What’s it concretely synchronicity? Is it really concrete or tangible? Is it a rational theory and a strange illusion?
Synchronicity is a concept, “first” introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are “meaningful coincidences” if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. I put quote marks for “first” as he is the first one to put this name or definition but the principle exists since the origin of the consciousness.
Carl Jung said as a definition: “synchronicity is an acausal connecting principle and can be defined by a meaningful coincidence which appears between a mental state and an event occurring the external world.”
According to this thesis, life is not a series of random events but rather an expression of a deeper order.
Victor Hugo the French writer said wisely “It’s sad to think that nature speaks and mankind will not listen.” It means nature sends us subtle messages that we can only decipher beyond of our eyes: through our feeling, intuitions… This is the principle of symbols: the meanings are never imposed but personal to each of us. The interpretation of one of them can be different from me to you or the same symbol can be perceived differently from a period of my life to another (with years, experience, state of mind…).
In a certain way, it concerns the awakening to consciousness. When we observe our lives, we realize that much more is happening than we thought. Beyond our routine and our daily problems, we can detect a mysterious divine influence: “significant coincidences” seem to send us messages and guide us in a particular direction. First, we only glimpse these coincidences: we run at full speed next to them and pay them almost no attention. But we end up slowing down and watching these events more closely. With an open mind and vigilance we develop our ability to identify the next synchronic phenomenon. Coincidences seem to flow in and out, sometimes they succeed one another quickly and lead us abruptly, and sometimes they immobilize us. However, we know that we have discovered the process of the soul that guides our lives and advances them. The following revelations explain how to increase the occurrence of this mysterious synchronicity and discover the ultimate destiny towards which we are led.
Our perception of the mysterious coincidences of life is an important historical event. After the collapse of the medieval worldview, we lost the moral security provided by the explanation of the universe provided by the explanation of the Universe emitted by the Church. Therefore, five hundred years ago, we collectively decided to dominate nature, using science and technology to live in this world. We sought to create material security to replace the spiritual certainties we had lost. To feel more reassured, we systematically dismissed and denied the mysterious aspects of life on this planet. We made the illusion that we lived in a fully explainable and predictable universe, where fortuitous events made no sense. To maintain this illusion, we have tended to deny any evidence contrary to our convictions, to hinder scientific research on paranormal events, and we have adopted an attitude of absolute skepticism. Exploring the mystical dimensions of life has become almost a taboo. Little by little, however, awareness is emerging. It allows us to free ourselves from the obsession with the material well-being that has characterized the modern age, and to open our minds to a new, more just worldview.
According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within a higher consciousness. The first symptom is stopping to worry. You realize there is a kind of higher program/plan for you so you have a certain detachment towards life. You rely upon this higher program. Therefore you become light-hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous. This creates as well happiness and fullness as you experience the fact that everything is interconnected thereby you do not feel ALONE anymore but you experience that ALL’s ONE.
That’s why the Vedanta says expressly « find the place which is already yours in the cosmic breath ».
Once we manage how to recognize synchronicities and afterward how to co-stimulate them, life becomes an amazing interactive video game full of surprises: you will have a lot of fun and will feel the deep sense of life.
In Shambali you will explore these techniques and put in practice sometimes to be more aware of the phenomenon and also to be more sensitive towards the synchronicities.
Issa ~ AM