament, very short for those who are celebrating. But for those who love, time is an eternity.” Omar Khayyâm said: "Time has two faces, it has two dimensions, the length is the rhythm of the sun, the thickness to the rhythm of the passions". Why there is such a confusion in between the subjective and so-called “real” time? Actually, there are 3 times of times that the ancient Greeks called Chronos, Kairos and Aion. 1-Chronos is the linear time, the arrow of time, this is a quantitative time: past/present/future 2-Kairos is the vertical time, the suspended time, the time of the dream, the time when you are absorbed by something and you say “wow times flies”. This is vertical because it is more linked to energy, a vibration. You live somewhere and you come back to a place you were familiar but you never came back for 10 years. In a blink of an eye, everything comes back you reconnect to these frequencies. This is the same principle with a daddy of 40 years old who finds back his toy box: each little details bring him back 35 years backward instantly, a song can create the same phenomenon. The Kairos is also the qualitative time, you “feel” it to a certain extent (you see the result) but you cannot measure it. When I say it is a kinda vibration time it is linked to synchronicities: the non-causal events which attract themselves through the energetic essence Aion is the spherical time, the time of cycles, the time of spiral, the Russian dolls time: entangled, parallel time, the time of the multiverse: the Global time without any segmentation Let’s dig a little bit. Let’s focus on the first axis of time which is linked to perception (consciousness). Every single second our reality counts 24 pictures. They are like domino pictures aligned. The super powerful camera can segment these different sequences.
It could be compared to a cartoon handmade: a superposition of pages (each page being “a now”) for which the fact of turning the pages creates the animation.
Our reality and/or our space-time could be compared to giant domino game, each piece would be a piece of now, the movement would be the illusion of the flow of time/ the arrow of time. But there is also superposition (some levels). I know it is hard to believe and also even consciously impossible to realize. Only meditation and altered consciousness modified state of consciousness can allow to partially seize it.
However, it means that each second a scenario appears among “thousands” (an infinity to be accurate) of other options. Our vision of the reality is that: this choice (the quantum collapse) among thousands of other options. But these other options co-exist somewhere else independently of our consciousness. Ex: in a video game, all gestures at each second have been planned and graphically preprogrammed for the player to choose each gesture of his character. First of all, time is the duration. It is the space between two points (the segment). It could be represented schematically by the stopwatch activating a click and ending performance by a second click. At the extreme we find the past, present, and future in the form of a single block, that is to say, the space between two punctual facts. We are talking about space-time because between these 2 clicks, the Earth and our solar system move and evolve "in the meantime" in space. NB: let’s imagine that each year we carried out 940 millions of km around the sun and 6.9 billions of around the center of our galaxy (for people they say they never travel, it is quite wrong). Besides, time also means the present moment: the point in the absolute. The famous NOW HERE (that we say in meditation). By the way, if you shift the W (double YOU, your consciousness (your ego) and unconsciousness (your soul) aligned) we obtain NO WHERE. This is the one-click stopwatch to signify this instant moment almost "already passed". In spite of our measurements, every time it is mentioned, it disappears like a slippery soap. But the illusion of blowing up this soap very quickly in the hand gives the impression of seizing it and possessing it. But just this click (this stealthy moment) cannot be represented by the “second” since it does not correspond to "1 time" and as proof, if I count (1-2-3-4-5-6…), I have to wait a little more than a moment for that it passes. Apparently, this pace/rhythm is indexed on the average heart beating. Scientists talk about the atoms of siliceous. It would be totally inconceivable. But that being the case, there is something etymologically that has always preoccupied me since very young and nobody has never paid attention, in the term "second". If there was a second it is somewhere that hides a “first”, (it is not only in English also in Latin: French (une seconde), Italian (un secondo), Portuguese (um Segundo), Spanish (un Segundo), Romanian (o Secunda)…, even in German “eine Sekunde”), even in Slavik language in polish “Sekunde”, or Scandinavian languages in Denish “et sekund”, in Swedish “en sekund”, Lithuanian… and even in Chinese or in « ERdong » « er » means « 2d ».) Maybe the “first” would stand for actually a kind of casino roulette that turns with all possible contingencies and the second would be a sort of what is called in physics the quantum collapse, the ball that chooses and stops on a case (a number, a scenario)... Short aside regarding quantum mechanics: attention vs tension
On this picture there are 2 images a man and one woman, however, we cannot see both of them at the same time. Imagine if there were 1,000 of tangled images… It would be impossible for consciousness. Everything in the universe is composed of atoms. An atom consists of a nucleus (made of proton + nucleons) and electrons that are moving around the nucleus of the atom, knowing that everything is an atom, including the human being. These electrons hold some information. Here is a “simplified” representation of an atom:
Here is the representation of an atom with the atomic cloud more marked in motion:
The electron gives the illusion of creating a sphere (even a ball for purists). This being the sphere is only the illusion created by each of the points that the electron squares because of its more than rapid displacement. This extreme speed means that the electron does not have a fixed geographical position but has the contingency of being everywhere at once in the plane of the atomic sphere (and ball) around the nucleus. To visualize it is like if I move my hand quickly it creates a spectrum, look at:
Or the airplane propeller relates that idea as well. An electron is a particle (physically with a real location) and also a wave of probabilities. Both states co-exist and all depends on your view on it. It has been “proved” through the equations of Schrödinger. (Demonstrated with Young's slits). Eg: the measurement of water: can be in liter or kilo (or a sum of drops). The electron has an elementary charge of negative sign. It is fundamental in chemistry because it participates in almost all types of chemical reactions and is an essential element of the bonds present in molecules. It is a bit a link, the cement of the building (the matter), like the synapse in between 2 neurons. In physics, the electron intervenes in a multitude of radiations and effects. Its microscopic properties explain electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, incandescence, electromagnetic induction, luminescence, magnetism, electromagnetic radiation, optical reflection, photovoltaic effect and superconductivity, macroscopic phenomena widely exploited in the industrialized countries. An electron generates an electric field that exerts an attractive force on a positively charged particle, such as a proton, and a repulsive force on a negative particle. When an electron is in motion, it also generates a magnetic field, causing magnetism. Let’s come back to the quantum collapse and this notion of “second”. With the example of the casino roulette. The quantum collapse is when the electron among its wave (potential position everywhere) chooses only one position. Those casino wheels/roulettes that are constantly spinning until the quantum collapse and somehow the realization of a scenario for us which becomes visible and our reality.
This point is evoked by Buckminster Fuller who said: "Everything is spinning: from the tiny atoms to the giant galaxies, everything is in a state of perpetual twirling. The unified vision presents us with a world in which we are all united through a fractal geometry of space-time, intrinsically connecting all things via the medium of infinite emptiness. This fundamental understanding of reality truly promises to unite countless fields of human effort, from spiritual understanding to technological development, and elevates them all to a completely new level. With this knowledge, we will be able to understand more deeply our communion with each other and our connection with Nature, and we will be able to develop technologies that use the primordial power of the Universe to elevate our collective consciousness beyond the Earth, to the stars! Stars=Lights, at the light of this amazing character, his enlightenment philosophy as quick transition we can shift to speed and light. Indeed after this aside on space and ultimately space-time let’s return to the dimension of time that is intimately linked in our systems of analysis to space with filigree the intervention of 2 elements: the speed and the light (and as a merged concept the “speed of light”). By the way, most of the time when we try to think or to represent speed light we think about that: Moving bodies do not experience the same impact of the passage of time. The light bears the information that makes it the constant, the basis of our space-time system. The light does not propagate instantly, it “wanders” at 300,000 km per second. That's why time and distances are linked. At the extreme, moving at the speed of light generates an absence of time flow: we are then in a kind of no-time space or perpetual present (no longer feeling the time in our perception and no longer suffering the effect of aging): besides looking in a mirror (and this is the theory of Einstein) would not see any face, “the image would not have time to stay/pose itself.” It seems that our commonly accepted conception of time is totally limiting and well below reality. At the extreme, if we travel at the speed of time or near the effect of aging has no or small impact on you. Cf: the experience of the twins of Langevin. 2 twins: one sent at the speed of light in orbit around the earth for 40 years, one stays on earth. 40 years later, we could see a man of 40 years old and a baby. Time of circle (or circular) is the linear time: the timeline. Each circle corresponds to an era (one day, one year, one century…). These are like independent circles evolving at their rhythm, in their space-time. These slices are like Russian puppets or onions layers. The inner circle can be the year 0, the 2d circle 5th century, the 3rd on the middle age, the 4th one the renaissance… The upper circle contains the history of the inferior/lower one…. NB: the circle is linked to matter in sacred geometry
We could compare to the trunk of a tree (of Life)
Time of spiral is a non-time. This is an eternity (eternity), like when you are out of the space-time at the speed of light, for instance when you sleep or when you are drunk, under drug. Well, when you are not conscious anymore, that you lost ground. It corresponds to the delta waves of your brain (0.1-3 Hz), actually the lowest frequencies. This is when we are out of matter
The total time is the sum of linear time + non-time. Apparently, we shift regularly integrating the past, thus we can not see the difference. This sequence (fruit of PHI, the golden number) contains all the information spread over time but also in space. In fact, the time associated with this event reflects a displacement of the Earth among other things in the universe.
Moreover, these particles or photons continue to progress in time and space disparately. They evolve at a distance in exactly the same way as at the beginning, diluting somewhat on the physical plane as we consider it, but by no means in absolute energy. This information remains unchanged despite the distance and even if its physical trace to the naked eye seems to fade. This phenomenon could be compared to a stone's throw in calm water. This creates vibratory waves and waves that are bigger and bigger but at the same time more and more erased. Suddenly the impact of the stone in the water would represent the event, the action then the different waves would constitute the energetic continuum of this act. As proof, the scientists declare that it is possible to see the images among others of the big bang. This is the goal of the Hubble probe project sent into space. Its purpose is to bring back the images of creation, drawing from what is called in scientific terms the "cosmic microwave background". At the same time, this can be difficult to conceive since we have always been taught that what is past, has passed and therefore cannot, in any case, be recovered or caught. This is what we call the Cosmic microwave background:
NB: it really does as waves diluting progressively over time and space The Cosmic microwave background can be “seen” or perceived as a film, a photographic film, the photographic negative. Let’s analyze this Cosmic microwave background as if it was a piece of bread. Each parallel slice of time corresponds to a slice of now. The different factors impacting time:
1-Movement: distancing vs rapprochement
When we are in movement time does not last at the same speed. The experience has been done in 1971 with atomic clocks (one on earth and one in a jet plane), the records show a difference.2-Gravity has a huge impact and influence on time.
What is gravity? Basically magnetism. Theory of the relativity of Einstein, space-time is curved sometimes and somewhere.If you are living at the foot of a big building or if you are down the pyramid time passes slower. Eg: around black holes (gravitational field super intense) time is super slow.
Moreover what is interesting to note and it was, in particular, the discovery of Aurelien Barreau which had demonstrated that there are black holes of very small sizes contrary to what one believed previously. This is also what Nassim Haramein demonstrated recently.
The Wormhole
What is a wormhole? This is a shortcut, a passage through space-time. Very briefly in general relativity, our space-time (Einstein's discovery) is not something fixed, space-time is a dynamic influenced by the presence of bodies. The wormhole (theoretical) would be the passage (passed age) between a black hole and a white hole. The black hole is the result of an implosion of a supernova, an old star that no longer has fuel and basically imploded: it contracts on itself. Suddenly its gravitational field is so intense that it attracts and swallows any type of material (like a siphon) preventing any form of matter from escaping. At the extreme, it leaves no room for space-time. Which means (it is not theoretical but "demonstrated") that near a black hole time would flow much more slowly. So if a rocket turns in orbit the equivalent of 5 years (in its perception and "reality") around a black hole, the lapse of time on earth would be 500 years, for example. Which would mean that we had made a trip back in time: if we left in 2015, we would come back in 2515 but if I was inside I would be only 40 years old (ok, everyone would be dead). The wormhole and to explain it more simply, we could imagine space-time, not in four dimensions (our 3Dimensions as well as the 4th time-related) but in two dimensions (flat), comparable to a sheet of paper. The surface of this sheet would be folded on itself in a three-dimensional space. This famous shortcut "wormhole" would allow a trip from point A directly to point B in a considerably reduced time compared to the time it would take to travel the distance separating these two points in a linear manner, on the surface of the sheet. Visually, one had to imagine traveling not on the surface of the sheet of paper, but through the wormhole (this gap between the two ends of the leaf, the leaf is folded back on itself allowing the point A of touch the point B. The meeting of the two points would be the wormhole Here is to illustrate it simply: Like a treadmill: Actually, in the universe there are 2 dynamics essentially (even if there are 4 forces) to resume: The expansion and contraction. 1. The expansion which is linked to electromagnetism 2. The contraction which is linked to gravity It is as if you launch a balloon in the sky. Due to gravity, it will fall back. However, let’s imagine you launch so strongly that it goes out of our gravitational field. It would not be subjected anymore to the force of gravity and will stay in orbit. This is exactly like satellites that’s why they do not crush on earth. Thus the question is after a while* (*4 billions of years according to certain these theories) the universe will have reached its maximum expansion and will start to do the way on the opposite side that’s to say by contracting on itself? Many scientists believe in this theory. This is what we call “the big crunch”. NB: by extension with the notion of gravity/density: If I were a little denser, this world would be smoke for me, if I was a little more subtle, I would be the smoke for this world. The matter is only a question of adjustment. Our weight depends on our magnetic field. That’s why subtly when we are lightened/enlightened we fly (weight/light). Gravity > density, Enlightened / lightened : 1. Weight 2. light Multiverse or parallel universes: The multiverse is the principle according to which it exists in parallel of our universe many other ones that we cannot see as we are prisoners in our space-time. This theory has been supporting since 80’s s by Stephan Hawking. The multiverse (or meta*-universe) (*beyond) is a hypothetical set of various possible universes including the universe which we live in. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy and the physical laws and constants that describe them. The miscellaneous distinct universes within the multiverse are called the "parallel universes", "other universes" or "alternative universes". In fact, many scientists are talking about a progression of the universe in the form of a cone of light. It seems that there are even parallel cones referring to a quantum universe giving way to the multiverse. I draw up this diagram in 2003 which represents this concept: Each cone of light symbolized by the blue color would be an evolution of a universe (through its own big bang). Thus it would evolve in parallel an infinity of other universes with realities all others. And finally somewhere the spiral of the golden ratio would correlate the totality of the contingencies of this multiverse and allow who knows, not quantum but spatiotemporal leaps/jumps ceaselessly just according to our thoughts and energy charges. Being only now the fruit of our past, the fact of switching from one universe to another by integrating the memories of this one would make that we would have the illusion to have always been since our birth in this one. NB: imagine if all nucleus contains a black hole, a micro big bang is showing up at each second, or first Einstein said: “Everything is energy and that's all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It can not be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” According to our vibration (our state of mind), it seems that we shift regularly from one reality to another. This shift corresponds to a quantum leap. What is a quantum leap concretely? In physics, a quantum leap is a sudden change in the state of a quantum system in a virtually instantaneous way. At the level of the atom, the quantum leap is the passage of an electron from a given state of energy to a state of another energy. Likewise, a jump of the electron or the proton that changes its orbit instantaneously and not in a linear fashion. It thus comes into contradiction with a classical description in which energy is distributed continuously. Quantum leaps are the sole cause of electromagnetic emissions, including light, which is in the form of quantified objects called photons. This being in spiritual and intellectual terms basically a quantum leap is what we call awareness. It is, in a way, a sudden revelation of a hidden reality. Often, we have the impression that we have always known this, that it is a forgotten truth, like a revived memory. This is the story of Khalil Gibran's beautiful sentence "No man can reveal anything to you except what is already half-asleep". To “see” the big picture of space-time here it is a metaphor that I received 20 years ago. If there were entangled drawings on the walls of the metro tunnels, from the wagon by fixing the window, the images would be animated according to the speed of the metro. On a purely technical level, it would be necessary for the individual to blink exaggeratedly in order to create a stroboscopic vision (but no matter it is a metaphor). The drawings would not represent anything concrete without this movement. The dynamics of the existence of our reality would be the light that we could certainly assimilate to the speed of the subway creating the emphasis of creation. But to come back to our image, wagons "follow each other but are not alike" in their spatiotemporal dimension. More seriously, the passengers on line 2 do not follow the same movie as those on line 5 (the images of the walls are different). However, for the cars following line 3 to 10 minutes apart, its respective hosts watch the same film but later. What I mean by this is that the reality is constantly revived according to the observers. Realities exist independently of us and the choice to see this or that "film-scenario" is the fruit of free will intertwined with destiny... Indeed as the quote says "neither me nor the world, just the consciousness". One could say that there is a form of passivity to just watch the film unfold but certainly, if the scenario is à la carte, the individual remains active in this choice (the scenarios being infinite and becoming). So to summarize, an event is eternal, and apart from it, everything co-exists already (all ready to co-exist.) Life seems to be like if you were in front of a giant DVD player and you choose a movie. There is an infinite number of DVD for each theme, each style, each scenario.
Even when it is the same movie there are all possibilities at each second creating an infinity of movies for the same title? Ex: Titanic-1: as we know it, Titanic-2: they rescued at the end as they find a bark and they are safe, Titanic-3: same as we know but the two characters are on the same boat but they never meet each other, Titanic-4: The main character Di Caprio missed the boat and never been on board… etc Actually, a spectator is always somewhere watching the movie you want to see version1 or version2… at the same time, but also in parallel differed time like you start to watch at 8:00 pm and someone else launched the same movie and started to watch at 7:00 pm… or later… The actors are reactivated independently of you and this other observer… There are all movies possible with all scenario and also some blank DVD, to write/create/co-create…. Conclusion: all exists already somewhere independently of us, things do not exist because you put your attention on it. Your attention symbolizes the consciousness, the recognition… If you stop watching TV, the program continues to work independently of you… Our mind/consciousness is a filter allowing us to have a timeline (the arrow of time): past/present/future as an illusion but for us to understand the story otherwise we would be lost + the filter to avoid that different movies play at the same time overlapping each other creating confusion and cacophony. As “conclusion” even if this topic is endless, it is no limit of time. I would like to quote one of the most genius and visionary character of our modern history who rethought our notion and vision of our world/life Mr Einstein who said something very interesting and also because it goes further than the scientist way more in the human dimension if we want to change our paradigm, our grid of reading of the Great Book of Life in order to enlarge our dimensions at another level of consciousness. “We experience ourselves, with our thoughts, our feelings, our perceptions, as if we are a separate entity and separate from the rest. But this is an optical illusion of consciousness and this illusion becomes our prison. We build a reality in which we include, through our perceptions, our desires, and feelings, only ourselves, the beings and places that are close to us. Our task as human beings is to liberate ourselves from this prison and expand our circle to infinity to include, in love and compassion, all beings, nature and the universe in all its beauty. The true value of a human being is measured by his ability to free himself from his limits and to live the totality, the infinite, unlimited value of Being. If humanity wants to survive, a radically new way of being and thinking is needed. " In Shambali you will evoke a lot of existential questions like space-time which are obviously endless talks… Issa ~ AM
Littérature de voyage, carnets d'aventures, récits initiatiques : le grand retour
Carnets de voyage, journal d’aventures, mémoires itinérantes, recits initiatiques… C'est un genre littéraire qui a toujours eu ses adeptes du 16 ème siècle avec Montaigne, au 18 ème avec les explorateurs, au 19 ème siècle avec Stendhal, sans compter tous les récits coloniaux. Aujourd’hui, le voyage est plus spirituel. Les récits de Sylvain Tesson l’incarnent. Plus qu’un genre c’est une nécessité littéraire, une manière nouvelle de se confier. Raconter ses voyages et ses expériences avec son âme. Aurélien Millot, nous explique. Ecrire ses voyages, c'est se comprendre soi, ailleurs, autrement Ecrire sur sa propre écriture Il s’agit-là d’une sorte de psychanalyse littéraire ou quand, à l’échelle infinitésimale (quantique), l’observateur influe sur la chose observée et qu’à travers l’observation ils composent un triptyque alchimique aspirant à l’unité retrouvée. Alors je vais tenter de m’y exercer dans cette rédaction." …Assurez-vous seulement de faire de chaque voyage, un voyage intérieur "
Marcel Proust disait si justement « Le véritable voyage de découverte ne consiste pas à chercher de nouveaux paysages, mais à avoir de nouveaux yeux. » Pour être sommaire et « terre à terre » il s’agit a priori de récits de voyage, de récits initiatiques. Pour être plus précis et subtil, ils constituent la restitution partielle de voyages intérieurs et extérieurs en vue de changer de paradigme. Les deux aspects étant indissociés, chacun d’eux faisant écho, établissant ainsi une résonnance. En gros, ils se répondent. Le grand soufi Shams Ed Tabrizi disait « Est, Ouest, Sud ou Nord, il n'y a pas de différence. Peu importe votre destination, assurez-vous seulement de faire de chaque voyage, un voyage intérieur. Si vous voyagez intérieurement, vous parcourrez le monde entier et au-delà. » Ces textes sont emplis d'harmonie et connectés à ma planète, mais aussi à cet univers, à l’humanité, afin de retrouver mon unité, mon UNIvers (vers quoi?) : moi vers le monde et le monde vers moi, me rappelant Rumi (le grand soufi) qui disait « ne te sens pas seul, le monde entier est en toi » ainsi que « tu n’es pas une goutte dans l’océan, tu es l’océan dans une goutte ». Cela étant ça n’est pas binaire c’est bien au-delà. Ce style se veut novateur intégrant des images au sens propre donc physiques, mais aussi au sens figuré de manière métaphorique chargées fortement de symbolisme : personnel mais aussi que chaque lecteur retrouvera éventuellement en lui-même avec ces propres grilles de lecture.Récits de voyage : une littérature qui doit chahuter la littérature
Il est question de chahuter la littérature stricte, les règles, les lignes, et d’en dessiner des courbes, des images plutôt qu’exclusivement des lettres, la faire danser, valser, en jouant avec l’euphonie et ce avec euphorie, en s’amusant avec les mots, les maux de tête pour certains, la langue de oiseaux de manière plus prosaïque et plus mystique pour d’autres. Alors comment définir rationnellement quelque chose d’indéfinissable ? Comment la résumer ? Il s’agit d’une littérature geopolitico-historico-sociologico-psychologico-phylosophico-« pseudo »-scientifico-artistico-esoterico-spirituelle… Dans le genre pompeux, on fait difficilement mieux ! Ah j’aurais pu insérer après « artistico » pour que ça rime et que ce soit plus léger « rigolo »… Plus sérieusement quand ça n’existe pas, il faut donc le cueillir sur l’arbre des possibles, le monde des idées de Platon. Non la vie n’est pas platonique, tout n’est pas ou tout noir ou tout blanc, elle est haute en couleurs et à nous de co-créer le dessin de notre dessein à notre image. C’est donc de la création ou récréation très ludique, un vrai jeu d’enfant complexe dans sa simplicité.Une littérature gorgée de liberté
On m’a dit que « ce genre littéraire était en vogue ». Personnellement en toute franchise, je ne savais pas. Cette dimension personnelle n’a jamais eu vocation à demeurer marketing ou complaisante, cadrée, structurée. Aucunement, elle est justement sans limite, gorgée de la plus grande liberté et fantaisie comme j’aime à l’être en privé, lorsque les masques tombent (ceux de la persona(e)) : ceux-là-mêmes qui nous font revêtir des costumes à nos pièces de théâtre et ainsi jouer divers rôles (des jeux drôles aussi) dans les représentations de la vie de tous les jours. Du coup je le définirais par « transgenre littéraire de déjà vu ». Entendant « air de déjà vu » pourquoi ? Tout simplement car il tente d’établir une proximité avec les gens au final. Il semble que bon nombre se retrouvent à travers lui (parfois après un certain temps, ou un temps certain) car ils en sont peut-être une émanation. Khalil Gibran disait « aucun homme ne peut rien vous révéler sinon ce qui repose déjà à demi endormi ». Je pourrais dire qu’en quelque sorte qu’il s’agit d’une forme de littérature holistique ou « holistylistique » néologisme oblige, c’est sûrement cela. A l’origine, à la genèse de tout il y a le « logos » (parlé ou écrit), selon les textes à chaque création est associée l’idée qu’« Au commencement était le Verbe, et le Verbe était en Dieu, et le verbe était Dieu. » Or il semblerait qu’à chaque création aussi infime soit telle, il s’agisse d’un souffle divin pour les croyants, un souffre dit vain pour les autres, ou encore une rédaction, une expression de dame-nature. J’ai toujours perçu la plume comme un moyen de constituer en se reliant et se ralliant à d’autres, des ailes afin de s’élever. Ces écrits représentent ni plus ni moins justement que des tremplins à la réflexion, à l’échange, à la discussion : et donc théoriquement puis pratiquement censés amener une élévation collective de l’esprit. Au-delà dans la « méthode » qui n’en est pas une in fine, disons dans l’approche, c’est une écriture automatique, limite en transe (sans paradis artificiels) juste la connexion au Grand Tout ni plus ni moins qu’une simple lecture de, ce que j’aime à qualifier, Grand Livre de la Vie dont nous sommes tous à la fois co-lecteur et co-créateur. Et Dieu sait que la bibliothèque est infinie (voir(e) UNfini). Le but si tenté qu’il y en ait un, dans la mesure où à la base il s’agit d’un don (« donner » : c’est donner une part, sous-entendu de nous-même en quelque sorte) pour recevoir (« se voir à nouveau » ?!) qui pour ce faire requiert de savoir se sacrifier (« se fier au sacré, or le sacré et bien ça crée » )…, ni plus ni moins qu’un partage dans la mesure où une bouteille de champagne ne se boit jamais aussi allégrement qu’en groupe. Il en est de même.Mémoires itinérantes, récits initiatiques pour inspirer, pour méditer, pour accéder
Aussi à l’image du battement d’ailes du papillon en orient (l’or riant, où je vis) créant une tornade en occident, cette littérature « holistylistique » permet de dépoussiérer peut-être et aussi de susciter des vocations, des inspirations(,) à méditer (« meditare » : revenir au centre, au centre de soi-même). Or dans « inspirer », on peut entendre « spiritus », « l’esprit », l’esprit d’initiative, l’état d’esprit qui est un état sans frontière, un échange de fluide, sans papier. Il s’agit en quelque sorte systématiquement de partir d’un point pour faire le tour sans tourner en rond puis d’accéder à une autre sphère de conscience autour justement du thème central « ni moi, ni monde, juste la conscience, au-delà l’UNconscient collectif ». De manière sommaire il est question de l’UNion ou la réUNion avec le Grand Tout et peu importe les voies. Quand on me pose la question si cela ne m’effraye pas de voyager en « solitaire ». En réalité disons que je suis physiquement seul au départ, mais métaphysiquement jamais. Et surtout voyager comme tel permet d’être comme une feuille de l’arbre de vie qui se laisse guider au grès du vent avec une multitude de rencontres bien plus riches et intenses qu’en « temps normal » et ce bien qu’il y ait à l’origine une feuille de route pré établie. Le vent incarne alors la synchronicité ou les coïncidences selon l’appréciation de chacun. Cela étant je veille à ce qu’aucun voyage ne finisse jamais, ma vie est une voie sans fin, chacun d’eux ne compose qu’un chapitre du grand Livre de La Vie. J’essaye au quotidien de recouvrer ma vue d’enfant à m’émerveiller et parfois nul besoin d’aller trop loin pour voyager profondément. Il peut arriver que l’on parcoure la moitié de la planète pour découvrir la 7e merveille du monde dont la 8e est subtilement en face de nous et/ou en nous…Ecrire de manière décomplexée avec son cœur et son âme
Je suis un pur autodidacte praticien de l’écriture, très peu dans la théorie et en pleine conscience notamment de toutes les faiblesses de la forme mais je le dis froidement et sans effroi peu me chaut, il me semble que le fond, en toile de fond prime. Il faut percevoir, percer pour voir au-delà des apparences, tout comme les racines de l’Arbre de la Vie sont cachées, c’est pourtant elles qui alimentent la partie essentielle et visible. Je n’écris pas avec ma main, ni mon esprit mais de manière décomplexée : pas à contre cœur, sans état d’âme mais juste purement et simplement avec mon cœur et avec mon âme.Texte original tiré de Monbestseller : https://www.monbestseller.com/actualites-litteraire/8167-litterature-de-voyage-carnets-daventures-recits-initiatiques-le-grand
Bibliographie : https://www.monbestseller.com/membre/aurelien-millot
Issa ~ AMThe Lost Heaven
The great Sufi Sham Ed Tabrizi said wisely “Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both presents inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy or fight someone we tumble straight into the fires of hell.”Sufism represents the esoteric part of Islam. How come what does it mean? The hell and paradise exist, they have been evoked in the Holy Scriptures of the 3 monotheist religions some people will think. First, the holy scriptures have been written many centuries ago in a certain context. Secondly, if we focus on the Bible it has been transcripted a few decades even a few centuries after Jesus Christ Himself by oral transmission. Thirdly, they have been translated from Aramaic (a death language) to Greek then to the Latin and after to our modern languages. Imagine that the first translation of the Bible from Latin to French has been done in the 16th century (1,500 years after Jesus). Why? Because the institutions did not want the folk knows the essence of the messages. Before that those who tried to translate it, have been condemned. The fourth point, the holy scriptures have been selected and certain of them changed. Indeed in the 4th century (325 AD to be precise) in the Nicea Council, Constantine (the Roman Emperor) used Christianity as a political weapon to master consciousness and give legitimacy to conquest “the world”. Thus it is at this period that the Holy Scriptures have been changed: the reincarnation disappeared, only 4 gospels among 45 have been maintained, some passages have been deleted… Therefore apparently according to all esoteric currents among the world the paradise and the hell do not exist in the form the intuitions taught us.
If we analyze the Sham Ed Tabrizi’s quote. They “exist” but more subtly they correspond to certain frequencies. When we hate, we are in hell, why? Because our vibrations are extremely low, linked to gravity. Even in the etymology “gravity” “grave” when you have a matter, a problem, it is linked to density, to matter (“matter” has a double meaning: 1-tangible-solid and 2-problem). On the other way round when you love, you have butterflies in the eyes, you fly, you are light, you are enlightened, (“light” has a double meaning: 1-weightlessness, 2-the opposite of darkness). This is what one hints at when one talks about ascension in New Age but “initially” (not exclusively) in Christianity with Jesus.
The ascension is not the fact of physically taking off: your body goes in the sky, not at all. It corresponds basically to your vibrations being lighter (and being thereby enlightened) bring you in higher dimensions. This is apparently what could be the 5th dimension. For the skeptical, let me quote the Bible then. Matthew 6-/23,22: “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness.” When one talks in Islam about “Jihad” what does it mean? In Arabic, it means “struggle”. This is purely an INNER peaceful battle in between your own darkness and your own Light basically.
There is absolutely nothing to see with action towards someone or holy war. A holy war is a non-sense: holy=saint, pure high vibrations, linked to harmony whereas war=pain, low vibrations, associated with sadness… It would be like a “cold fire” or a “hot ice-cube”, it does not make sense. By the way in Arabic or Hebrew (in Semitic languages) Sheitan the devil (which gave “satan”) means the “obstacle”. Nothing good or bad, this is a western dualist vision (the Asian philosophies like Taoism… perceive as Yin&Yang 2 parts of the same medal creating a whole, both being necessarily and complementary to co-exist). Thus “sheitan” is “just” the obstacle to Light. The light can exist only if there are support and a shadow. Let me quote again this remarkable Sham Ed Tabrizi “The whole universe is contained within a single human being you. Everything that you see around, including the things that you might not be fond of and even the people you despise or abhor, is present within you in varying degrees. Therefore, do not look for Sheitan outside yourself either. The devil is not an extraordinary force that attacks from without. It is an ordinary voice within. If you set to know yourself fully, facing with honesty and hardness.” Actually, I could have been more direct. One of the keys taught by Jesus Christ is the following ”the kingdom of God is in your midst” (Gospel Luke 17-21), it cannot be clearer. It is CHRISTal clear if I can afford J Why did one lose this dimension? Why does one procrastinate and externalize heaven or hell? Maybe because it is easier to put the responsibility on the other people, on external events or facts… Inferno comes from Latin and has the same root than “to lock”. What is “inferno” except locking the cell that one creates by the segmentation of the environment, the Source. The prison which has a sense because one decided to give one to the walls that one created in one’s mind.
Me and the other, Me and the rest of the world… Apparently according to most of the esoteric currents, one comes from the Source, the Unity, the Universal Soul, the Oneness, Brahman in Hinduism…. Apparently, the quest, the holy grail, the subtle enigma down to earth after this segmentation, this incarnation, this separation from the unity, this Source would be to find it back and more precisely to Re-Member it: to reactivate it because it is still there… That’s why the great Sufi Rumi said: “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean within a drop”.
This quest to reach back this universal harmony is what in Hinduism one calls “the Samadhi” which is the Union and in a certain way it would be the equivalent of the paradise nowhere. Some people could ask what about the Last Judgment? Let’s take a metaphor. If a professor teaches his students of MBA and he started by telling them: “Do not worry if you work or you do not, it does not matter you will pass your exam the most important is that you learn and you soak the content of my teaching. As they are mature, some of them they paid by their own, some others took back their studies in parallel with the current job they have so they are naturally motivated. They do not need an incentive, a mark, or a reward: they want to acquire knowledge that they could use in their professional life. Do you think it could work with teenagers of 12-15 years old?
Apparently, if we fail our exam of life, we are never punished or blamed. There is a system of self-analysis and co-examination with the Source to see if the knowledge, the experience has been understood if we can be graduated (showing the notion of ascension). If not, one decides to repeat a grade: one comes back down to earth by reincarnating (the reincarnation being present in most of the religions: the Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the esoteric currents admit it) until one considers the knowledge is integrated. If one passes the exam: different options, after an MBA one can prepare a Pd.D. or to work, one can become a teacher or after a while, one can be retired and/or to become a professor emeritus.
For those who are less prosaic and more down to earth let me decipher this metaphor. Different options: There are 2 options: 1-one dies and one is not satisfied so one reincarnates until one integrates the knowledge 2-one dies considering one understood either one gets retired one becomes back a part of the Source, the Unity, the Big All, The Absolute, either one reincarnates to teach people on earth like Lightworkers either one becomes emeritus like an angel (not officially teacher/professor anymore) by teaching indirectly, orienting people through subtle messages… If you analyze in the mystical green language/language of birds in English: when someone dies one says: he/she passed away, according to me I hear beyond the sound if I read between the lines of the Great Book of Life: “passed the/a way”: did she/he pass her/his exam/experience of life (his/her way: representing the unitary and also the method). “One never knows!*” How come!! It is not fair if there is no punishment it will be the mess! Most people could think that. Isn’t it already the mess? J That’s why the notion of punishment has been established because the institutions were afraid humanity was not mature enough to understand. But nowadays isn’t that the awakening period that everybody is talking? Isn’t the new era, the arrival of a new paradigm based on trust, confidence, respect, mutual help, tolerance, independence… ?!
The beauty is in the eyes of the one who sees it but the contrary is also true. If you put your evil glasses you will see the planet is hell and if you use the paradise one’s you will marvel at heaven on earth. What is Dantes’ Inferno? I will explain later in a special article the importance of symbols: they are never direct, they are never imposed but subtly let at the personal interpretation of each sensitivity to decipher its own messages.
Dantes’ Inferno represents the 9 spheres of the hell which have been inspired by the Greek Aristotle philosophy. In a certain way, it might be a metaphor that we decipher as different degrees of lower astral. Indeed there are different layers of realities (vertically and spherical also) with lower and upper astral (apparently full of entities/beings/energies that we cannot see). These lower and upper astral could be associated with the notion of frequencies of hell or heaven to really simplify things. I can evoke the legend of Shambala (the origin of our name Shambali refers to it among other hidden meanings). Shambala is a myth present in the main religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Shambala (शम्भल) in Sanskrit means literally “place of peaceful happiness” this is a mystical kingdom that some people visualize on the map in Tibet, in Mongolia,… in many other places. Actually, in the Light of wisdom, it seems to be an imaginary, mythical and mystical place that one does not approach with the eyes but more with the heart. It is a kind of paradise which cannot be exclusively earthly nor therefore celestial. That is why Shambali is interior, a sort of inner harmony allowing access to external harmony. An old Hindu legend reveals that there was once a time when all human beings were gods, but they so abused their divinity that Brahma, the chief god, decided to take it away from them and hide it where it could never be found. Where to hide their divinity (this divine Light) was the question. So Brahma called a council of the gods to help him decide. “Let’s bury it deep in the earth,” said the gods. But Brahma answered, “No, that will not do because humans will dig into the earth and find it.” Then the gods said, “Let’s sink it in the deepest ocean.” But Brahma said, “No, not there, for they will learn to dive into the ocean and will find it.” Then the gods said, “Let’s take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there.” But once again Brahma replied, “No, that will not do either, because they will eventually climb every mountain and once again take up their divinity.” Then the gods gave up and said, “We do not know where to hide it, because it seems that there is no place on earth or in the sea that human beings will not eventually reach.” Brahma thought for a long time and then said, “Here is what we will do. We will hide their divinity (Light) deep in the center of their own being in their heart, for humans, will never think to look for it there so easily.” In Shambali you will experience through many ways this practice of zero point energy and mysterious inner.G to be able to manage it in your daily life. Issa ~ AM
The Majestic magic stick of life
In the Persian legend of one thousand and one night, the Genie in a bottle offers to Aladdin (in the mystic language: the green language or language of the bird, “Allah Din” means in Arabic “the Religion of God”) is present to satisfy all his wishes without any conditions. “Your wishes will be my orders”. But the prerequisite that most of the people ignore is to believe in it.It seems to be a beautiful story but actually, it might be subtly much more insightful and meaningful. Walt Disney’s cartoons and most of the stories contain a part of the magic and prepare the consciousness to something deeper, further. However, most adults ignore or repress this dimension. That’s why it is important to gain back the inner child who is still asleep inside us. Walt Disney, Lewis Carroll (who wrote Alice in Wonderland), and Jules Verne (who wrote “around the world in 80 days” or “Journey to the center of Earth”…) inter alias, all of them were among the greatest insiders. Their masterpieces abound of innumerable hidden messages to awaken people. At school, the two first things that kids learn is 1-the alphabet and 2-the grammar. The alphabet allows spelling the words. Even this has a magic aspect because it enhances and activates the substance of the thought, the proof “to cast a spell” means using witchcraft. Grammar corresponds to the structure, the framework of the language, the sound. Grammar comes from the old French word “grimoire” which was a book of magic, a book of incantations.
Have you ever pay attention to the reference of the legal time GMT is Greenwich (almost Green Witch in the mystical green language one more time). That’s why also “write” has the same sound than “rite” (this is again the green language or language of the birds: the mystical language touching your unconsciousness). Indeed the word allows us to shape the world consciously and unconsciously: physically and metaphysically. Sigmund Freud the father of psychoanalysis said 'Words and magic were in the beginning, one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power.'
What is this magic stick, the magic trick then?
There is a French expression saying “who does not say a word, consents”. It means if you do not protest towards something you hear or read you accept it. Subtly the word becomes a sword not innocently. This works exactly like this in our world. A lot of people put some symbols, some hidden messages everywhere to shape our unconsciousness. And if we are not aware or if we do not have protection towards them, we follow and swallow as goats… This technic has been forbidden in the ’50-’60s to inject subtle messages or even pictures of advertising. Knowing each second we see 24 pictures creating the illusion of movement and timeline. Thus if you inject a 25th one, for instance, a drink or a pancake of a special brand, suddenly you feel like “I’d like this or that…” That’s why I insist Sigmund Freud said 'Words and magic were in the beginning one and the same thing, and even today words retain much of their magical power.' In the Genesis, it is written In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was at the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.
What does it mean concretely? We could convert the word “word” by “vibration” as the great scientist Nicola Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” The sound crystalizes structures and patterns of our universe (regarding sacred geometry and cymatics). I could add what Einstein said regarding “energy”: "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." To summarize all is energy. So how to act on this matter? Through the vibration, the energy. That’s why Einstein said “Everything is energy and that's all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” The most important point is the one: “match the frequency of the reality you want” and you will obtain it. In other words, vibrate the reality you want and you get it. You touch a part of the reality you want among the infinite field of potentialities.
As the Law of attraction evokes it: we attract what we vibrate, like magnets: events, people… The YOUniverse reflects itself within your life to the demand of your heart
Have you ever pay attention that the word “magnetic” is the anagram of “net magic”. Coincidence?! Actually, this is the key to open up the doors of Magic: the majestic Magic stick of fairyland life. The prerequisite is the following:
- Intention
- Attention
- grateful
All religions say there is a field of energy (“qi” in Chinese “Tai Qi” or “Qi Gong”, “Ki” for Japanese Rei-Ki, prana for Hindu and Buddhist, Ether for ancient Greek...) which is prevalent everywhere, this is exactly what science discovered recently and admitted. Verse 106 said, "When you make the two one, you will become the sons of man, and when you say, 'Mountain, move away,' it will move away." We need to decipher “The two one” refers to thought and emotion: when you combine both at the same time to make only one as a whole. In other words when you can put your thought in your emotion into on single potent force. Why? Because we create the feeling in your body. Verse 48 said, "If two make peace with each other in this one house, they will say to the mountain, 'Move Away,' and it will move away." The word “House” refers to “temple” implying the temple which is inside us. “Ask and ye shall receive”. It is not asking with the voice. We must speak to the field. How through the power of our heart, our emotions. Original and edited text John: 16:23 says “whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you. Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.” The real translation is “All things that you ask strictly, directly from inside my name, you will be given it. So far you have not done this (because if we ask with our voice). Ask without hidden motive and be surrounded by your answer. Be enveloped by what you desire that your gladness be full”. Neville Goddard a great metaphysician and author said 3 things extremely important and converging in that sense: 1-“the great secret of prayer is thinking from rather than thinking of” 2- "Make your future dream a present fact by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled” 3- “Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.” Soviet Athletes used this method in the past. They use to visualize their performance, for instance jumping successfully to 2.05 meters with the score written on the big board of the stadium.
This technic is still used in the “coaching of life” the visualization of a scene: a meeting, a presentation… You feel the most harmonious and successful scenario as real inside in your mind and your heart with a maximum of details. In Shambali you will experience through many ways the beauty of the magic of life and also you will learn how to activate these technics of the majestic magic stick in your daily life. Issa ~ AM
Science & Spirituality a Hidden Love Story
Do you prefer your mum or your dad? Isn’t it a weird question? Why choosing between science or spirituality? Both concepts have been presented to us as opposed.Why? How come?
History seems to have a selective memory. Or one shaped history according to certain believes. Who is the “one” who created history and especially who wrote history which seems to be partial (in both senses: 1-limited 2-skewed)? The same “one” that we can find “oneness”? One never knows! I need to do a short aside to precise what I will include in the concept of “spirituality” because it will be an enlarged vision of the invisible to a certain extent that we could normally divide as follows:- Religion: the dogma, society rules, hygiene…
- Esoteric dimension: the occult part of the religions, the mother essence of the primer messages of the religions
- Spirituality: a personal approach linked to feeling and to the teachings: mix, the inspiration of the existing ideas adapted to one’s personal sensitivity
- Mysticism: a symbolic and operational approach at the borders of the different worlds (rituals, magic…)
- The different subliminal worlds: spirits, entities, angels, egregores, Aliens…
- The principle of energies
However, if we analyze the Ancient Greece (pillar of western societies) all the greatest genius were philosophes and mathematicians and beyond of that mystic. Pythagoras created the mystery school based on ancient Egyptian mysteries. Plato developed a lot the sacred geometry with “his” platonic solids. They all balanced and embraced harmoniously science and spirituality from a holistic perspective.
So why doesn’t one remember this part of history? What happened?
The Christian Inquisition stands for a cataclysm and a real schism between Science & Spirituality (which lasted almost 5 centuries during the Middle Age). It created such a fear in the scientific realm that science wanted to keep a distance with a kind of spirituality to preserve its autonomy and integrity. Just 3 examples Copernic, Galileo, Kepler have obliged to deny the discoveries but they were believers. The unique problem was that their discoveries questioned the Holy Scriptures. The Holy Scriptures have been changed (and this is official history) at the 4th century by the Roman Empire Constantine (Council of Nicea) by this moment the reincarnation disappeared, only 4 gospels among 40 have been maintained, some passages have been deleted… Kepler expresses his approach in these terms: "Great God, great is his power, and his wisdom is infinite, heavens, sun, moon, and stars, praise Him in the language given to you, my Lord and my Creator! The splendor of your works, I would like to announce it to men as far as my limited mind can understand it. " Nevertheless, history kept in mind a mistaken vision of science: Manichean and purely Cartesian. Even these concepts are wrong. “Manichean” is supposed to mean “dualist” broadly black or white. Mani was an amazing Persian prophet from the 3rd century AC who tried to combine Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. In a certain way, he applied a holistic (“holos” global) vision of the spirituality of his era but history kept in mind a wrong idea toward his philosophy. This is the same for Descartes, Rene Descartes was closed to Rosicrucian and talked about the pineal gland (third eye) as “the seat of the soul”: this is not Cartesian at all! J Rosicrucian philosophy is based on the principle that life is a science combining the natural forces and law with the spiritual ones. That’s why their motto is “the feet on the ground and the head in the sky”. Descartes just tried to apply a structured analysis of everything, including the notion of God. But Descartes was spiritual, as one of the father of the mother science Newton. Isaac Newton was one of the greatest alchemists. As a fresh reminder, Alchemy is transmuting the matter: having a resonance between the mind of the practitioner and the soul of elements. It is close to magic. Not really rational! Isn’t it? Science and spirituality are like two faces of the same medal that we win by understanding as a whole, as complementarity and not an opposition. In addition, they do not have the same way of conveying messages: science is based on demonstrations and measurable facts and spirituality more on faith and metaphors (symbols). Einstein said wisely “Well, I do not think it's absolutely necessary for science and religion to be antithetical, in fact, I think there's a very close connection between the two, and I think science without religion is mutilated and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. They are both important and should work hand in hand. It seems that anyone does not question the question of the truth about religion and science might as well be dead. ” Actually, it is just a question of perspective, science relates physics and spirituality the metaphysics (“meta” in Greek meaning “beyond”, implying beyond of our reality, our eyes). Spirituality cannot be proved, as it is based on faith otherwise it would be imposed. Science is a human approach implying human limits. As the great philosopher, Spinoza said, “a finite being cannot figure out infinite”. In 1930 Einstein (the great scientist) and Tagore (the mystic Hindu) had an amazing discussion(read it) balancing science & spirituality that I evoked in the article: “ILLusion-Real Eyes, realize, real lies” According to Hindu’s philosophy, it is Brahman, the Absolute Truth, which cannot be conceived by the isolation of the individual mind or described in words but cannot be realized by completely fusing the individual into his infinity. But such truth cannot belong to science. The nature of the truth we are talking about is one aspect - that is, what seems to be true to the human mind and therefore human, and may be called Maya or illusion. This is exactly what the great Sufi Rumi said “ The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth.” The crucial point is this: the fact that truth is not a fixed point, truth is fluctuating, evolving according to our referential (point of view, point of analysis). Look at a stone: it seems to be stable, tangible. It is a matter of fact if I can afford J But at the microcosmic level, its subatomic particles change constantly, there is nothing solid, only energies, and fluctuating forces. Our reality is not simple, it is double, triple, multiple… This is what ancient wisdom evoked for ages.We could set up an analogy with Quantum physics. Science would be a particle and spirituality would the wave (the unified field), the observer impacting the results… endless like the dog trying to eat its tail. Science impacts the result of what it analyzes, our tool to measure it, affects reality. We are co-creators according to the triptych: the object-the subject-the observation being perceived as one, as a whole. This is what new science discovered recently. We reached a new era for which modern science is converging to many esoteric ideas. Rabelais wrote in 1532 “science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul” which could be applied also for spirituality. Once one adheres to an idea, one should understand the ins and the outs, not blindly and especially without doing proselytism. Einstein combine these 2 aspects “science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” If we see the symbol of Vitruvian Man it evokes fully the marriage in between science and spirituality. The square refers to physics, science, the visible structure, the left brain, the Yang of the Yin&Yang from Taoism (masculinity) and the circle stands for metaphysics, the spirituality, the invisible dimensions, the right brain, the Ying: (feminity).
But actually, the symbol of Christianity means that slightly different: the alignment with horizontal perspective is the harmony with the materiality (down to earth life, good food, good entertainment, enjoying nature…). The vertical alignment means spiritual harmony. At the center is you, you are the center of this good balance. Let’s meditate on it (meditate coming from “medium” in Latin which means “center” literally coming back to the center)
We could establish different links between science and spirituality but it would not be exhaustive. Einstein said “A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe' ” which very similar to the Sufi Rumi quote who evoked “you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean within a drop”. The notion of detachment from the matter to be in a state of vibration is evoked by quantic mechanic and exactly what Asian philosophies (Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism…) teach for ages. The astrophysicist Trinh Xuan Thuan who is also Buddhist said "Buddha, by the force of his mind, had the intuition that everything moves and evolves. But modern science abounds in this sense: the universe is expanding, everything is constantly changing.” The scientists discovered recently that the vacuum which is made of 99.99% of emptiness is full of energy, what the Asian philosophies have been teaching for 5 and 2 millenniums. The 0 point energy had been taught for a long time by these Asian Currents. They instruct to renounce by detachment to duality by combining immobility & movement which is purely the Singularity point in modern science. The great scientist Lavoisier said, “nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.” Which is a matter of fact J if I can afford. We could establish an analogy with death and why not reincarnation. The soul, the ideas are energies, once they have been emitted they never disappeared there are like ripples on the surface of the water.
If water was the soul of someone, the formula never changes H2O: from glass to the sponge or from the condensation. It is just a change of state or container. From the Source at the top of the mountain as snow to the river till the ocean to recreate the cycle of condensation… For the skeptic, here it is the Cosmic microwave background.
What’s that?! The picture of the past of our universe, it is still present somewhere and some probes were able to take pictures of them through the vibrations emitted in the past. Nothing is lost, and also nothing has been created since the beginning of our universe. At the creation of the big bang, the universe was contracted on itself. The “matter” was not bigger than a pea: all was condensed. The iron you have in your blood and from the metal of your car is the same and it comes from this little pea of the big bang. By the way even this phenomenon of the big bang, we find it in the Genesis, with the “Tsim Tsoum”: God was rampant and prevalent, everywhere and to create the world He/She/It contracts on Himself/Herself/Itself exactly like our big bang. That’s why the great astrophysicist Carl Sagan said “We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our self knows where we come from. We aspire to return. And we can do it because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of stardust. ” I could even go further but it would take more time, there is no opposition “Creationism vs Evolutionism” both are right in their perspective. The missing link is the key to understand… Maybe the notion of “consciousness” can be one of the ways. However, there are essentially 3 aspects which can put together the 3 pieces of the puzzle game, the masterpiece of Life that embodies science and spirituality through 3 main concepts: 1-the quest of sense 2-the observation of nature 3-energy 1-the quest of sense: it is quite obvious, both try to explain the universe, life, the existential questions: where are we from? Why are we here? What is our reason of being?... 2-the observation of nature: it is more subtle, the term “cosmos” means “order” in ancient Greek. Why? Because all forces in the universe are balanced and perfectly structured, balanced from the macrocosmic to the microcosmic scale. In the Bible, it is written “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” The great Sufi Rumi said, “What you seek, is seeking you”. It is true when you start to study biology, physics, astronomy… it is hard not to believe. The coincidence would be like putting on the floor all the components of a Boeing 747 that’s to say millions of little pieces and with a simple tornado by magic, a plane would be made. The notion of “chance” seems to be funny. Imagine that probability that life is possible on earth and the universe is balanced as it is, is 10^-60, it means we had one chance on 100,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Or for those who are bad at mathematics, it is like trying to reach a target of 1cmx1cm at a distance of 14 billion year light. In a certain, we have more chance to win to national lottery. J That’s why Einstein said, “Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of man, with our modest faculties, we must feel humble.” 3-the (subtle) energy: The great scientist Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Einstein expressed “What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” Max Planck the father of quantum physics (Nobel prime in 1918) declared “All matter comes from a force and exists only by it. We must assume the existence, under this force, of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter ". David Bohm an amazing scientist revealed: “Nature has a meaning and therefore consciousness, even at the level of the electron. This consciousness is everywhere and in all things” Actually this subtle energy (with a kind of consciousness) is what the Greek philosophers called “Ether”, or the Taoist masters “Qi” (Qi Gong or Tai Qi), or Ki (for Reiki) or Prana (for Hindus & Buddhists) and in a certain extent what science names “Dark energy”. Even in the Genesis (the Bible), the first word is in Hebrew “Bereshit” which means “weft” implying the notion of common thread interlocking and interconnecting all parts of the masterpiece which is Life. All these aspects are the same things, the content remains the same, just the form changes. There is no conclusion to this article as it is an endless fascinating enigma to put together the missing links in order, but I would like to refer to 2 amazing human beings: Avicenna and Da Vinci. Avicenna is a Persian genius of the 1st millennium in many fields but especially in medicine, Botanic… Even nowadays scientists do not understand how come he was so in advance. We can consider him as the Da Vinci of the Middle East (one millennium before). Da Vinci was a scientist, an artist, an advisor (for the King Francois the 1st) and a great mystic. See his draft with the flower of Life.
Both of them Avicenna and Da Vinci always said that their knowledge, their inspiration was coming from The Source and especially through their own angels. A not really rational approach for some pillars of our societies. Isn’t it? Always keep in mind what Leonardo Da Vinci said wisely “Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” In Shambali our teaching is based on a triptych combining science, art, and spirituality to enlarge your perspectives and your consciousness. The goal is to apply a holistic approach to appreciate the common subtle thread in order to integrate that all the roads lead to Rome (and to home). Issa ~ AM
ILLusion-Real eyes, Realize, Real Lies
Einstein said « Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. » The philosophy and literature evoked exactly the same principle of illusion by different ways the myth of Plato’s cave (we only see projected shadows of ourselves) or “Life Is a Dream” by Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Simulacron3 (which inspires largely Matrix)…etc. The Hindus use the word “Mayas” to talk about our reality which means literally “illusion”. Science, art, and spirituality are on the same page at this level to read the Great book of life in between lines. In which extent? Let’s try to expend the limits of our perception. Our world is based on the theory of relativity (established by Einstein) implying that everything is subjective, depending on our point of view and corresponds to the interaction between things. We are conditioned since our childhood to consider as real the materiality and we based our modern “civilization” on a materialistic society. However, Einstein declared "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." Our physical world represents only 4% of our reality, 27% is made of dark matter (that we cannot see) and 69% of dark energy (invisible for us). Our universe is made of 99.99% of “empty space”. Nevertheless, Einstein said « Physical objects are not in space, but these objects are spatially extended (as fields). In this way, the concept 'empty space' loses its meaning”. Each second our brain can analyze 2,000 bites of info on 400 million we have in front of us, we are blind or for the most so-called “awakened” we see through a keyhole. The visible spectrum of light is a tiny part of the big picture, we can only see a certain wavelength from red to blue (the 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 chakras, and 7 notes of music).The vision of you and your dog are different but the “reality” does not change.
If you were watching reality through an infra-red mask or a scan, this porn movie would still turn you on? Does reality change?
All that you see is just retransmitted in your brain through neuronal connections. All our 5 senses are purely electric signals sent to your brain. Our thoughts are just representing the subway, the metro referring to a special location looking out onto special monuments of your city. Our reality by conceiving that our consciousness receives, via the filter of the brain, a flow of information which it transforms by its vibrations in sensations of matter, space and time which flows. But where does this flow come from? The 5 senses can be recreated by a simulator but also just by activating your memories, a sound through a long wave. These are only electric copies of the observed matter. What you perceive with your senses are encoded at the back of your brain. The pictures you think you see are pure information transmitted to your eyes through the photons given to this part of the back your brain to transcript the image in 3 dimensions as a hologram. All the senses are just subjective. Sing a song in your head, you create artificially the wavelength that the music generates and which is measurable in Hertz. Try to shout in your head, the notion of decibels can ben also reactivated. If I put a fake hand beside yours and I cut it with a knife, you will feel a few seconds a pain. The brain does not see the difference between the “reality” and virtual reality. When the first cinema opened, in this first movie there was a train, once it appeared all the people started to shout and fade away as they thought they will be injured. In the 3D cinema nowadays, we can have a reflex to chase a spider which would come too close to us even if we know it is just a movie. Even for feelings, two persons are watching a soap on TV Samantha who follows for 10 years is upset and start to talk “such a mother F. this John, he cheated this lovely Angela, he does not deserve her”. Her husband a bit detached looks at her “calm down it is just a soap, it is a fiction”. Who never cried by watching a sad movie? This is what we call the “mirror neurons”. When you read this article in your room. Realize that it is more the room which is inside you. When you observe the stars, you reactivate the electric signals “in your brain”, they are within you. And even that, it is also an illusion to believe your thoughts are in your head. Believing that, would be like believing that the band with tiny little human beings are playing a song when you listen to music on the radio with an electronic device J. Just one thing, in your brain, there is never any image or light… pure data encoded and transcribed into holograms.
What are memories? Illusion too? Actually, we match patterns that already exist within ourselves through conditioning. When the Native American Indians saw Columbus’ ships approaching the coast, they could not see them as it was something completely different from what they saw before. Why? Because they had no knowledge of any experience of their existence. The shaman (intercessor with the invisible worlds) remarked there were ripples at the surface of the ocean and step by step the image of the ships appears in his mind as he encoded the received information as a higher level of consciousness. Thus he deciphered these data allowing to become real for the community. Indeed once he saw them he described them to the tribe who trusted him and did the neuronal connections internally. Who knows if it is not the same nowadays or these last decades with Aliens/spirits or even forever?
Rumi the great Sufi said wisely “The truth was a mirror in the hands of God. It fell and broke into pieces. Everybody took a piece of it, and they looked at it and thought they had the truth.” Let’s take a Rubik's Cube: which is its color?
If you look at your face you will tell me it is blue, and I will reply “no it is yellow” and a third observer will say “guys you are wrong it is green”… The Rubik's Cube should be perceived with a holistic vision (“holos” meaning global in Greek) with an overview, not a dualist or skewed Manichean perception. Take a look on Einstein's face even if you understand the principle,
Your mind will be trapped after a while especially in motion:
Actually, the reality would be comparable to an infinite Kaleidoscope which Jules Verne alluded in of his remarkable books. This is the concept of the holographic fractal world presented in the sacred Hindu Holy Scriptures (Veda) for more than 5 millenniums through the metaphor of Indra’s net:
And obviously, this vision is perfectly represented by the universal greatest symbol of the flower of life (showing the entanglement and the interconnection of the reality) allowing to understand or “innerstand” the principle of “fragmented Oneness” (that the Buddhist call Samadhi):
Erwin Schrödinger (the great scientist personally inspired by the Asian wisdom: Veda…) said wisely The multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind. ... is mere appearance (maya)', in reality, they are all only aspects of the one being [….] Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist. The universe seems to stand for a hologram, to make it simple, there would be a double reality one is three dimensional as we see it but which is at the origins of the bidimensional reality. If you throw an object in a black hole, the 3D object disappears but the info of it bidimensional remains around the black hole. It means we could in a certain way recreate it. At the quantic level (at microcosmic scale), the Young double slit experience shows that the reality is shaped by the observation. Either reality corresponds to a wave of potential (the unified field, the vacuum, emptiness, dark energy, invisible to our eyes) either it is a particle once we observe it. If we use a metaphor taking back the image of Rubik's Cube it would be one state and the wave of potentials the unified field would be something like a Rubik's Cube in motion:
The object, the subject, and the observation are in fact not 3 fragmented pieces but the whole of a masterpiece that we call life. That’s why Einstein by provocation in an amazing discussion with Togore the great Indian philosopher and mystic (here is the link of the complete discussion) https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/04/27/when-einstein-met-tagore/) launched “I like to think the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.” The only point he did not take into account was the collective observation. Let’s keep on digging by analyzing the notion of Space-time. Einstein said, “The distinction in between the past, the present and the future is only an illusion although persistent”. Actually, to make it simple, the present would be basically only the filter (of one scenario among an infinity) linked to the consciousness and more precisely at a state of the (individual) consciousness thereby the multiverse would correspond to The Consciousness in the absolute.
We receive 24 pictures per second creating the illusion of movement.
These 24 dominos of one special scenario of one of your life seem to fall down activating a motion. But in reality as I love to say it “all exists already and at the same time all ready to exist”. There are infinite superpositions of ways of scenarios of the dominos.
We just project ourselves (our consciousness) on the frequencies of the reality we vibrate. That is why Einstein said so deeply “Everything is energy and that's all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It can not be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” I even not evoked this illusionary and skewed system of time we have on our planet. In between Juneau in Alaska and Auckland in New Zealand, there are 20 hours difference officially but also un-officially only 4hours. There is a line in the Pacific ocean of 1meter separating 24hours which is a total no-sense. What time is it on the moon? J Thibault Damour one of the greatest French scientist (primed at the academic of Science) said “Modern physics, after all, tells us that death is an illusion because time is an illusion”[…] “the notion of reality is in fact created by the human mind that creates order in the universe around it and it is the human mind and physics in particular that defines the reality and not the opposite.” But let’s be more down to earth with a more innocent and subjective perception of the illusionary reality. When I was young I invented a story actually I was dreaming to be a storyteller… is it a real story? “Once happened a time there was a very rich, smart and happy king in appearance who was convinced he was poor, misfortunate and thereby he was depressed. At the other part of the small ball that one calls the planet, there was a very poor, simple and miserable vagabond who thought he was rich, clever and always happy. Everybody was laughing at both of them… but the real joke was that there were shifting all the times their lives”. What was real in this story? The mockers? The king? The vagabond?... None of them, all of them…? J Joke aside more “seriously” if I can afford let’s take a look on our economic system. Just 2 key points for which no need to be a great Ph.D. in Finance to understand it is based on an illusion and the force that people trust it and believe it and/or ignore it. 1-the physical money does not exist, only 5% of the money is physical, the rest is just some figure on computers and the trust we have in it. 2-the total worldwide debt on the planet corresponds to 225% of the real value. The planetary debit equals to 225% of the total GDP on earth. It means that we consume more than double without having it. You earn 1,000$ per month but you spend 2250$ every month. "It is fortunate that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, because if that were the case, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Henry Ford (1863-1947). No need also to precise that language reinforces the illusion of the reality, if you see the holy scriptures with sometimes some impossibilities to transcript the translation, word plays, the context and also basically because the comprehension of these texts is at the level of awakening of the mankind. I would like to conclude with this long and deep quote of Einstein who said: “The human being is part of a whole that we call the universe, a part that has its limits in time and space. We experience ourselves, with our thoughts, our feelings, our perceptions, as if we are a separate entity and separate from the rest. But this is an optical illusion of consciousness and this illusion becomes our prison. We build a reality in which we include, through our perceptions, our desires, and feelings, only ourselves, the beings and places that are close to us. Our task as human beings is to liberate ourselves from this prison and expand our circle to infinity to include, in love and compassion, all beings, nature and the universe in all its beauty. The true value of a human being is measured by his ability to free himself from his limits and to live the totality, the infinite, unlimited value of Being. If humanity wants to survive, a radically new way of being and thinking is needed. " Apocalypse means in Greek “the lift of the veil”, “unveil” like taking out the filters which obstruct our reality like even inwardly with our personality (persona in Greek meaning “masks” corresponding to all our educative, social, environmental filters…) and outwardly being aware of this illusion. No need to try to find the source of the illusion which comes essentially from our mind. The outcome is to get back to The Source and the key pieces of advice would be the following:
- To apply a holistic approach: an overview, the big picture to all situation and analysis
- To be aware of this illusion is the first step to be less and less dependent on it
- To apply empathy with people, projecting ourselves into the integrated system of the other
- To be hyper-connected to our senses and able also to disconnect of them to activate your 6thsense and enlarge your states of consciousness
- To be detached of the mindfulness sometimes: the experience of the nothingness, the emptiness, vacuum (the unified field)
- To be detached of this reality with Lightness and an inner child vision… Osho said wisely” “Life as such has to be taken as a cosmic joke – and then suddenly you relax because there is nothing to be tense about. And in that very relaxation, something starts changing in you.”
GOD the forbidden word
Nowadays the word "God" became a real taboo, more than sex and death. We can consider it seems to stand for the forbidden word. Of course, there are many different synonyms or parallel concepts which could create a consensus presenting all points of view and sensitivities, education… The great Sufi Rumi said "the truth was a mirror in the hands of God. The mirror fell and broke apart. Everyone took a piece of it, looked at it and thought it was the truth." Thus by extension instead of the term "God" we can use Universal Soul, Mother Earth, the Divine Nature, The Source, The Consciousness, the Cosmic Spirit, the YOUnity, the point of Singularity, the Unified Field, The Nothingness/Emptiness (which brings FULLness and refers to the vacuum of the scientist realm or the dark energy entangling everything)…I do agree that it is a personal concept, but let’s dig a little in which extent. In tradition, God can be also considered as the forbidden word. In Judaism God is called "Yahweh" or even YHWH (voluntarily “unpronounceable”): He is the one (or what) we cannot name. This concept is really similar to Taoism (Daoism, the Chinese ancient wisdom), when we talk about Tao (Dao) we are out of the Tao it is by definition impossible to seize it. Seizing the concept of God is a bit like touching a soap bubble to show to your friend, immediately it disappears. Why because we cannot understand or experience the idea of God by the ego. In this aspect, we could consider that E.G.O would mean: Edge God Out. We cannot say: "I understand it" but eventually "High innerstand it". In Christianity by metaphor, the name of God is “The Living” (being) which is incredibly deep. It implies that it is in all kind of form of Life. The most important word or sound pronounced each second on the planet is OM/AUM and the sentence is "La ilaha illallah". For the mystic Sufi, it means that "there IS ONLY Allah", and demonstrates that the quickest way to "know" the Unity is to "deny" all else even the individuality. We have to dilute ourselves into the immensity of the whole/ALL.
God according to Sufism is everything, everywhere, through everybody and everything. Al-lah! In Arabic means “The One” or "The Conscious Oneness", The Unity, The Divine, The Beyond-Comprehension, The Self-Aware, Who Comprehends All… In English in the language of birds (the mystical green language), we can hear almost the same ALLah: ALL + a: the whole and the unit (the Alpha and the Omega) = the unity. This is what the French writer Victor Hugo said a bit differently but closely: “Consciousness is God present in man". The second aspect of the deep dimension of ALLah: ALL + a: the whole & the unit = the unity it refers subtly to the inner divine part of each of us what I baptized: YOUnity. Indeed we seem to be small gods in progress, apparently, God experiences Himself through us individually, and we try to find back our divine part within ourselves. When we say “On behalf of God” maybe you have never paid attention that subtly it might mean: on (the way) to be half of God (on the way to be half of God), who knows? Einstein said this incredible sentence "A human being is a part of a whole that we call: Universe. A limited part of time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and emotions as something that is separated from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and the affection of a few people near us. Our task must be to liberate ourselves from this prison by extending our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." According to most of the esoteric currents, we are coming from the Whole, the unity, then we incarnate down to earth to admire the Masterpiece of Life otherwise when you are all the Masterpiece you cannot obverse yourself, you need to extract from the big picture. The more we seize the different pieces of the masterpiece the more we master peace (inner and outer peace). Pascal said: "It is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere" without précising what was this "it"? God, The Consciousness, the universe…? Maybe all of them
We could do a parallel with the quantic physics: everything is according to the observer a wave of potential (the sphere) or a particle (the center) once the quantum leaf is done as a defined scenario among an infinity. Here is the common thread with this sense of the hidden name of God.
In the Light of Søren Kierkegaard, he said wisely regarding God "To give me a name is to annihilate me, by giving me a name, by giving me a label, you annihilate all the other things that I could be" / "Once you label me you negate me". That’s why it is a bit delicate to consider as a human being the concept of God through our egos. Spinoza evokes the following idea "a finite being cannot conceive the infinite".
In Islam God owns 99 different names and the 100th is hidden. Nobody knows this missing one! Finally, it is really similar to Judaism and Taoism. Maybe the hidden word is because it is up to each of us, each part of His/Her/Its/Our creation? Who knows! Personally, mine would be an acronym G.O.D: Glint Overall Dimensions. And in my native language, it would be even more evocative D.I.E.U: Dimensions Intérieures et Extérieures Universelles (Universal Inner & Outer Dimensions). Then we have also to admit that some people do not believe at all in God, whatever the name, as they have been created like this. It is a bit like tastes, maybe they do not like, or they do not need. As long as they are happy. By the way, certain believers are a bit intolerant towards these people who do not believe. However, it is a bit built-in if we consider we have been created at His/Her/Its/Our image… That’s why Shams ed Tabrizi (one of the greatest Sufi the esoteric part of Islam) said so wisely “It’s easy to love a perfect God, unblemished and infallible that He is. What is far more difficult is to love fellow human being with all their imperfections and defects. Remember, one can only know what one is capable of loving. There is no wisdom without love. Unless we learn to love God’s creation, we can neither truly love nor truly know God.” It is nonsense to blame those who do not believe. However, it is true that the more we study the harder it is not to believe Indeed if we observe and study nature, the cosmos (etymologically “cosmos” in Greek means “order”) the amazing order balancing all forces, it is such a miraculous orchestration. Thinking that majestic structure is the fruit of coincidence or chance is comparable to put on the floor over 1km all the millions of components of a Boeing 747 and after a tornado, it would create by assembling all pieces an amazing plane. The coincidence is a bit funny. And for the skeptical, only science-oriented as Max Planck the father of the quantum physics said: "All matter comes from a force and exists only by it. We must assume the existence, under this force, of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter." I will quote again Shams ed Tabrizi who said "You can study God through everything and everyone in the universe because God is not confined in a mosque, synagogue or church. But if you are still in need of knowing where exactly His abode is, there is only one place to look for him: in the heart of a true lover." In most of the esoteric currents, we can see or perceive God everywhere through everything and everyone from the smallest particle to the entire universe and even beyond that. That’s why in mysticism one says often "as above, so below, as below so above".
In the Genesis it is written “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was at the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made." The word “Genesis” means literally "the beginning", in the beginning, I wanted to evoke the forbidden word God, at the end we can realize according to the holy text that at the beginning the word was in God and God was in the word. What does it mean concretely? The word "word" should be associated to "vibration" because the concept of God can be also perceived as a frequency, that’s why Nicola Tesla (the great scientist) said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." Maybe the hidden word of God is close to these 3 ones… "We never know." Anyway if God became a forbidden word maybe it is to respect certain privacy and personal approach. Some people will see it as blaspheme to try to talk about Him/Her/It/Us, some other will think it is doing proselytism intending to convince the unbelievers to believe… As we mentioned according to the believers God creates people at His/her/Its/Our image but conversely we represent Him/Her/It/Us maybe according to our own psychology
Shams ed Tabrizi said "How we see God is a direct reflection of how we see ourselves. If God brings to mind mostly fear and blame, it means there is too much fear and blame welled inside us. If we see God as full of love and compassion, so are we." By extension, it might be the reason one of the Greek philosophy as a mysterious pillar said: "know yourself and you will know God". We can turn around the name of God endless but maybe one of the outcomes is through what Rumi said wisely "Silence is the language of God, all else is a poor translation." In Shambali you will experience through many ways this concept and potential experience of this mysterious and also very personal approach to be able to feel it (if you need it) in your daily life. Issa ~ AM
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If humor was one of the keys to open up the door of happiness and the gateless gate of your Higher Self!? Evacuate stress, reduce blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, reduce pain, be positive ... these are not the effects of a new miracle drug, but those of a technique we all know: laughter! Let’s have a look on a scientist perspective of 12 main advances of laughing but before that let’s have a quick cultural perspective: Today is the most important day of your life (it is not a joke J) the 1st of April we celebrate the most worldwide joke referring to 1564 for which Charles IX decided to apply the beginning of the year on the 1st of January instead of 1st of April (around 21st of March corresponding to the equinox, spring celebration: the rebirth of nature). So by a reaction to protest against this “stupid” artificial law people kept on doing the tradition of 1st of April as the beginning of the year and to laugh about this new rule by doing a maximum joke of this human power. Then this French tradition has been retaken all around the world. We can consider that the 1st of April is the celebration of the “past new year” by laughing and implying that each day is a non-birthday and just a Big Joke as bit an announcement of in the future in the new paradigm we will laugh about our former way of living sometimes as unhuman robot lost in our prison of fears (in which walls exist because we gave them a reason of being…)… Referring to that point Osho said wisely” “Life as such has to be taken as a cosmic joke – and then suddenly you relax because there is nothing to be tense about. And in that very relaxation, something starts changing in you.”This is indeed one of the ways of the all wisdom all around the world, thanks to detachment, we can just realize that life is a gigantic playground and we are here to experience life and enjoy it, have fun on it and to understand this is just a cosmic joke. The great philosopher Waslavic said, “life is a game for which the first rule is to say that it is not a game”. So let’s play… what do we have to lose? Game over! “The same player, play again”… When you apply that philosophy of detachment, an enormous load leaves you and you live light and thereby more enlightened. That’s why another way on your inner journey by extension of laughter is finding back your “inner child” to play live, to understand we are just actors and co-scenarist of the masquerade of the greatest piece of theater. The roles we play are a part of our personality (“persona” in Greek means “masks” referring to ancient drama theater) but it is up to us to change the character you are, the story you live...
If I continue a bit on my cultural reference according to all the esoteric references all messengers (known and/or unknown), Light holders had a deep sense of humor: Abraham, Buddha, Lao Tsi, Moose, Jesus, Muhammad…
even if some institutions preferred to avoid to shed light on this point and remaining opaque and obscure.
Let’s just focus on one messenger the Buddha Laugh (which is one ability of The Buddha, “the illuminated/enlightened”, perceived as an example not as a finality, his reason of being was not to shine but to enlighten people to help them to find their own Light…),
He just shows the light approach of life: the lightness of the detachment by derision. Even humor is sacred to a certain extent as all kind of creation is. All experience is an occasion, a celebration, a way to discover what you are deeply (by example and/or contrast). Mozart said “I do not like people who do not have the sense of humor” they are not serious persons.
If I can afford I always said: “as a deep believer I believe that God has an internal sense of humor and even created the humankind at His image by auto-derision.” And if I had to conclude this cultural reference with a more down to earth perspective I would quote Sami Michael who said wisely "No tomb, no synagogue, no mosque, no church are more sacred than the cries of joy from kindergartens.”
So concretely why Humour plays YOUmore? 12 keys based on the scientist vision
1) Laughter is a sport
Laughter mobilizes most of the muscles of the body: from the face to the limbs! According to Dr. Henri Rubinstein, laughter is a "stationary jog" because it provides the same effects as a moderate traditional exercise. It is soft and deep, and above all is much nicer, and easier to put into practice. This real movement of the muscles creates a massage of the ribs, a work of the diaphragm.2) Laughter is a respiratory technique close to yoga!
Laughter has a characteristic effect on breathing: the amplitude of the breathing rate and the amount of air inspired/exhaled increase. When laughing, the inspiration is deep. In addition, laughter is an intense expiratory phenomenon that is to say that when we laugh, we empty all the air contained in our chest: thus we increase the volume of reserve air. These features of laughing breathing are close to those of yoga. Laughter cleanses and releases the upper airways, like coughing, and promotes among other things the elimination of residues in the lungs. The volume of expelled air is highest during laughter, which causes total detoxification of the lungs.3) Laughter helps us to better digest:
Indeed, even if you do not necessarily realize, the best way to digest a big meal: it's good to laugh! Indeed, laughter, thanks to the contraction of the abdominal muscles, brews the digestive tract in depth, the place where the nutrition of the body is developed. This strange phenomenon also causes jerky contractions of the stomach and intestine, thanks to the movement of the diaphragm. Thus the stomach, the colon, the small intestine, or the duodenum ... are massaged, and their digestive motricity is optimized. This phenomenon also explains why laughter fights against constipation. In addition, laughter has consequences on the parasympathetic system and generates an increase in the secretion of saliva and digestive juices, necessary for digestion. In addition, laughter enhances digestion.4) Laughter: a powerful painkiller:
Pain represents today 60% of the reasons for medical consultations. Yet a simple and pleasant way helps to fight against pain: our laughter! Not laughing at our pains but laughing to fight them: yes it is possible! We have all heard that to treat a child who had just fallen, we must make him laugh! It is even said that a significant increase in pain tolerance was noted up to 30 minutes after the screening of a humorous film. Let's see what mechanisms come into play in this incredible benefit: Laughter acts on pain through four mechanisms:5) Laughter, an anti-stress:
Stress is a reaction of the body to extreme or significant stress or psychological stress. In general, stress activates a hormonal and nervous process based on a state of alert, which explains the increase in heart rate and state of alertness. Sometimes stress can be beneficial (exam preparation, reaction to a dangerous situation ...) but can unfortunately also lead to a bad situation (bad stress), which can lead to ulcers or various psychological problems (fatigue, sleep disorders, depression). The main result of stress is a predominance for the sympathetic system on the parasympathetic system. During a state of stress, the effects on the body are numerous and fast: the heart beats harder and faster, the vessels that supply the digestive tract contract and delay digestion, the oxygen supply is increased, the breathing is stronger and ampler, the muscles are tense ... All these known effects of stress are a warning of the body, which can be very dangerous in the long term and can lead to deadly pathologies, such as myocardial infarction, high blood pressure...6) Laughter and sleep:
The psychic life is continuous: the awakening phase is prolonged by the phase of sleep. The waking and sleeping states are not radically cut off from each other. The systems of these two states depend on different neurotransmitters. The sleep system depends on serotonin, which controls falling asleep and slow sleep. The arousal system is dependent on norepinephrine and dopamine. After, for example, an evening spent laughing, the awakening system strongly stimulated by laughter will need to recover and give way to the serotonin of the sleep system.7) Laughter is good for the heart:
Intensified breathing during laughter changes the heart rate. The heart begins to accelerate, then slow down (in a relaxation phase dominated by the soothing influence of parasympathetic), the heart rate decreases lastingly until reaching a low frequency. In addition, the arteries relax and the caliber of the blood vessels increases, thus lowering the arterial pressure. It is, therefore, an effective weapon in the prevention of heart attacks, used in many American hospital cardiology departments.8) Laughter for the good functioning of the immune system:
"Laughter is beneficial to the immune system through several major mechanisms: 1 ° / an influx of cells of the immunity (lymphocytes) at the level of the pulmonary alveoli by the increase of the ventilation, which prevents and cures the infections. 2 ° / A general antistress mechanism that strengthens the defenses by delaying the wear of the body. 3 ° / By creating a psychological barrier against attacks of any kind. This barrier, which is above all an optimistic way of seeing things, prevents the creation of deadly mechanisms, which, themselves, are responsible for lower defenses, and therefore diseases. "9) Laughter relieves people with skin problems:
A study was conducted with people suffering from eczema. The authors studied the effect of viewing a humorous video in comparison with a documentary. All subjects who saw the humorous video experienced a significant increase in their rate of dermicide (an antimicrobial produced by the salivary glands, which is low in people with eczema). The viewing of the documentary resulted in no change. The authors conclude that laughter could increase the antimicrobial properties of saliva while proving to be an interesting avenue in the treatment of eczema.10) Laughter and longevity:
It has been proven that stress promotes and accelerates the aging of the body. We previously explained that laughter was an excellent antistress, and also lowered blood pressure. Laughter would be a good way to dominate one’s tensions, enjoy (at work for example), balance one’s activity between sport, work, leisure, and emotional life, and therefore live better and longer.11) Laughter improves the condition of people with schizophrenia:
Studies have evaluated the effect of humor and laughter in patients with schizophrenia. Participants watched a funny movie a day. The results revealed decreased anger, anxiety and depression and improved social skills. Researchers believe that the positive atmosphere created by humor could improve the links between the treating staff and patients. Contraindication: humor and laughter may appear to have no side effects.12) Laughter and intellectual activity:
Laughter by triggering the production of catecholamines generates brain endorphins, chemically close to opiates such as heroin or morphine: Immediately, the levels of anxiety and nervousness drop, the mind is awakened: laughter facilitates the awakening of the mind and learning, improves memory and develops creativity. Some researchers even believe that genius is linked to overproduction of catecholamines. In Shambali you will experience through many ways this laughing therapy and the concept of regaining your inner child to be able to manage it in your daily life. Issa ~ AMZero point energy (Inner.G)
What is the mysterious zero point energy? How to avoid to enter into a too deep scientist perspective but to enlarge its field to our daily life? Concretely why is it crucial and the center point of a potential new era? There are many words associate with it: singularity, free energy, unified field… The concept of zero-point energy was developed by Max Planck in Germany in 1911. The CERN in Switzerland is the particle accelerator which tries to find this point of singularity. To be the simplest one and to summarize on a scientist point of view we could say Zero point energy is the energy that remains when any other form of energy has been removed. But this quantity of energy is incredibly important. There are 2 paradoxes: 1-Even in the absence of any material, the vacuum has fluctuating zero-point energy, the smaller the volume is, the bigger the quantity of energy is. There is more energy in the equivalent of the size of a pea than in all universe! 2-The speed is so urged, that it is still and in movement at the same time Both aspects are impossible to understand consciously and to represent it to ourselves. The energy of the vacuum corresponds to the energy of the zero point of all the fields of the space. The zero point is the gravitational force that maintains the cohesion of a system. Each system has a zero point, which is its central point allowing it to be consistent with the rest of the universe. Thus the smallest systems are contained in the larger systems with perfect mathematical consistency. For example, a cell is part of an organ that is also part of one of the systems of the human body, which is part of the whole human being, which is part of the planet, which is part of the planetary system, which is part of the galaxy, then the universe and the multiverse. Each system is included in the larger and all systems are connected to each other through their zero point. This is a bit like the Russian dolls (Matriochkas). That’s why Pascal said: “It is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”. Some people think he was talking about God or consciousness or this 0 point energy. Maybe it is the three ones together J The zero point is therefore at the heart of all creation. At the origin of all things is the Universal Zero Point from which the whole creation emanates. It is the center of consciousness of the universal Creator that is then reflected in all other zero points of the multiverse. This is exactly the principle of the Indra’s net in Hinduism. The principle of the fractal holotropic universe: the smallest part contains the entire pattern of the big picture and reflects the whole.That's why another important function is to be a point of connection and transfer. It is by the zero points that you can access all the information available in the universe and that you can project your consciousness anywhere in the universe, regardless of the distance. You are thus able to experience other dimensions, other realities as well as get all the information you want through zero points. The Chinese medicine evokes this zero-point energy which is in the heart (at the center of the 7 chakras: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1). There are 3 major points of energy that one calls in Daoism and Chinese medicine: Lower Dantian at the level of Nostril (orange chakra) / Middle Dantian (green chakra) / Upper Dantian (violet chakra)
“Dantian” literally in Chinese means "elixir field" or "sea of qi" (“qi” means in Chinese energy, that we find in Qi/tchi Gong or Tai Qi/tchi), elixir field or “sea of energy” is close to “field of energy. When the center of our consciousness, located in the middle of our brain at the level of the pineal gland, is at the zero point, we are in a state of neutral consciousness, without thoughts and without emotions, without needs and without expectations. In this state, we are completely detached from your human self. We feel in perfect balance with all that lives, with the planet and with the whole creation. It is this state of consciousness that allows you to have access to the absolute truth. We can project our consciousness elsewhere or we can receive information from another place. That’s why Jean-Emile Charon, physicist, and philosopher said: “In the universe, every atom is connected to every other atom, through the substance (spirit) of antimatter, and every knowledge is potentially accessible to every atom of the universe." Knowing that everything: the universe, a stone, a vegetable, an animal, a human, a cell… is made of atoms only. For instance, when the zero point of our consciousness is in agreement with a zero point of the Earth's electromagnetic network, it means that we can transfer our consciousness instantly to that point, then to another zero point, at any point of the universe. Zero points are energetic vortices, transfer points, allowing almost instantaneous communication with the rest of the universe. It is our intention that drives the process of transferring or requesting information. Each cell also has a zero point in its center. The so-called nucleus is actually a zero point. The cell contains the information needed to self-maintain and regenerate through the zero point. The zero point serves among other things to recycle the information contained in the cell so that it is constantly renewed. When the zero point of a cell, organ of the human body becomes distorted as a result of the addition of erroneous information that cell or organ can no longer self-sustain and can no longer vibrate at its optimal rate. The cell can no longer regenerate or function normally, which is the cause of the imbalances and diseases we are currently experiencing on Earth. However, it is possible to return the zero point to its initial position or to vibrate at its optimum speed to help a cell, or any other organ or system, to restore its original and optimal vibration. In the same way, regularly calibrating the three main zero points of our physical body with the universal frequency contributes to establishing an increasingly permanent equilibrium between the energy field created by the vibration of all of your cells, that of the planet, of the galaxy and the entire universal structure. This alignment allows us to feel connected to the Source of energy and our true nature in order to start operating from this universal frequency at all times. Each time we calibrate our energy field at universal frequencies, we help our cells to restore a perfect state of health simply by causing them to regain their original vibration. In Qi Gong, there is a permanent balance of this mysterious Qi (energy) looking for the stability in movement. The Qi Gong and Tai Qi which are the practices of Daoism reveal the balance of these two opposite forces of Centripetal / Centrifugal. Dao in Chinese means 1) “to reach”-“to arrive”, but also 2) “to/towards” and 3) the whole this is the principle of 0 energy: movement and stillness, small and enormous in terms of energy… referring to the mystic hermetic dimension “as above, so below and as below so above”.
Normally a harmonious life is based on the fact to use this infinite mysterious Qi energy attracting to us that’s to say centripetal force (fig 3) then to expend this energy towards the universe (people…) through the centrifugal force(fig 4). There is concentration and then dilatation of this energy like a cosmic breath. In the sacred geometry, we can be correlated this 0 point energy to the Vector equilibrium, the Torus and the flower of life in 3D.
Here is a Torus in movement:
A vector equilibrium:
A vector equilibrium entangled with a torus:
To have the big picture:
Buckminster Fuller said "The vector equilibrium is the true zero reference of the energetic mathematics. Zero pulsation in the vector equilibrium is the nearest approach we will ever know to eternity and god: the zero phase of conceptual integrity inherent in the positive and negative asymmetries that propagate the differentials of consciousness." When Pascal said: “It is a sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”. We can do a parallel with the fact the center would be the particle and the sphere the field of potential, every single second we would only see particle by particle, dot by dot, pixel by pixel although in parallel universes all scenarios co-exist at the same time.
Finding back our center of gravity the G point that’s why I call it “inner.G, our “own*” 0 point energy which is one of the reasons of being to access to an infinite field linked to the YOUnity and the YOUniverse that’s to say by an experience. The great Sufi Rumi famous said: “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean within a drop.”*when we realize it is never “ours” it cannot be “our own”, it is only possible once the ego is calm and less prevalent… In Shambali you will experience through many ways this practice of zero point energy and mysterious inner.G to be able to manage it in your daily life. Issa ~ AM
We are not ALONE but ALL-ONE
According to a recent survey in different western countries more than half of the people feel alone. The loneliness touches each social class even CEO (half of them touched as well) by this scourge so it means that phenomenon is even not linked to richness. The feeling of loneliness has been proved to be bad for health worse than smoking 15 cigarettes per day! The problem comes from the essence of modern society for which we separate the ego from the environment. All esoteric currents reveal this separation is purely an illusion and even the new science is on that way. We are not ALONE but ALL ONE. But concretely, practically, How come? Everyone has grown up in a scientific world and used to the concept that we live in a material universe, an inert universe, and a universe of dead matter. And because of that, it is difficult instinctively to grasp that we are not really living in a death universe: the universe is overwhelmed of consciousness at its basis. What we have seen by studying for 3 centuries of classical physics it is what we called macroscopic physics and classical physics… But quantic mechanics even at the molecular level, the level at atomic: nucleons, sub nucleons, in the realm of quantic mechanics the idea of a particle is replaced by the idea of the wave function. What is a wave function? Technically it is a vector in a linear space. What is a linear space? What is made of? What is the substance of nature? Well, a wave function, a vector in a linear space are the same stuff that thoughts are made of. We are really living in a thoughts universe, a conceptual universe. The quantum world, quantum mechanics is really the plain of information, the plain of potentialities, waves of information, waves of potential electrons. It is important to precise “potential”, it is not only “electron” it is “potential electron”. You have to ask the question: waves of what concretely? What is the field which is waving? It is the ocean? No, it is the Universal Ocean and ocean of pure potentialities, an ocean of abstract potential existence that we call the unified field or superstring field and that’s what we are made of.That’s why the great Sufi Rumi said wisely: “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean.” This is exactly what the Vedanta (the Hindu holy scriptures) revealed many centuries ago and that science tends to discover: we live in a holographic fractal universe, it is what we called the Indra’s net: The drop contains the whole and is the reflection of the whole like the drop of the spider net:
That’s why Tesla (the great scientist) said: "Every living being is an engine connected to the driving wheel of the universe. While one might think that each living being is affected only by its direct environment, its outer sphere of influence extends to infinity.” More down to earth if I can afford J there is an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us and it is right at the source base of mind, right of the source of thought and this is also at the source of all matter. The tight physics tried to grasp the physical reality to really understand what is made of: what are the core building blocks of life at the basis of all. Life, the universe slips to your fingers and you come up with something which is increasingly abstract and it comes to the realm of pure abstraction and this is what the unified field is: pure abstract potential, pure abstract self-aware consciousness.
At the basis of all life diversity, there is unity (YOUnity). At the basis, you and I are one. And that unity at the basis of mind and matter is Universal Consciousness. The eye with which we look at the original field and the eye which is looking at us is the same eye, this is the idea that Nietzsche evoked with his own words. With that deep understanding that consciousness is not created by the brain. It is purely an outcome molecular chemical processes in the brain but it is fundamental in nature, it is the very core of nature, we call it the unified field. Erwin Schrödinger (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933) said two things extremely important“The multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind. ... is mere appearance (Maya)', in reality, they are all only aspects of the one being [….] Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences, for this barrier does not exist.” Secondly, he said“No self is of itself alone. It has a long chain of intellectual ancestors. The "I" is chained to ancestry by many factors … This is not a mere allegory, but an eternal memory.” Now that we have this fundamental understanding of consciousness is, we can solve the problem of “mind and body”. We can see how consciousness can promulgate through our physiology up to become the consciousness we experience and perceive with our senses. There is a foundation linked rigorously, neuroscience with quantum physics, and all the so-called particles of the universe, the forces of the universe, everything in the universe are just ripples on that ocean of existence, that’s the unified field and that field is not a non-material field it is automatically the field of consciousness. And all our separated consciousness wherever there is consciousness is merely consciousness linked to the fact my consciousness, your consciousness is utterly that. All in the universe is nothing more than that.
Planets, trees, people, animals, we are just waves of vibrations of this superstring field. We are really united at our core. If I talk to you face to face there is only one consciousness in the room. It is you, it is me, it is each all of us. We individualize our consciousness through the filter of our nervous system but this consciousness is really inner subjectivity. The self in the overall sense it is universal, and knowing that or experience it, it is called enlightenment and has been called enlightenment through ages. All in our material world is purely made of energy. As Einstein specified it “What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” If we put together all the matter concentrated it would not be bigger than a small pea. Since the big bang, nothing has been created, only space in between the particles is larger. As the French scientist Lavoisier said, “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.” As everything, every single particle is coming from this big bang. The iron from your car is the same than in your blood, both come from the big bang it means and thereby energetically they are still all connected. Jean-Emile Charon, physicist and philosopher said: “In the universe, every atom is connected to every other atom, through the substance (spirit) of antimatter, and every knowledge is potentially accessible to every atom of the universe.”The human body is only made of atoms and thereby to all atoms of the universe. We are all connected to the matrix source of everything, the common thread of all form (and potential) of life. I can quote Max Planck (Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918) who said: “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” the filter of the personality (persona in Greek meaning « masks » because we wear masks due to our education, the social environment, our relationships…) impede to realize the reality as a whole. This is what the Hindu called “Mayas” the illusions. Carl Jung one of the two fathers of the psychoanalysis said: “In addition to our immediate consciousness….there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals.” The interconnectivity of the reality is extremely important: we are co-creating and observing at the same time which is almost impossible to understand in a normal state of mind, only the modified consciousness allows it.
The fact to belong to something higher: an association, a mission, a group, a community, an ideal, a utopia, a circle of reflection… with the notion of belonging and the feeling of being useful, it creates the most powerful hormone of harmony called oxytocin. The fact to realize we are not ALONE but ALL ONE is essential to reach the enlightenment allowing to you to access to the YOUnity the outward/inward harmony to be more supportive with others if we want to shift to the new paradigm. Einstein said wisely: The human being is part of a whole that we call the universe, a part that has its limits in time and space. We experience ourselves, with our thoughts, our feelings, our perceptions, as if we are a separate entity and separate from the rest. But this is an optical illusion of consciousness and this illusion becomes our prison. We build a reality in which we include, through our perceptions, our desires, and feelings, only ourselves, the beings and places that are close to us. Our task as human beings is to liberate ourselves from this prison and expand our circle to infinity to include, in love and compassion, all beings, nature and the universe in all its beauty. The true value of a human being is measured by his ability to free himself from his limits and to live the totality, the infinite, unlimited value of Being. If humanity wants to survive, a radically new way of being and thinking is needed. In Shambali you will experience through many ways this feeling of belonging to something higher, this deep connection to your higher self and to the outer world which is also a part of yourself as both: your higher self and the outer world two faces of the same medal that we win by understanding even “innerstanding” as a whole with a “wholistic” approach. Issa ~ AM
Raise your vibration
As Albert Einstein said it “everything in life is vibration”. However currently, we are living in a permanent aggressive environment at different levels: in a lot of offices due to the system, the pressure…, in our relationships, because most of the people are stressed, in the cities…How to create a shield to this permanent aggression
and being able to rise up our frequencies?
Here is a list of different tools: 1- Positive mind: we are what we think and in the law of attraction like magnets, we attract what we vibrate. It is important at first to force yourself to stop the bad habit to be negative. As long as you have a negative thought, block it, flee it or try to see beyond the positive aspect of it. This is a gymnastics taking time but step by step this game will be easier as you will (re)parameter your schema of thought. 2- Gratitude: Feel grateful for what you have, it could always be worse… Always keep in mind that happiness is not getting what we want but enjoying what we have. Being grateful is important, it means you do thank, who? Whatever, whoever! Life, nature, destiny… 3- Surround yourself with positive people: it is important to preserve yourself regarding your environment with optimistic people. You can help punctually friends who face a difficult period but you cannot be the permanent fireman saving everybody. It is good to avoid the energy vampires (those who systematically are pessimistic and maintain their low frequencies). 4- Thought consciousness: try to force yourself to think and not to be thought it means you have to master your mind through mindfulness. It is very important to practice the mindfulness that’s to say to be absorbed fully in what you are doing, in the task you handle avoiding systematically not to be concentrated and to think about your memories or your schedule of the next actions or future events. 5- Healthy life: It is important to have a balanced life, to avoid excess in general. Having a healthy life is passing through avoiding too much consumption of alcohol and drugs because it disorganizes your nervous system in terms of access and secretion of the hormones of happiness (endorphins). So the overuse impedes you to be harmonious naturally as the neurons are blocked in their action. It creates also more stress and aggressiveness. 6- Meditation: literally “getting back to your center” in Latin, it allows you to be more balance, there 5 schools of meditation:- Vipassana (focusing on your breath),
- Zazen (focusing on a point),
- Mindfulness (focusing on your 5 senses),
- Transcendental Meditation (focusing on a mantra, a word or a sentence that you repeat unceasingly)
- Visualization (focusing on a theme: chakras, currents of energies to make them circulating)
7- Energetic nourishment: it is important to prioritize quality instead of quantity
- Vegetable and fruit: because they are made of fibers and rich in nutrients (bringing you a maximum of nutritional intakes) and enzymes (cleaning up your body, your natural drugs to be stronger).
- Organic food: not polluted products
- Fresh food and/or cook at low heating: under 43 degrees Celsius (110 Fahrenheit) all nutrients and enzymes are preserved and extremely active
- Avoid refined products: artificial/industrial products: they do not have nutrients or enzymes (to bring you nutritional intakes and to clean up your body) and thank full of bad sugar (real poisons)
- Fasting: 24h, 3 days, without any food or just juice… it boots your immune system, clean up your degenerative cells, rest your digestive system.
- Drinking some Sulfate of sodium/sulfate of magnesium: it is draining your digestive system as fecal matter obstructs proper functioning.
- Disconnecting (mobile, social media…): it allows being more in the now-here, more present in your current tasks
- Water: hot water calms you, rises up your energies because it re-members you the fetal dimension
This list is obviously not exhaustive at all in Shambali you will be taught of many other operational tools and daily life tips in order to rise up your frequencies and to live more harmoniously. Issa
Hyperconnection vs true (Re)connection
Nowadays we live in a hyper-connected world. Most of us have thousands of contacts or “friends” through social media however people never felt so lonely. This is a new trend to share everything in real time like what we ate, what we wear, our mood… with half of the planet and many people become bulimic of this. In addition, nothing can happen without being spread and disclosure almost immediately, the last event at the other part of the world is instantly transmitted through the media and social media: people feel the vocation to be a reporter by transmitting and being on the lookout for the spicy dispatch making the buzz, creating sensations. We are overwhelmed by some many information.We have some many information and so many difficulties to select it and thereby to digest it. In 2018 3.8 billion use the internet that’s to say half of humanity. But the internet is it so human? As a kind reminder “internet” means “internetwork” Does it mean we are truly connected? It seems that the true connection is a bit different it might be: A reconnection to yourself: to your 5 senses. It means you are awake about each sense: touching your keyboard when you type a message, feel the drops on your skin when you take a shower, hearing the dog of the neighbor… By doing this regularly it allows us to activate our 6th sense developing that’s to say the intuition, the link with the invisible world. Each single second our brain can only analyze 2,000 bites of information despite the fact in front of us there are 400 million. We only analyze a tiny visible part of the iceberg.
A reconnection to your higher self (your soul, your eternal part). It means to be closer to your deep self, your unconscious part which can be perceived as your own guidance a kind of GPS taking care of you and having a horizon for your inner path. The bridge to reach your higher self is your 6th sense (your third eye), it implies that we live things from inside, that in a certain way we “innerstand” life instead of understanding it
A reconnection to be grounded in the now-here: most of the time we are thinking about our past (old or recent memories) or we are planning our future and thereby we are in a kind of automatic behavior. The practice of mindfulness helps to be more anchored in the present moment which is a gift to be more aware of the subtle messages of the Great Book of life that we can decipher.
A reconnection to the nature: the 5 elements: the environment basically of nature, the rhythm of seasonality, earth, fire, water, and the 5th one which is called “ether” by the Greek philosophy, the “Qi” by the Chinese (relative to Qi Gong, Tai Qi), the “ki” for Japanese (linked to “Rei-Ki”) supposed to reconnect all elements of the universe. As Victor Hugo said wisely “how sad to think that nature talks and mankind does not listen”. Indeed nature plays a magnificent subtle symphony for those who can listen. Since Rene Descartes one separated the ego from the environment which is an illusion.
The 4 ways of deep reconnection allows to be more sensitive to synchronicities and to the fact “the Living” is not a metaphor but a state of mind: the point is to feel life vibrating through us and within us as the mystic Vedanta (Hindu Holy Scriptures) reveal it “find the place which is already yours in this cosmic breath”.
As our concern maybe this illusion of hyperconnection is the testify of the unconscious deep feeling and need to be reconnected to something higher The Source from which we have been separated at the birth. Carl Sagan said wisely: We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our self knows where we come from. We aspire to return. And we can do it because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of stardust. To that end maybe we should dust our vision and must look to our own backyard.
In Shambali we will guide you to find your own way to be truly connected to your higher self, grounded (down to earth) and also to be reconnected to the invisible world most harmoniously into this new true reconnection to never feel ALONE but ALL ONE.
The choice of the new paradigm
Nowadays everywhere on the planet, we assist to awakening at different scales. People more and more literally question their routine and start to ask themselves some existing questions like: “Who am I?” “Where do I go?” “What is the sense of life”? “What is my reason of being?”…
They feel that the pattern of our world is not vibrating with their deep beliefs. They feel something is going wrong and that it cannot continue like this. We realize that the world is not going in the good direction: there is a triple problem: at ecological dimension (our way of consuming), financial (our economic system) and societal (segmentation of groups, lack of content and goals, some people feel lost). There is a transition happening everywhere: the path from the former paradigm and the new one.But this change is hard to understand and to adhere to it without any preparation as this is in human nature to be scared by the unknown. The first step on the way of freedom of mind is the most important.
Here is a non-exhaustive list in between the former paradigm that’s to say our (future) old world and the new world:
- Pac man “VERSUS” Eagle eye: questioning everything and adopt a sense of criticism (crisis in Greek meaning to select instead of absorbing all information as the truth
- Quantitative growth “VERSUS” Qualitative growth: at microcosmic scale (individual) choosing our life according to what we like what we vibrate instead of seeking exclusively money or career. In the consumerism: refrain our behavior according to our real needs and not only fashion, advertising… being aware of our nutrition as well (organic…). At macrocosmic dimension considering the human condition or the collective human interest before the profits
- Competition “VERSUS” collaboration: the others are perceived as some hands compared to seeing them as threats as the more we give the more we receive, helping people brings a better master of our knowledge
- Pessimism “VERSUS” optimism: it is important to preserve our high frequencies instead of the low ones, the world is not worse than before there are many positive projects all-around the planet, people are awakening more and more. Being pessimist credit and reinforce the future old world whereas being optimist prepares the foundations of the new paradigm
- Pleasure exclusively “VERSUS” harmony: pleasure is something outside us, requiring always more creating a bulimic circle. Harmony is the inward process, once you reached it you are free and not dependent anymore from the external events or people.
- Possession by the materiality “VERSUS” reconnection to nature and our true nature. Understanding us deeply as we are the true “I AM” beyond the masks, the filters of the education, the environment… To be aware of our
- Skewed vision through the materiality (the physical world) “VERSUS” enlargement of perspectives through the invisible world. According to the scientist perspectives, our physical world counts 4% of our reality, 27% is made of dark energy and 69% of dark energy.
- Virtual hyperconnection“VERSUS” Reconnection to the YOUnity. Being grounded to earth and in the meantime reconnected to our higher self, our soul and thereby our 6 senses and the 5 elements instead of being hyper-connected to virtual reality (thousands of contacts through the social media)
- Always thinking about the past or the future “VERSUS” practicing the mindfulness in our daily by being fully absorbed by the present which is a gift
- Judgment or proselytism “VERSUS” empathy, by applying a holistic vision (with height) understanding the integrated system of each individual, accepting the difference is normal and the fruit of an enrichment.
- Scarcity “VERSUS” abundance: with new technologies like Free energy we will have access to infinite and clean resources
- 3D exclusively “VERSUS” 5D: spirituality, highest frequencies, a better alignment like the symbol of the cross with a good balance in between the horizontal dimension (materiality, Epicureanism) and a vertical one (invisible world/energies)
- No more opposition of homogeneity or segmentation but harmony by preserving the differences in a notion of tolerance
- Centripetal “VERSUS” centrifugal forces: radiating and sharing instead of attracting every to you (with a selfish vision)
Our system or our western society is comparable to the caterpillar which feeds on its microsystem to the extreme the first part of its life. It eats compulsively, then it stops, refocuses itself, mature or molts and gives place to a magnificent butterfly and can thereby fly to other horizons without limit: after crawling and filling, it aspires to rise... And to conclude as the Asiatic philosophical vision reminds (re-mind) us: "a butterfly beat (wing flapping) in the East can create a tornado in the West".
In Shambali we will guide you to find your own way to shift and transit the most harmoniously into this new paradigm in which step by step it will become a peaceful state of mind in which you could rest and live wholly. Issa
Importance of Human Vibrational Frequency
Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” How come these 3 concepts can be so important to understand the secrets of the YOUniverse? What are the deep meanings thereby and beyond? We will cover this perspective through the scientist and spiritual dimensions to enlarge our spheres of consciousness.Listen to the podcast hosted by Joyce Wheeler about this interesting topic Aurelien Millot under the spotlight
For more podcasts from Natural Bliss https://anchor.fm/natural-bliss/ Shambali TeamThe flower of life
The flower of life is a sacred symbol prevalent on the planet overages. We can find it in many different civilizations: Egypt, Turkey, Middle East, Europe, India, China, Japan, America and so one without any physical link or exchange in between each other.Through this symbol, we can find all structures of the universe and globally speaking the creation of life. It integrates the Platonic solids and thereby the sacred geometry. It embodies the symbol of the field of the creation.
The creation of the flower of life is progressive. There are different steps, the first one being the birth of the singularity, the second the duality, then the trinity… to obtain the seed of life also called the cosmic egg, it is the symbol of H20 (water, at the origins of all life). The seed of life corresponds to the metaphor in the Genesis for which God created the world in 6 days and the 7th day took a rest.
And if we want the big picture:
To make it easy, the flower of life integrates the 5 Platonic solids corresponding to the 5 elements: tetrahedron being the fire, the cube, the earth… Actually, the flower of life should be perceived in 3 dimensions.
The flower of life represents the entanglement of our reality or our realities at microcosmic and macrocosmic level: from a cell through the meiosis or mitosis till a galaxy. It shows that life is interconnected at different scales with a notion of interdependence and resonance: they respond to each other physically and metaphysically (psychologically).
We can notice a holographic and fractal notion: each circle reproduces the same schema or pattern than the entire model.
This is referring to the Indra’s net in the Vedanta (Hinduism) or down to earth like when you observe a spider’ net each drop reflects the entire net and the pattern is smaller and smaller and also bigger and bigger.
The ultimate form is made of 64 spheres that we find in Yin Jing (the 64 hexagrams).
It is also linked to the 64 potential combinations for the strand of DNA
The final image of the 64 hexagrams transcript into the flower of life is the following:
It allows to activate it to each of us, creating a torus, an amazing subtle energy basis of the free energy evoked by the great scientist Tesla. Tesla likes Da Vinci, Pythagoras… all of them knew the functioning of the flower of life, that’s why they were so connected and brilliant (inspired).
The practice of the flower of life is extremely powerful. Understanding its functioning is important and then just to draw it, observe it (as a mandala) and visualize it in your meditation. It brings amazing energy, a peaceful feeling of reconnection to your higher self and to the YOUniverse. This is one of the greatest keys to reach the YOUnity (inwards and outwards). As it has an impact with a resonance (microcosmic and macrocosmic) you feel vibrate the world through you, within you, experiencing thereby many synchronicities. Why? Because of this flower of everywhere through every kind of life. Beyond that, we must assume the existence of an invisible grid over the planet
This grid could be perceived as a cloud, Akhasha (for the Hindus), Ether (for Greek philosophy), the morphic field from Rupper Sheldrake, dark energy in science… Knowing our reality is made of 4% of physical matter, 27% of dark matter, 69% of dark energy. It would allow interconnecting everything together. This is probably one of the reasons this symbol has been found everywhere without any physical link. Jean-Emile Charon, physicist and philosopher said: “In the universe, every atom is connected to every other atom, through the substance (spirit) of antimatter, and every knowledge is potentially accessible to every atom of the universe." Just as a kind remember everything is made of atoms and energy.
Thus the flower of life would be the subtle link allowing all kind of life to communicate and to be entangled. The flower of life is the pattern for Life (and the Consciousness beyond and behind) to experience itself. That’s why Carl Sagan said wisely: “We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our self knows where we come from. We aspire to return. And we can do it because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of stardust. » In Shambali you discover deeply this flower of life. We will learn how to draw it but also you will know how to stimulate and to activate in your daily life as this is a sacred and an amazing source of energy of life.
Importance of Human Vibrational Frequency
Tesla said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” How come these 3 concepts can be so important to understand the secrets of the YOUniverse? What are the deep meanings thereby and beyond? We will cover this perspective through the scientist and spiritual dimensions to enlarge our spheres of consciousness.Listen to the podcast hosted by Joyce Wheeler about this interesting topic Aurelien Millot under the spotlight
For more podcasts from Natural Bliss https://anchor.fm/natural-bliss/ Shambali TeamThe spiral of life
We find some trails of spirals everywhere on the planet whatever the civilization whatever the time. They symbolize the growth, the expansion, the cosmic energy. A spiral embodies the point, the dot expanding until the immensity that’s to say the link in between the microcosmic dimension interconnecting the macrocosmic scale. This is the bridge in between you and the YOUniverse through the concept of resonance: “as above so below, as below so above”. 4,400 years ago the Greek philosopher Plato hinted the mystery of a golden number opening up the door of the global understanding and interlocking everything. This master key is called Phi the golden number (1.618…). This divine proportion is rampant in nature: in a fetus, the art (painting, the building of a cathedral, pyramids…),Our DNA reproduces also the spiral:
The tornados, the galaxies, the shells, the sunflowers, the pine cones, the cauliflowers…
In art like a painting we can find the golden ratio:
But also in all kind of sacred buildings like in Egypt:
The fact to preserve this golden ratio creates certain vibrations.
We can find this same principle of respect of golden ratio everywhere at each moment of our past and on all kinds of the sacred building which represent our world heritage: In Angor Vat in Cambodia, in the pyramids in China, in Kulkukan in Mexico, in Matchu Pitchu in Peru, in Greece:Or more recently with the different cathedrals made by the Great Builders of medieval times. Actually, there is a symbolism of building: each individual embodies a stone that one has to polish to make entry into the big building symbol of the union and the society and also the architecture of the world: visible and invisible world. The vault represents the link with the celestial vault:
Main animals like the raptors use the movement of the spiral to hunt which is the most efficient way. If we observe the Kundalini (the subtle human energy from coccyx’s to the top of the head evolves also in a spiral. The caduceus, the symbol of the medicine represents the movement of the spiral. You can appreciate the caduceus the symbol of medicine. Hippocrates (the Greek philosopher and father of medicine nowadays) said: “Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease”.
Kundalini is natural energy which is dormant within us and which can be activated when the body is aligned with the mind and the soul especially when the mind is calm. Kundalini is comparable to the natural force permitting to the flower to flourish and the plant to grown up. The unique thing that the gardener can do is preparing correctly the soil.
If we extend this principle of spiral and kundalini we understand this is the origin of the consciousness: the genesis of the forbidden fruit:
The torus which is the free and invisible energy that Nicola Tesla discovered almost one century ago, evolves as in a spiral.
All esoteric current evokes this magnetic field in spiral accessible through some special technics:
Not only the Buddha but the prophets can also do it, every single human being can do it and activate it which is an amazing source of energy
We can extend this concept through the planet and even the universe which has its own torus: magnetic field and there is a resonance in between our field and the YOUniveral one.
The whirling Sufi reproduce the principle of the spiral. Rum said, “we come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust”. The technics is to focus on one point, the calm dissipated in the eye of the cyclone. This is also the point of highlighting the infinity. The spiral is the bridge, the pathway in between the inward and outward world, this is the missing link reconnecting subtly all the subsets each other proving that we are ALL ONE and NOT ALONE…
The great Buckminster Fuller said so deeply : "Everything is spinning: from the tiny atoms to the giant galaxies, everything is in a state of perpetual twirling. The unified vision presents us with a world in which we are all united through a fractal geometry of space-time, intrinsically connecting all things via the medium of infinite emptiness. This fundamental understanding of reality truly promises to unite countless fields of human effort, from spiritual understanding to technological development, and elevates them all to a completely new level. With this knowledge, we will be able to understand more deeply our communion with each other and our connection with Nature, and we will be able to develop technologies that use the primordial power of the Universe to elevate our collective consciousness beyond the Earth. , to the stars! "The vectorial equilibrium is the starting zero point for everything that happens or not; it is the empty theater, the empty circus, the empty Universe, ready to accommodate any act and any public. "
In Shambali you discover deeply this spiral of life and will know how to stimulate and to activate in your daily life as this is a sacred and an amazing source of energy of life. Issa ~ AM
The synchronicities
What’s it concretely synchronicity? Is it really concrete or tangible? Is it a rational theory and a strange illusion? Synchronicity is a concept, “first” introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. I put quote marks for “first” as he is the first one to put this name or definition but the principle exists since the origin of the consciousness.Carl Jung said as a definition: “synchronicity is an acausal connecting principle and can be defined by a meaningful coincidence which appears between a mental state and an event occurring the external world.”
According to this thesis, life is not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order. Victor Hugo the French writer said wisely "It's sad to think that nature speaks and mankind will not listen." It means nature sends us subtle messages that we can only decipher beyond of our eyes: through our feeling, intuitions… This is the principle of symbols: the meanings are never imposed but personal to each of us. The interpretation of one of them can be different from me to you or the same symbol can be perceived differently from a period of my life to another (with years, experience, state of mind…). In a certain way, it concerns the awakening to consciousness. When we observe our lives, we realize that much more is happening than we thought. Beyond our routine and our daily problems, we can detect a mysterious divine influence: "significant coincidences" seem to send us messages and guide us in a particular direction. First, we only glimpse these coincidences: we run at full speed next to them and pay them almost no attention. But we end up slowing down and watching these events more closely. With an open mind and vigilance we develop our ability to identify the next synchronic phenomenon. Coincidences seem to flow in and out, sometimes they succeed one another quickly and lead us abruptly, and sometimes they immobilize us. However, we know that we have discovered the process of the soul that guides our lives and advances them. The following revelations explain how to increase the occurrence of this mysterious synchronicity and discover the ultimate destiny towards which we are led.
Our perception of the mysterious coincidences of life is an important historical event. After the collapse of the medieval worldview, we lost the moral security provided by the explanation of the universe provided by the explanation of the Universe emitted by the Church. Therefore, five hundred years ago, we collectively decided to dominate nature, using science and technology to live in this world. We sought to create material security to replace the spiritual certainties we had lost. To feel more reassured, we systematically dismissed and denied the mysterious aspects of life on this planet. We made the illusion that we lived in a fully explainable and predictable universe, where fortuitous events made no sense. To maintain this illusion, we have tended to deny any evidence contrary to our convictions, to hinder scientific research on paranormal events, and we have adopted an attitude of absolute skepticism. Exploring the mystical dimensions of life has become almost a taboo. Little by little, however, awareness is emerging. It allows us to free ourselves from the obsession with the material well-being that has characterized the modern age, and to open our minds to a new, more just worldview. According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within a higher consciousness. The first symptom is stopping to worry. You realize there is a kind of higher program/plan for you so you have a certain detachment towards life. You rely upon this higher program. Therefore you become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. This creates as well happiness and fullness as you experience the fact that everything is interconnected thereby you do not feel ALONE anymore but you experience that ALL's ONE. That’s why the Vedanta says expressly « find the place which is already yours in the cosmic breath ». Once we manage how to recognize synchronicities and afterward how to co-stimulate them, life becomes an amazing interactive video game full of surprises: you will have a lot of fun and will feel the deep sense of life. In Shambali you will explore these techniques and put in practice sometimes to be more aware of the phenomenon and also to be more sensitive towards the synchronicities. Issa ~ AM
On the road to your inner journey
In our modern society which goes so fast and evolves so rapidly, most of the people want all quickly, without having the patience to reach things sometimes. Very often we want all easy, effortless and almost pre-matched in a certain way. An Egyptian proverb written in a Luxor temple says “true teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awakening of consciousness which goes through successive stages”.The key point or the master key to understanding (I even should say to “innerstand”) “the true teaching” to soak it, to infuse is clearly indicated that it can be done only through different steps. We cannot obtain in a few minutes, with an expectation of precipitation. On the contrary, too much desire obstruct the process of evolution. When we observe nature, it has its own pace, its own rhythm: the tree takes 30-40 years to grow up and nothing artificial can speed it up. This is a natural process also because the learning is comparable to a dam which would break overwhelm the arid valley destroying all instead of hydrate it. In most of the initiatory journeys, the insider had to start most of the time by 2 years of the thankless tasks like cleaning, moving heavy things and always with the main rule: to keep silent, he/she was not allowed to ask some questions. Most of the time people think that the revelation, the miracle, the change, the awakening, the enlightenment is coming from outside. It is a lure. And this is the first step to understand that mistake, that preconceived idea. Our world is an illusion as the Hindu call it “Mayas” and this is the first misunderstanding. To reach the outer harmony, one needs to achieve to inside harmony corresponding to the inwards access to unity.
Concretely this is the springboard to achieve the oneness and thereby the inwards and outward harmony without any dissociation. It is possible to have a master, a guide (physical or invisible) but this person (or entity) just show some ways, without opening the doors for us. That’s why Khalil Gibran said: "No man can not reveal anything to you except what is already half-asleep".
The ancient Greek philosophy reveals that “know yourself you will know the universe and the gods”. The first step of the infinite* journey enlightenment is the introspection. The existential questions like “Who I am?” “Why am I here?” “What do I like?” “what am I useful for?” “What is my reason of being?” are making the world going around and turning around since ages. *infinite because the enlightenment is like the tide, it comes and goes back and so one, it is not permanent like the soap bubble you cannot master it or seize fully, you can just flirt with the illusion of seizing the instant. How do we call a person who has been taught, who is initiated? We call him or her an “insider”. It means clearly that all is “inside” not outside. The process is inward.
The process is a kind of alchemic method essentially in three steps: 1-destruction, 2-cleansing, 3-transcendence (raising). The destruction of the ego does not mean that you become Mister or madam nobody without any identity but you accepted the faces of yourself (the persona in Latin the masks fruit of your education, your culture, your environment and the interaction with it: rejection, adhesion…). You have to dig down very deeply to cope with your fears to discharge the negative energies which block the good circulation of your enlightenment.
The goal is to be in peace with your self: your present and your past. In addition in the second step of cleansing, there is the notion of being in peace with your past and the different actors of it in that life and in previous lives. An extract from Ariadne's papyrus, vizier of Séti II, in the fourteenth century before Christ says something really beautiful: "Man comes into existence many times; however, he knows nothing of his past lives, except that, occasionally, a dream or thought brings him back to some circumstance of a previous incarnation. But he can not remember when, where this event happened. He recognizes only something familiar. In the end, however, all his past lives will be revealed to him. The spirits or souls who have known each other in one incarnation may meet in another incarnation, attracted to each other; but for what cause, both will ignore it ... " Paulo Coelho said something really interesting regarding the principle of karma in his book Aleph: “It isn't what you did in the past that will affect the present. It's what you do in the present that will redeem the past and thereby change the future.” It exists different technics like psychoanalysis, regression, family constellation, spiritual retreats, lonely trip… All the Roads lead to Rome and to Home. These are some ways that we propose in Shambali for you to succeed on the way of your inner journey as happiness can occur on the road not only at the destination. Issa ~ AM
The technics of chaos to revive truly
In the agriculture, the principle of the scorched earth or the burnt earth is the fact to burn the soil.
Then the farmer leaves the fields in fallow to restore the soil fertility.
One lets it to rest. After the earth has better productivity and growth.
The technic of chaos or the burnt earth at the human scale is a metaphor but the principle remains slightly the same. Many people realize the importance of something or someone when they lose it or lose this person. One says in all mystical quest that to live deeply and really one has to learn how to die. In the holy scriptures it is literally written “die before you die”. Of course this is an image and not to implement to the letter. It is obviously a psychological death: the loss of the prevalent ego. In esoteric dimension it is said “Mors janua vitae” meaning “death door of Life”.
The metaphor of the Phoenix who has come to birth again from its ashes evokes this aspect.
When we voluntarily extend the lack it emphasizes the importance of this aspect. When you fast 24hours or 72hours, you realize how good is to eat, even what you normally do not like could be a source of pleasure and happiness.
All kind of fasting in the different cultures beyond of the hygienic intake highlight the gratefulness of what you have normally. Most of the time we think, having eaten enough is normality, living in peace is normal, freedom is normal. But it is not, we became more and more in a society of the “too much” sometimes capricious and we think that all is a due.
In the past, all civilization had a passage between the teenage stage and adult world: a kind of initiation like the myth of Hercules to emphasize life and death and also to strengthen people. Many societies still apply this kind of initiatory journey. Certain so-called “primitive” civilizations like Dogons or Aborigines consider in western society we are not mature as we never lived such extreme initiation. It is true that pushing the limits emphasizes the beauty of something always perceived as normally: walking, eating, breathing properly, smelling all kinds of smell.
There is a Turkish legend explaining that God first makes you lose your donkey that you love, and after He makes you find it back for being deeply aware about it.”
Said differently a Buddhist philosophy reveals “if you have some psychological problem, wear some square shoes, then you will see them differently”.
Being aware that we never own anything except a bit of time: health, a house, a land… all this is an illusion because it will never be forever, even your wealth could be affected by a currency depression, your land or your home by a cataclysm: even if you have insurance, time to find back your normal state takes a while. Those who lived a disease, an earthquake, a collapse… can realize that everything is fragile. The goal is not to be scared always by each potential strength, not at all. The goal is just to be aware of the chance we have by something imagine the abnegation of something or just by projection or by stopping a habit punctually to appreciate much more afterward. This is not being paranoiac or stressful, on the contrary, to be grateful each second of the present which is a gift and also it allows to have a certain detachment for all of the kind of possession. This is just a sort of awareness and a deep consciousness of Life which is perceived as a miracle.
In Shambali you will explore these technics and put in practice sometimes just to feel even more living and to appreciate Life at a deeper and more intense level.
Issa ~ AM
Breatharianism & the limits of consciousness
A profound discussion with Issa, interviewed by Alex Lamber This video was made by Alex Lamber for UNLOCKT. To know more about Alex Lamber, check http://www.alexlamber.com Here are the questions asked: 1. Your story and how you got into your spiritual practice 2. Breatharianism and fasting: why and what is the limit? 3. Why do you like exploring non-ordinary states of consciousness? 4. What is the impact you want to have in the world?Palliatives to addiction
We are stardust enlightened by our soul. More and more a lot of people feel this inner S.O.S (Save Our Soul) appealing them to re-member through their body and their mind this natural and primordial Light. Carl Sagan said so wisely “We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our self knows where we come from. We aspire to return. And we can do it because the cosmos is also within us. We are made of stardust.” Apparently, we were the Oneness (the absolute) before incarnatingthen we chose to experience the matter, the 3 dimensions, to embody the self, the segmentation to emphasize the difference in between “here and there”, “you and me”. However, the goal of this game (for which the first rule is to say it is not a game) seems to be to find back this feeling of Oneness: to gather the all pieces of the puzzle game to appreciate the beauty of the masterpiece. Once we find it we “master” the peace (the inner and the outer peace).
As an addicted what are we looking for? At different levels, humanity is somehow addicted to altered consciousness, a reconnection to a unity, to this singularity that we lost at birth. The pursuit of pleasure is an endless lure and bulimia linked to the ego, while happiness, harmony this union is a form of transcendence linked to a superior connection between ourselves and others. Pleasure is like eating candy cotton and happiness some organic and energy vegetable bringing you consistency and long-term satiety. The substitutes, the fruits of addiction are most of the time a way to escape our reality to fulfill a lack, a lack of fullness and a lack of connection. Paradoxically one looks for a kind of disconnection of our segmented reality to aspire to a reconnection which beyond of that, a kind of quest of transcendence in order to enlarge our perspectives and our spheres of conscientiousness. It is in human nature and even this search is subscribed within the DNA of mankind. However, the palliatives to that or the tools to reach these states of being can be natural. We can list 7 practices allowing to reach these states of altered consciousness:
“Medium” in Latin means “channel” or “vehicle” as it represents a way to be connected to your inner self then your Higher self and thereby which stands for a springboard to reach the outer world with different technics: mindfulness, zazen, visualization…2-Breathwork / Rebirth:
Hyperventilation bringing very deep inner journey allowing to clean up and discharge the psychological and physical toxins or burdens. It brings a transcendental experience extremely powerful.3-Ecstatic Dance (that I rebaptized "trance & dance"):
a tool to release the animal inside us and release our guidance thanks to trance and music, it is also a way to release the taboos and the prohibitions of our society allowing to unwind4-Sufi Dervish Dance:
For which the goal is to dilute the ego being as a drop into the ocean referring to Rumi who said “you are not a drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean into a drop. The rotation and the fact to repeat some words (mantras or surah’s) allows losing the mind to achieve the Oneness5-Floating:
You have the feeling of floating in weightlessness. Why? Because the notion of gravity disappears thanks to water which holds you. Literally, you fly because after a while you do not feel your body at all, being guided you can extend your consciousness beyond your body/your members.6-Watsu:
It frees up the body and the breath thanks to water contact which is an element of emotion (e-motion: the energy in movement): the stuck emotions are held in the body. Watsu is one of the keys to unlock. The movements are tied to memory to specific incidences which have been suppressed or repressed. It is a way to RE-MEMBER the prenatal level and fetal dimension: the safety of the womb, a feeling of trust the process of life and to dive deep inside your inner self with different layers of consciousness.7-Astral Travel:
The most transcendental inner journey, allowing to go out of your body, yourself and space-time and thereby experiencing the oneness and this primary connection with the YOUnity.
These 7 disciplines which are taught at SHAMBALI, stand for ways to reach states of modified consciousness in a healthy and natural way as with drugs to achieve a plenitude and inner and outer harmony. And is it not this fullness the Holy Grail, this paradise that all religions have tried to explain, is not that what we all seek? Is it not the resurgence of our first state before incarnation to know when we are part of the Great All that we are Unity...? (Tao, Samadhi, Paradise, the Oneness)… whatever the name? In SHAMBALI we propose these 7 natural techniques which represent palliatives to drugs (once the addictions are neat) or addiction: it means not to fall back because they naturally compensate for these needs of modified consciousness, these quests of absolute... and then the cerebral chemical scheme is more and more able to facilitate the recreation of endorphins and serotonin or even eventually the DMT secreted by the pineal gland to open up to the worlds of extraordinary possibilities. Issa ~ AMThe magic of the sound
The Genesis (“Genesis” literally meaning “creation”, “source” and “beginning” in Ancient Greek) starts with “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In the wildest concept of God (G.O.D: Great Overall Dimensions), we can call It/Him/Her/Us… with so many manners according to our sensitivity “The Great All”, “The Universal Soul”, “The Singularity”, Tao, YHVH or not calling “It” as we say in Greek philosophy “giving me a name is annihilating all the contingencies that I could be”. Let’s replace “God” by “All” or “Oneness”. Actually the word “word” is essentially referring to a notion of frequencies. Here is the key to open up the mysterious door of this sacred sentence. The great scientist Nicola Tesla said wisely (one century ago): “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” To go further Einstein said "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." The sound, the frequencies are the subtle key to open up the "gateless gate" to understand one part of our form of reality. The cymatics is the science which studies the impact of the sound of the matter. According to a certain note of music (a vibration), the sand moves and creates a certain design.If you take a crystal glass and you apply a very high-pitched sound it explodes. This is not magic, it is physics. The sound shapes our reality if we analyze the experience of cymatics in 3D with a liquid instead of some sand we obtain some waves and even almost human shapes.
If we analyze, the human body through the spectrum of the ancestral Chinese medicine (or Ayurvedic, 5,000 years of existence) there is a notion of a current of energies and points of energies that we call respectively meridians and chakras (“wheel” in Sanskrit).
There are 7 chakras (main points of energy) as there are 7 colors corresponding to certain frequencies in Hz. And there are also 7 notes of music corresponding to these same frequencies respectively
It means using the sound like a therapy like with fork, with chanting bowls, with crystal affect the centers of energies (our chakras) corresponding to a kind of massage of these centers.
It is a kind of energization of them allowing the fluidity of the energy within the body to avoid stuck energy or blockages. The fluidity of the flows of energies in the body is the key to the health. Like the Ying & Yan, it exists some harmonious sounds and disharmonious ones. The standard one is 432 Hertz but our common music is based on 440 Hz which is a source of imbalance. That’s why we can consider there exist some “organic sounds” that we call the harmonics and which is important to know, to use according to their abilities. For instance, 174 Hz is linked to serenity 285 Hz the regeneration of organs, 417 Hz facilitation of change… and so one. The sound therapy is the medicine of the future integrated with a holistic dimension fruit of the world heritage as it is old as the humanity if we refer to this knowledge among the Sumerians and the Egyptians (what could explain the mystery of the construction of the pyramids)… In Shambali we will propose you some treatments of bowl healing, sound therapy with forks and we will teach you the different main kind of frequencies giving you some records to reactivate them at home and for you to use and master this amazing tool. Issa ~ AM
How to sustain the balance of life?
Excess brings less. The ancestral way of “the middle path” has never been so valid in these times of extremism at each level: political, religious, social… When we are kids we need two small extra wheels to learn how to ride a bike, later when we are elder we need a stick. If one day we are injured we need a kickstand or a crutch. What for? In all cases these sustainers allow us to find our balance. Some people stand for this psychological dimensions. Having a balance means to avoid extremes in general. Very often some people tend to give a steering wheel on the left then directly a steering wheel on the right affecting their stability and their safety. This is not the solution. The “middle path” is one of the wisest ways to allow sustainable harmony. But this equilibrium is something personal there is no miracle recipe.
Being balanced does not mean renouncing or not being passionate, not at all. We can be committed but with a certain detachment. In our all fields we should look for a measure like the good balance in between the personal and professional life. This could be compared to the tree of life:
Or like in a couple, the dependence is never good, the passion does not last. Most people are looking for compensation through their partner to fulfill a lack that’s why it creates tension, dependence, and fear as the other one stands for the sustainer what is dangerous. If you reached the inner harmony being single it seems to be one of the best ways to find someone and establish a balanced couple.Being balanced means that your inner stability cannot be affected by outer events or phenomena: separation, death...
Many people think about balance as the final judgment. But in a certain way, maybe the current judgment or the current test is permanent: this is a continuous exam. It seems that we are here to learn and to experience.
When we die the goal is to be satisfied with what we have been and what we learned and if so we can say about you: “he/she passed the way” instead of “he/she passed away” meaning thereby you succeeded in your own way. The great Sufi Shams ed Tabrizi said wisely: ”Hell is in the here and now. So is heaven. Quit worrying about hell or dreaming about heaven, as they are both present inside this very moment. Every time we fall in love, we ascend to heaven. Every time we hate, envy or fight someone we tumble straight into the fires of hell.” Getting is a good balance of life is operating through different aspects like the horizontal & vertical one which is the symbol of the cross. It means a good equilibrium with the horizontal dimension that’s to say the materiality the pleasure of our world: food, wellbeing (spa, massage), sport, leisure, fun… and vertical which is an alignment with the invisible world: the energies, the Higher Self, the Universal Soul… something transcendental. Both aspects are important as balanced wellbeing. Leonard da Vinci said “Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” As a learning concept, In SHAMBALI retreat we apply this balance of life in our teaching thanks to the triple triptych:- Good alignment with body-mind-soul in all our activities
- Good balance with the Scientific / Artistic / Spiritual approach in all our disciplines
- Good equilibrium with the T.I.P methodology: Theory / Intuition / Practice in all our concepts
Collective Meditation
Well-Rounded Root Meditation
Why this collective planetary meditation? What is its reason of being? It is simply a lifting of Light / Love. We organize worldwide monthly meditations at distance 8-9 minutes to rise the beautiful energies on the planet. If we meditate in the same way with the same objective at the same time whatever the location our scope on the matter is huge.What is the Principle?
It is based on an ancient legend (from the Vedas which are mystical teachings from the Indus valley) that some people updated that’s why one can call it “Maharishi effect”, Gregg Braden evoked it also in the “Divine Matrix”. This is a world heritage of humanity and in no way remains a personal intellectual property. The principle is simple: everything is energy. Science admitted it. Nicola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” In addition to that Albert Einstein the father of our modern science explained: “Everything is energy and that's all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” It means that our intention or our thoughts impact the matter in terms of energy as everything is energy. Our emotions impact reality. If we analyze the word “emotion”: e-motion: e=mc2 (the formula of energy discovered by Einstein), literally the emotion is energy in movement. All is energy Einstein one more time said "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." Concretely the formula of this “Maharishi effect” is √1%Y: Y= the population So, for instance, we are roughly 7, 7 billion inhabitants: 1% of that population is 77 million and the square root of that: a bit less than 10,000 people. 10,000 people mobilized, unified at the same time on the same cause, on the same vibration and energy can impact our entire planet. Of course like the flow of energy in an integrated system in electricity, there should not be any resistance. The participants should be sincere, having pure intentions, that is it. There is no notion of performance, just to be on time with a pure heart. Indeed for rational people, it can be weird or funny. If we provoke laugh at least we will have created good energy thanks to that that’s great. And for those a bit skeptical or extremely rational 2 things: 1-we don’t have anything to lose except releasing bad energy (just a few minutes relaxing) 2-Einstein said "You can not solve the problems of the present with the same state of mind who created them. " Maybe this method is not conventional but science proved through the quantic mechanics that the intention of the observer impacts the reality if we refer to Young’s double-slit experiment.Why this name?
«Well-Rounded Root Meditation»
It is referring to “square root” √ because in the basis of formula (√1%Y) the square is embraced by the opposite and the complementarity of round (circle) and well-rounded means harmonious. “Root” is in the singular because we are one, not ALONE but ALL ONE. There is a common trunk in the tree of life (which is invisible). Only one root, no border, no time difference, no space-time impact, no social, educational, religious, political dimension… just pure energy of Light and of Love. The goal is just to reach the worldwide harmony nothing more nothing less: a peaceful balance for achieving YOUnity.On a practical level, how to do?
The description of the process is well-explained step by step in a different document of the Facebook page specially created for this meditation (Facebook group name: Well-Rounded Root meditation). https://www.facebook.com/groups/201154520803408/ We can find guidelines, the download of the guided meditation of 8-9 minutes and/or the link on YouTube to listen and to let be guided: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg0KRfn8508 Then concretely it is necessary to be present at the time of your time zone on (GMT Greenwich / London 1:00 pm) on December 22, 2018, for the first session. Then they will take place each month during the full moon. The goal is that it is not binding, no need to connect to the internet or a web conference ... none of this, just listening to this meditation and visualizing Love and Light on the planet thanking in advance (being grateful) that it (the result) is already there and feeling it from the depths of your heart within. To feel in yourself the planetary harmony is “The” key to this experience to aspiring to a Great Harmonious Change. There is no notion of performance nothing to understand but maybe in a certain way to “overstand” and also to “innerstand”. Everybody is more than welcome whatever your experience. Thank you for your contribution that some will see as a drop in the sea. Personally, I see it as a collective return to The Source where we all are from. And to decorate my thinking 2 quotes that complement each other harmoniously in my opinion 2 people who are examples of life to know Mother Teresa said « We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. » Beyond of that the great Sufi Rumi said so wisely “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” We are not ALONE but ALL ONE. Let’s show to humanity our humanity. Issa ~ AM Sources:- In 1993: 4,000 people meditate to decrease the crime rate, the police noticed that the rate reduced by 23%... see the article of the NEW YORK TIMES:
- In 2006: during of Lebanon-Israel in the Middle East, some people meditate to stop the war (more precisely for peace), few times after the conflict was ended. See the article http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/lebanon_peace_project_research.html
- Group meditation effect :
- Young’s double-slit experiment:
- Hundredth monkey effect:
What is your reason of being?
How many people are wandering without any goal or roadmap? Have you ever wondered your "reason of being"? Elif Shafak the Turkish writer said wisely “No matter who we are and where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete. It is like having lost something and experiencing the need to find it back. What is this "something"? Most of us will never find it. And among those who succeed, even rarer are those who go on its quest.” The key question will be to identify this mysterious “something”. Maybe finding it could represent a part of our mission? Happiness can occur on the road not only at the final destination. Dalai Lama said “What surprises me most about humanity is a western man. He sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies never having really lived”. In our “modern times”, our western society goes so fast and it is so overwhelmed of information that very often we do not question our routine and/or we flee the existential questions like who I am? Why I am here? What is my contribution to the planet? What if I die tomorrow?... Vaclav Havel said “The tragic element for modern man is not that he does not know the meaning/sense of his life, but it bothers him less and less. " When we launch a company, a business, an enterprise we establish a business plan and the first point, the most important key question before starting is to set up the reason of being of this new project. For life it seems to be the same, undertake one’s life: to take it under one’s wing literally to fly to new horizons. Seneca said wisely “there is no favorable wind for someone who does not know where he is heading". It seems to be obvious but how many of us, just rush, run always, with craze but without any idea to where or without a goal. Binary and as a truism in football the goal is to goal. But those who ignore it would see 22 crazy persons running endless and pushing a ball senseless. That’s why the first step is to define what we like then set up our objectives by establishing a methodology (the tools to reach them) then the deadlines. It is important always to have a different backup and integrating corrective actions to adjust the realities according to our forecasts.Here is a mapping, a tool allowing to visualize yourself. It is called “Ikigai” in Japanese it means “Reason of Being”. Why it is so important to choose a job we like? Confucius said wisely " Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." Then having a good job and then a personal balance and harmony are essential, this is the tree of life with the roots which can be seen as a good personal equilibrium allowing a stability and permitting to the branching to touch the sky.
So doing what we like is primordial. Then maybe the fact to feel useful can be one of our reason of being. Knowing that one of the 4 hormones of happiness is oxytocin which is secreted when you feel useful for a cause. This is the fulfillment to belong to something higher, deeper… that we can feel with association, charity… Indeed giving brings you a lot: the more you give the more you receive…
Indeed letting a fingerprint on the earth could be one of the different reasons of being… Compay Segundo said, “I am eternal because I had children, I wrote songs and I planted a tree”. With this simple triptych of offspring, arts, and ecology… he had found a simple sense of life but once again it is personal and in addition may be no need to reach the moon. Joseph Campbell said “I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive. In Shambali retreat we will not tell you what is your reason of being, if you ignore it we will just give you some tools for you to find it on your own. This approach is based on the principle of maieutic (the Greek philosophy) that’s to say to help people to find themselves. Issa ~ AM
Law of attraction principle
We attract what we think and what we are; not what we want.This is the principle of the Law of attraction. But what is it concretely and how does it work? Everything is energy. Science admitted it. Nicola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” In addition to that Albert Einstein the father of our modern science explained: “Everything is energy and that's all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” It means that our intention or our thoughts impact the matter in terms of energy as everything is energy. In this Einstein’s idea, it means you chose your reality, the path you want a bit like that picture evoking the notion of the channel among an infinite number.
Our emotions impact reality. If we analyze the word “emotion”: e-motion: e=mc2 (the formula of energy discovered by Einstein), literally the emotion is energy in movement. All is energy Einstein one more time said "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." We are magnets basically: we are energies and vibrations. The frequencies of them impact the matter. The lower astral corresponds to very low frequencies and all related like hate, fear, pain… On the other way round when you are positive your frequencies are high therefore some events, opportunities and help come up in your life as a miracle.
Always keep in mind that even the planet owns some magnetism with the poles:
You can imagine that the principle is the same with us. The frequencies of the mind have been demonstrated in a laboratory can be perceived by electrodes.
This is a bit like floating if you are afraid to sink, you are stressed and your body is engaged and you have more chance to sink. If you feel confident, you are relaxed you float. Life is a bit the same. It is hard to admit but fear brings fear so being afraid about failure attracts the mistakes… The legend of the Genie in the bottle with the Aladdin lamp (from One thousand and one nights) evoke this principle. Your wishes are always granted and satisfied as long as you believe in the magic of the story. This legend from the Middle East crossed the ages not without any reason…
We can find almost the same principle and story in the Bible with Jesus who said: "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible to you.” "Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree but even if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' it will happen. ” There are different technics to obtain what we want: visualization, for instance, a technic that the athletes from USSR used in that past. But actually, the one is to express an attention and immediately being grateful that the result is already there. As a learning concept in Shambali, you will discover through different techniques on how to understand and apply the magic of the law of attraction. Issa ~ AM
Shambali is in HYM Media
A profound overview of Shambali by Aurelien, interviewed by Fendt Laurent ***English subtitles are available*** To know more : http://hym.media/aurelien-millot/Regaining the inner childimension
Have you ever deeply observed the way a child sees the life? The children have a powerful manner to watch what is natural: the fact to be completely absorbed by the fruit of their attention: they are not anymore, they merger literally with the object: the subject, the object and the way of seeing become one. They embody unconsciously and naturally the ONEness. The objective by regaining the inner child is to reactivate our kid view. The children do not have the different filters, the layers due to the education, the past, the environment all these data which build and shape the personality. In Latin “persona” means the mask implying the fact we are actors and which means thereby that our true nature is beyond of these different filters and masks which obstruct the deep truth of the reality: the true “I AM”.Regaining your child vision allows to marvel at the small gifts of the present life. The kids evolve in their bubble, their shield, they do not care about the regard of others: they play, they invent their own world, with their rules and the fictive characters breathing life into them.
Life is for them a gigantic playground because all is a pretext to have fun and each little thing can be a source of entertainment. The world of adults fascinate them: they love to participate in our games.
All the kids are like jumping or dancing I mean they are so exciting just by the fact to give a note to the cashier. It becomes “Playing shop” or to open up the door of the subway, just typing on a computer is fun and a source of entertainment meaning thereby that mummy or daddy are playing all the time, driving becomes like doing carting and so on. Preparing the food, cooking is like playing at a dinner party with dolls:
Building a hut, a tree house is fun for them, an architect becomes a magician, the workers around are perceived as elves. In their eyes, life is an enchanted fairyland.
They marvel basically about the single present moment that they ignite and thereby they sublimate life. They have the sparks in the eyes capable to enlighten everything. If we remember what was our perception and grid of reading the great book of life by diving in our deep inner self we could activate it again. Therefore we could find back an amazing fairly land which could resurface to put some colors sometimes in our black and white gloomy lives.
The kids are never sad except punctually for a little caprice, a collapse… but as they are innocent they live in an eternal present. They never project in future potential danger or problems. In a certain way, unconsciously the children practice naturally mindfulness. The finality is to activate a magic triptych that I called “childult presage”. This triad or trinity is made of 3 concepts: 1-kid 2-adult 3-sage which could be associated with 1-art 2-science 3-metaphysics 1-child: it is linked to the dreams, creativity, and innocence of small moments of happiness, what makes you say “wow” to marvel (art) 2-adult: it is linked to rules, structure, morality, respect… actions (the sciences) 3-sage: it is linked to the detachment, the distance, the abstraction (the metaphysics) NB: Presage as it is in progress, it is not a diploma but an endless improvement which is also a presage (subtle mess sage: message). Let’s meditate on all that but only kids who still believe in beautiful stories can make these dreams come true. Therefore the more psychoanalytic approach of the inner child can be approached in 5 steps to clean up eventually the burdens dig down deeply or repressed since the childhood:
- To be recognized as a human being, original not as a substitute for someone else
- To accept the emotions (e-motion: energy in motion): by releasing and/or living them
- To be loved unconditionally: for that, you must let space for Love: receiving and emitting it
- To have the trust of your parents
- To be free and encouraged to follow your own way
As a learning concept, in Shambali you will discover through different techniques on how to regain your inner child. We will do some guided meditations (and auto-hypnosis practices) to release and to console your inner child for the adult that you embrace each other harmoniously. Issa ~ AM
What is the third eye concretely?
Is it a legend, the fruit of a collective figment?
The third eye corresponds to the 6th chakra which is located in between the 2 eyes.
The third eye is not a physical eye like that:
It is a kind of an intangible center of energy which stands for your radar in a certain way all around your head at 360 degrees with the capacity to catch some information: visible and invisible ones with different kinds of frequencies.
Concretely the third eye has been defined by René Descartes (the father of the rationality: the Cartesianism) as “the seat of the soul” which is not really a rational approach. The third eye represents a link, a channel to reach your higher self and thereby the path to the outer world: the visible and the invisible dimensions that’s to say all the hidden frequencies corresponding to further sphere of consciousness.
This is the path to reach the oneness, the YOUnity:
The third eye is not exclusively a part of Asian cultures like Hinduism, Buddhism… Not at all, it is a world heritage present in all civilizations and religions. It corresponds to the eye of Horus in the Egyptian cult:
This is the eye of the knowledge that is dormant within all of us that maybe some people prefer to maintain for themselves as it is a cement to reconnect people each other.
Indeed even in Christianity, it exists. The 3rd eye is symbolized by the pine cone. When you enter in the Vatican you can see the gigantic statue of a pine cone:
Even on the pope himself wears it regularly
But the pineal gland is not a symbol or a figment this is a real physical organ in your head which is as small as a pea:
Actually, it is one of the unique organs in a single unit at the center.
There are different technics to activate your 3rd eye, the main ones being:- Focus on it when you close your eyes and meditate
- Observe it when you start to fall asleep, it is like the screen bring you the pictures of your dreams
- Beat it gently regularly
- Put during one day a grain of rice as the Balinese uses to do
- Put a Hindu point or a jewel, or a sticker
- Eat pineapple because it detoxifies your pineal gland
- Eat avocado and essentially the core for the same reasons than pineapple
- Stop brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste because it calcifies it, obstructing its good functioning
If we analyze our history the first known civilization (ancestors of our system of writings) the Sumerian represented their gods called “the Anunnaki” with the symbol of the pineal gland (the pine cone) given to Mankind. Knowing that the arrival of the writing is 3,300 before Jesus Christ with Sumerian civilization and Jews retrace the origins of Mankind 5,779 years ago… We have -5,779 the origins of mankind according to the Genesis and -5,300 the arrival of writing (meaning this civilization was there before). So the origin of mankind might be a metaphor for the consciousness of humanity thanks to the revelation of this secret of activation of 3rd eye!? Who knows?!
Would it be the missing link? Would it correspond to the access of the knowledge: the famous original sin of Adam? The passage of Homo Sapiens to Homo Sapiens Sapiens: literally “the man who knows he knows”…
The activation of the third eye is as your inner journey it is a long process. It does not come as a blink of an eye but with a regular practice, the deep conviction you will succeed and even the gratitude that it is already there. But what is sure is that it will change your life, your vision, and perception of life. The activation of the 3rd eye is the gate to the exploration of the infinite outer world, the oneness: the enlightenment like the Buddha (“the Buddha” which means literally “the Enlightened one” in Sanskrit). But always keep in mind that it is not exclusive to Buddha, or Jesus who said the “kingdom of heaven is within you”:
Indeed both of them (and all of the enlightened ones) do not represent a finality but the proof that all simple individual can reach this state. Focusing on them as a finality is like focusing on the mark on the jacket of the conductor instead of paying attention to the beauty and the magnificence of the orchestra transcending its divine symphony… In Shambali you will discover the different ways to find your own one to develop harmoniously your third eye opening. Issa
The YOUniversal Soul
The great scientist Tesla said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of frequencies, energies, and vibrations.“ But the most breathtaking sentence is from Max Planck the father of the quantum physics: "All matter comes from a force and exists only by it. We must assume the existence, under this force, of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter “ The science agreed nowadays to admit the existence of “a conscious and intelligent Spirit” as Max Planck said it in 1944. Victor Hugo said “Consciousness is God present in man” NB: G.O.D: Great Overall Dimension(s). But what is the mysterious force? : the universal soul, the primary Source, the ether (for Greek), Ki (like Reiki for Japanese), Qi ou Tchi (like Qi Gong Tai Chi for Chinese), Prana (for Hindu), the Holy Spirit (for Christians), dark energy for scientists… In Psychoanalysis it is called the collective unthinking or the collective unconsciousness. That’s why Carl Young (the real father of Psychoanalysis) said: “In addition to our immediate consciousness, there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals.” Since the 17th-century science led by René Descartes started to apply a non-rational approach which is named Cartesianism; the human being separated the ego from the environment. At this moment we have disconnected to our true origin. The so-called “primitive” people or cultures: Aborigines, Dogons, Shamans, and Native American Indians… are still naturally linked and connected to the YOUniversal soul: they talk to nature, they feel the nature, and they respect nature as a balance of life. The eco-system shows there is a reciprocal effect and all has a reason for being in nature. As a proof here is a very down-to-earth example Einstein said wisely “If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.”One of the main burdens of our western modern society is the lack of connection. We have never been so hyper-connected to illusions: Facebook, LinkedIn…. That we even do not know our neighbors and our self. To reconnect this primary YOUniversal soul is vital and essential to find back the harmony in our lives: individual and collective fulfillment. Finding back this treasure is the Holy Grail which allows you to feel alive: the true “ I AM”. Believing that all in nature is the fruit of coincidence when you study biology, astronomy… is comparable to put the all single components of a plane on the floor over 1km and after a tornado, saying that the amazing Airbus 380 is just the fruit of chance. Being rational! Recently the scientists discovered our universe was like interconnected by a kind of common thread and if we see on the Genesis the first word is “Berechit” which means that point “warp” or “thread”.
Our physical world would be comparable to a tablecloth with a unique and infinite thread interconnecting all prints of each designs remaining independent but in the meantime interlocked. Our invisible would be as a gigantic neurological network entangling and interconnecting every subset of this big whole which represents life.
In addition to that, it exists a resonance in between the microcosmic and the macrocosmic dimension referring to the principle of the Emerald table “as above so below” (as a bow so be Love). The scientist and philosophe Jean-Emile Charon said: “In the universe, every atom is connected to every other atom, through the substance (spirit) of antimatter, and every knowledge is potentially accessible to every atom of the universe.“ That shows and demonstrates scientifically that we are ALL ONE and not ALONE.
The way of experiencing practically this YOUnity, this incredible Oneness is by diluting our ego within the immensity of the ocean as Rumi said: “you are not a drop in the ocean you are the entire ocean within a drop”.
How? Thanks to meditation, prayers, trance, holotropic breathwork… no need drugs, this is a long journey but the natural way is the most glorious this is what we call the “royal way”. This mystical ecstasy is probably what the best experience for each human being. When it happens to you, your perception of life changes radically. Maybe the ancient cultures can be a source of inspiration as the Vedas say: “find the place which is already yours in this gigantic cosmic breath”. In Shambali you will experience or should we say find back what this YOUnity is deep. Issa ~ AM
The circulation of the energy
All is energy, this is the basic of physics. That’s why the great scientist Nicola Tesla said: "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of frequencies, energies and vibrations.“ Einstein emphasized this principle by declaring "What we have called 'matter' is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” One of the key point to be healthy is the good circulation of the energy. Whatever the currents, the methods regarding Reiki, Tai Qi, Qi Gong, Kundalini yoga or meditation, Chakra visualization, Acupuncture, reflexology, sound therapy… all of them are treating the good flow of the energies. The traditional Chinese medicine for which the inspiration is the Taoism and the technics are Qi Gong and Tai Qi is based on the principle of preventive medicine instead of curative medicine.The objective is to allow the different meridians corresponding to the flows of energies (the ways). A good health is the fruit of a good fluidity of these paths.
All our blockages (psychological or physical, knowing that most of the time the psychological issues are at the source of the somatization that’s to say the physical concrete problems) are due to a bad circulation of our centers of energies. This is exactly comparable to the stagnant water which smells bad. It becomes green and full of bacteria. We have several bodies not only the physical one, but we also have several subtle bodies: astral, causal, mental… This is what scientists recognized these last decades but which is present in all Asian philosophies.
The chakras are the main milestones of our inner journey.
“Chakra” in Sanskrit means “the wheel” which is in motion. Some people visualize a lotus.
There are 7 chakras as they are 7 colors and 7 notes of music corresponding to certain frequencies which are wavelengths measurable in Hertz: 1-ROOT chakra (red): the basis, the link with the earth, materiality, sexuality-energy, stability: 228 Hz / sound: LAM 2-SACRAL chakra (orange): digestion, assimilation, harmonious relationship: 303 Hz / sound: VAM 3-SOLAR PLEXUS chakra (yellow): emotions, capacity to radiate: 182 Hz / sound: RAM 4-HEART chakra (green): seat of Love: issuer/receiver: 128 Hz / sound: YAM 5-THROAT (blue): communication: to listen and to express ourselves 192 Hz / sound: HAM 6-3rd EYE (violet) intuition, the vision beyond the reality, lucidity] 144 Hz / sound: OM 7-CROWN (white): YOUnity, the connection to the Big All, the source, the Oneness] 216 Hz / sound:
These frequencies exist as nobody contest the existence of the frequencies of the radio (FM, MW, LW), the TV, the scan or internet.
If you have a conference before doing it, try to listen a music corresponding to the throat chakra and to wear a blue shirt, why? Because this is the center of energy relative to good communication. By extension thanks to the meditation, the visualization, the sound we can massage our centers of energies and release some potential blockages. The key to the health which is the basis of the holistic medicine resides within this dimension of letting the flows of energies circulating. In Shambali retreat you will learn all these principles and also the different technics to activate and stimulate your different centers of energies in order to be permanently healthy and to feel in harmony in your daily life. Issa
It is not “fast and furious” but fast and harmonious because it should be at your own rhythm, as you feel it, as your body feels it and requires it. According to the Genesis, God created the universe in 6 days and He rested on the 7th one. The international law requires at least 1 day off whatever the country for each human being: this is a part of the human rights. What about your stomach? Why you do not give at least one day off per week? 24 hours without absorbing any substance except water. Most of the cultures and religions traditionally require a period of fasting each year: the Jews have the Yom Kippur (the day of purification): 24 hours without eating, the Christians during the Lent 40 days without meat but initially it was without fat, the Muslims respect the Ramadan 28 days (corresponding to a lunar cycle) of intermittent fasting (during the daylight). The Hindu has Maha Shivaratri a luni-solar month during which they fast… So if most of the traditions, cultures take a place for fasting it is obviously for a good reason. Actually, there are essentially 3 main objectives: 1-the hygiene, 2-the emphasize the pleasure of food and, 3-the access of altered level of conscience. First of all, when we observe nature we can see that the animals when they are sick they stop to eat why? Because the organism has a function of cleansing when it is not solicited. In the 6th century St. Athanasius spoke of experience. "Fasting," he said, "heals the sick, it dries out everything, repels demons and expels unhealthy thoughts, makes the mind clearer and purifies the heart, sanctifies the body, and transports the man to the throne of God Fasting is a great strength. " So the main objective of fasting is that: healing your body like a draining. For instance, fasting 72 hours (with only water) allows your stomach to relax: all your digestive system can rest. The fact to digest requires a lot of energy, thus this energy can be used differently. In addition the third day, it boosts (by recycling) your immune system, regenerating thereby your white cells. How? Fasting lowered white blood cell counts, which in turn triggered the immune system to start producing new white blood cells. White blood cells (or lymphocytes) are a key component of your body’s immune system. This is more and more used in the cancer treatments. By the way, you feel it, you feel lighter, your mind is sharper, you are more sensitive, creative and your skin is more luminous, you see better. It should not be undertaken as a constraint or as something painful......but as a release
When you fast, you feel light as a bird, and etymologically when you are light you feel that you are on the road to the enlightenment.
Beyond of that, the lack of food emphasizes the importance and the pleasure of eating. It puts into perspectives the notion of “I do not like” or “oh, no… again”… kinds of these capricious behaviors in a society of hyper-consumption. It brings a good balance in your life and you appreciate the deeper small gift of life.
Last point fasting is the link with the horizontal world: the spirituality, many trances are obtained thanks to it. You become more subtle and aware of new perspectives and resonance with the invisible world like the synchronicities. In addition to that the perception of time becomes different, all seems to be slower when you fast. I really recommend trying of course with your doctor's consent. Personally, it became a part of my life once a week (usually on Sunday) and 72 hours each month for the full moon. Hence to now my body literally requires it. In Shambali we will invite you to start your journey by fasting 24h or 72h (only if you can afford) to experience this feeling. Issa
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevensalzberg/2014/12/30/can-a-3-day-fast-reset-your-immune-system/#21c5c0283c93
In the pyramid of Maslow, the 1st level is occupied by the physiological needs like eating and sleeping: these are the two main important and primary needs. Eating is vital and it is one of the sources of happiness. First because having a balanced way of feeding brings you fullness and health. We recommend eating every day at least 5 vegetables and fruits to be healthy. If you can afford to use organic food. Indeed, unfortunately, it is more expensive but allocates a budget accordingly maybe reduce some unnecessary expense. All in life is a question of priority, sometimes people say they cannot afford and they spend a fortune in bars and always need to get the first one the last high tech devices. It is highly recommended to rotate and vary a maximum of a type of food and way of cooking: using raw (salad…) and cooking slowly and at low-medium temperature otherwise you destroy the nutritional intakes by breaking the molecules of a certain type of food. I invite you to search on Ayurveda* food as well but as an insight this is a methodology (ancient Hindu tradition: multimillennial) crossing a lot of parameters: your blood group, the association with certain type of food (multiplying the positive effects), the respect of the seasonality and the moment of the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and so one. *meaning “science of life” in Sanskrit. Forget the idea that eating healthy is tasteless or boring. Realize that in the verb “crEATe” at the center you can see “eat” so be inventive, have some fun, there are thousands of excellent and simple recipes on the internet at your entire disposal. Another very important point is to practice the mindfulness when you eat that’s to say to decompose the 5 key moments of it: 1-eating with the eyes 2-chewing (as much as you can, it brings satiety more rapidly reducing your portions) 3-the effervescence taste buds 4-swallowing 5-satiety But these 5 steps are essential and it is important to pay attention to each of them. This is a kind of alchemy allowing you applying this solemnity to establish a communion, a sort of transmission and transfer of energy getting a maximum of nutritional intakes. That’s why in the past and even nowadays some people recommend to be silent (in a spiritual retreat this is one of the technics taught) to be focused on the present moment. Moreover, the way of eating is important: the atmosphere, the company, if you are happy when you eat, your assimilation will be better this is what the American scientists have discovered and called “the French paradox”. Try to avoid to watch TV or to stare at your mobile. The meal should be a break in your day: a kind of prayer or meditation. By extension, the notion of preparation is important as a ritual. The legends of grandmas say that preparing with love making the best recipes. But it is true we discharge our energy on the food and prepare our own body to assimilate better. One important advice is to listen to your body: do not follow necessarily your routine of eating 3 times a day. We have cycles with our appetite. Da Vinci said wisely “ you want to stay healthy, follow this diet: do not eat without wanting” which is echoing with a German proverb saying “you want to eat a long time, eat few”. As a conclusion eating is a life and as "Life must be eaten to live" as said Maurice Chapelan IssaMindfulness
What is mindfulness? Most of the people think mindfulness is exclusively relative to meditation. Mindfulness meditation is only the visible part of the iceberg. Concretely mindfulness is the miracle of the present moment: present which is a gift when you appreciate it like this. In our modern time that’s to say our crazy western society (for which I baptized the concept of “busease”: busy + disease) which goes very fast the majority of us act in automatic pilot. Like driving most of the time you do not think about your gestures: the pedals, the wheel, the gear. In 95% of the time we are not in the present moment: we think about our memories or our plans, our future projects.It is based on the fact to be 100% aware of the moment and one’s feelings, thoughts and emotions. The objective is to be wholly absorbed by the present moment, by the tasks we are doing with a maximum of details. Mindfulness is behaving without filter (we accept what comes), without judgment (we do not decide whether it is good or bad, desirable or not), without waiting for anything (we do not look for something specific). There are 2 axes, 2 faces of the same medals in mindfulness: The reconnection to your higher self by being more aware of your 5 senses activating thereby the 6th sense linked to the intuition, the subtle world and which represents a bridge with the invisible world. The reconnection to the outer world by being more sensitive the 4 elements thereby the 5th element: Ether, Prana, Qi (for Chinese, Qi Gong, Tai Qi), Ki (for Japanese, Rei-Ki). Globally speaking being closer and aware about the environment: the animals, the nature, the cycles of life(the seasons, the stars). Mindfulness is a state of mind, it is practicing every single second. 1- To reduce stress 2- To “fight” peacefully against depression 3- To have a better sleep 4- To chase migraines 5- To reduce the blood pressure 6- To avoid burnout 7- To reduce degeneration of the brain But beyond of this most common intakes, mindfulness activates your deep reconnection to your inner and the outer world meaning thereby your mind is more sensitive to some details, some hidden messages of the Great Book of life or synchronicities(the subtle links of events without any causal relationships). The more you practice it progressively the more you feel the universe vibrating through you and within you allowing you to experience what the Vedas(the ancestral Hindu wisdom): find the place which is already yours in this giant cosmic breath.
Mindfulness is simple of complexity and complex of simplicity but remains easy as a child’s play because the infants practice it naturally, so maybe one of the keys, one of the gate to reach this state of mind is to regain your childish vision, your inner child to marvel about tiny miracles of the power of now. Our modern society is perceived for a lot of people as neurotic, Mindfulness is one of the best palliative and cure to rethink our way of life to live more intensively, more truly, and more harmoniously. In Shambali retreat you will experience mindfulness meditation and also mindfulness in general as a state of mind to practice regularly easily in your daily life. Issa
Why is meditation important? Meditation becomes a trend. Most of the successful companies promote meditation to their employees such as Google, Apple, Yahoo, Nike, Deutsch bank… Why is it so trendy and important? Meditation means 2 things: 1-“medium” means “center” in Latin, coming back to the center: that is to say, the inner journey to aspire to the inward harmony and YOUnity. 2-“medium” means “channel” as this is a link, a bridge to the outer world: visible and invisible world allowing you to reach the outward harmony and YOUnity. The meditation is an inner journey allowing you to find the gate of your true nature and thereby represents a springboard to reach the notion of intangible dimension of the Oneness not as a concept, or a theory but as a deep experience. The meditation is not recent, it is part of our world heritage in most of the old civilizations. The main advantages are:- A good health thanks to a better circulation of our flows of energies (otherwise it creates diseases and disorders)
- More stability and calm: it reduces anxiety and stress thanks to a good master of the breath
- A better creativity thanks to the openness of your mind which reaches Plato’s world of ideas
- A better concentration as your brain is more oxygenated
- A better memory as the connections of your brain are amplified
- A better communication and communion with people thanks to the oxytocin hormone: the hormone of the YOUnity (the Oneness)
- A better sleep thanks to a good balance of life, less stress… It facility the fluidity of the circadian cycles
- Vipassana
- Zazen
- Meditation Transcendental
- Mindfulness
- Visualization
Most of us are unable to describe and define what happiness is or represents to us. Why? Because it is intangible and totally subjective. Happiness can be comparable to a soap bubble – as soon as you touch it, it disappears. In addition, it is hard to capture and hard to keep. So, the goal is to create a machine of the soap bubble.Maybe the most beautiful one is not necessarily the biggest one – the bubble of your child will always be more beautiful than the biggest one in the Guinness book.
Symbolically, the qualitative aspect can be more important than the quantitative one. Happiness is also comparable to a tightrope walker, evolving on an extremely thin line with at both sides the threat of falling down into the darkness (fear, failure, pain, separation…). But there is no need to aim for the moon, happiness can be simple.
Sometimes we cross half the planet to discover the seventh wonder of the world while the eighth is in front of us. Traveling is not going far but to see with new eyes.
Elif Shafak said “No matter who we are and where we live, deep inside we all feel incomplete. It is like having lost something and experiencing the need to find it back”. What is this "something"? This “something” seems to be the fruit of mutual journey narrowly linked, inner and outer travel to reach YOUnity. The goal of this is to reconnect to yourself and the world to achieve fullness thanks to the holistic perspective. Holistic (holos: entire) vision is a global perception. However the pursuit of happiness suits you very well, and well-being is an endless well – it is comparable to a mountain without a summit. Happiness occurs on the journey and not only at the destination. Happiness has no frontiers, no limits… except yourself or your self. We outsource the responsibility to others, both macro (environment, culture, politics, government) and micro (education, family, friends, colleagues). We all have our “good bad” reason not to be happy… happiness is a state of mind. First, we have to be precise. What are we talking about? What is the difference between happiness and pleasure? We are living in a pleasure-seeking society. The proof is that it made us make the confusion with these both concepts completely different. Pleasure is a momentary feeling bringing a good moment that comes from something external which is quick. It requires more, more, and more (money, attention, care, fun, power…) like a vicious circle creating dependence, frustration and the need for growth endless – an addiction. Happiness is an inner harmony which brings outer harmony. This is a sustainable fullness whatever the changes and events, you are full and feel no more need. When you are in harmony, all that you do or see is harmonious. Well-being implies two definitions and notions, firstly I feel good and secondly, I act/behave well (I am a good person). Both are linked to the inner and outer harmony, two faces of the same medal that you win by understanding as a whole. Maybe the first step is to define what you like. Seneca once said, "There is no favorable wind for those who do not know where they are going". Thanks to that you can design your personal and professional life accordingly, establishing a good balance of your tree of life.
Joseph Cambell also once said, “I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” To the existing question of “happiness”, maybe it is more existential to be happy than trying to be happy. Happiness is not to have everything you want but to appreciate what you have. The goal of the game in the life seems not to look for reasons to be happy, maybe it is to be happy without reason. Issa
Holistic dimension
Etymologically speaking holistic comes from « holos » in Greek which means “entire”. This is a methodology to perceive and appreciate the reality with a global (or glob-ALL) approach. It corresponds to a new grid of reading the Great Book of Life not with a skewed and limited vision from a keyhole but integrating all pieces of the puzzle as a whole in order to admire the beauty of the masterpiece of life. The reason of being of the holistic dimension is to aspire to YOUnity: individual & collective (Unity) in addition to the inwards and outward harmony. Simply, the notion of Holism is based on the philosophy of the Emerald Tablet: “as above so below” (and “as a bow so be Love”): all is in all. It means that the segmented (fragmented) YOUnity (unity in the sense of subset) is a reflection of the whole as a unity. It is inspired by the Veda philosophy: “Find your place which is already yours in this cosmic breathing” with a notion of resonance. It exists an interconnection in between the all subsets of our visible and subtle reality (realities): at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level. There is a force entangling and interlocking all the pieces of the puzzle since the big bang bringing the understanding of the principle of the oneness. But in the end, the objective is to experience this oneness (Samadhi, Universal soul, Tao, God… whatever the name). Feeling this oneness vibrating through us, within us as a part of it: a complete dilution in it as a drop in the immensity of the ocean as the great Sufi poet Rumi said: “you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean within a drop”. Scientists agree unanimously that our universe is made of 4% physical matter, 27% dark matter and 69% dark energy. It means that if we think like Saint Thomas who believed only what he saw, we would believe in 4% of the reality equivalent to the visible part of the iceberg. Our western consciousness is based on duality, the Descartes method which can be summarized by black or white… By applying the holistic approach in our daily life with different tools we enlarge the perspectives of the binary vision. Concretely, we stimulate both sides of our hemispheres – the left hemisphere of the brain being the seat of rationality, structure, and physics while the right hemisphere is the seat of creativity, intuition, and metaphysics in order to activate the pineal gland (organ and actor of holistic perception). In Ancient Greece, Pythagoras, Plato, and many great thinkers were scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, and mystics (Pythagoras’ mystery school, Plato’s solids) because they applied this method. This is changing our way of thinking with the notion of “we” or “High”, no more the limited “I” the strong ego which is a kind of prison: “High” is linked to your Higher self, your true nature. The holistic dimension is based on many values like the respect of all what exists. Indeed everything has in own reason of being in the giant body for which we are a cell. No more a cell from the prisoner for which the prison is the ego but a cell in the sense of the smallest structural and functional unit of an organism, typically microscopic and consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a membrane. The holistic approach is the search for the good balance of life, the equilibrium of the tree of life for which the roots until all branching are echoing and animated by the same sap… The mission of the holistic dimension is an evolution or a rEvolution, a change of a new paradigm aspiring to the (individual and collective) awakening, from there the enlightenment of each of us radiating on each other: « without shining but radiating to enlighten other people to find their own way » referring to the art of the maieutic. We design Shambali retreat in the light of a holistic vision. I invite you to see our learning concepts IssaShambali Retreat
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- vendors who provide services to us, such as fulfilling orders, providing data processing and other information technology services, managing promotions, carrying out research and analysis, and personalizing individual Shambali LTD customer experiences. We do not allow these vendors to use this information or to share it for any purpose other than to provide services on our behalf;
- government or other law enforcement agencies, in connection with the investigation of unlawful activities or for other legal reasons (this may include your location information;
- third parties, who acquire us or substantially all of our assets, in which case your personal data (including any sensitive personal data) will be one of the transferred assets (however, we will let you know before this happens); and
- analytics and search engine providers that assist us in the improvement and optimization of the Shambali LTD Website.
Where we store your personal data
The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, processed and stored, in different countries depending on the circumstances (including outside the European Economic Area).This includes any country where Shambali LTD companies are located including in Hongkong and Indonesia, but also countries where our external service providers are based or hosting your personal data on our behalf.Links to the third party website
Shambali LTD Website may contain links to other third party websites and microsites, whose privacy practices may differ from those of Shambali LTD. If you submit personal data to any of those sites, your personal data is not subject to this privacy statement. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any site you visit. By clicking on or activating such links and leaving Shambali LTD Website, Shambali LTD does not exercise control over any data or any information which you give to any other entity after leaving Shambali LTD Website. Any access to such other sites or pages is entirely at your risk.Retention of personal data
Your personal data will only be retained for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes it was collected as outlined in this privacy statement and for the purpose of satisfying our business (accounting and reporting) or legal requirements, but also to properly resolve disputes or to troubleshoot problems. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. In addition, certain information may be stored indefinitely due to technical constraints, and will be blocked from further processing for purposes which are not mandatory by law. If you choose to unsubscribe from our mailing list or should your access to any of your Shambali LTD memberships expire, your personal data will still be retained on our database to the extent permitted by law and in accordance with the Shambali LTD Data Retention Policy.How we store and secure your personal data
We are committed to taking appropriate measures designed to keep your personal data secure. Our technical and organizational procedures are designed to protect your personal data from accidental, unlawful or unauthorized loss, access, disclosure, use, alteration, or destruction. While we make efforts to protect our information systems, no website, mobile application, computer system, or transmission of information over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. Once we have received your personal data, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorized access or inadvertent disclosure. The personal data that we hold about you will be stored either on our servers or using third party data storage providers in Singapore or if elsewhere, in compliance with applicable data protection laws. We may post a notice on the relevant Shambali LTD Website, notify you by email or contact you otherwise if a security breach occurs and such breach presents a high risk to your rights and freedoms.How long we retain your data
If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue. For users that register on our website (if any), we also store the personal information they provide in their user profile. All users can see, edit, or delete their personal information at any time (except they cannot change their username). Website administrators can also see and edit that information.Cookies
If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year. If you have an account and you log in to this site, we will set a temporary cookie to determine if your browser accepts cookies. This cookie contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser. When you log in, we will also set up several cookies to save your login information and your screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, and screen options cookies last for a year. If you select "Remember Me", your login will persist for two weeks. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed. If you edit or publish an article, an additional cookie will be saved in your browser. This cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just edited. It expires after 1 day.Embedded content from other websites
Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website. These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracing your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.Changes to the privacy statement
This privacy statement is in effect as of the date noted at the top of the statement. We may change our privacy statement from time to time. Any changes we may make to our privacy statement in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy statement. By continuing to use Shambali LTD Website or continuing to allow us to retain or process your personal data following any such changes to our privacy statement, you are deemed to have accepted such changes unless you expressly notify us otherwise in writing (except to the extent we are required to make such changes in accordance with applicable law). Where we need to seek updated, additional or different consents from you, we will, of course, do so. If you have any further questions, contact us: contact@shambali.com- Data you give us
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Accommodation in the heart of nature
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(Price is per person)