Did you know that since the solstice of winter 2018, we organize a monthly planetary meditation at distance?
Why, how, when?
The reason for being of this meditation is basically a Light/Love rising.
It is only 8 minutes (in numerology the symbol of infinity) to rise the beautiful energies on the planet.
(We have created a Facebook group Well-Rounded Root Meditation for those who are interested in joining!)
If we meditate in the same way with the same objective at the same time whatever the location our scope on the matter is huge.
Together we are stronger and “Lighter”.
Light has a double sense: weightlessness and the energy of photons. All is vibration, the more we love and we are peaceful the lighter we are: this is linked to the highest frequencies.
It is based on an ancient legend from the Vedas which are mystical teachings from the Indus valley that some people updated that’s why one can call it “Maharishi effect”. Gregg Braden evoked it also in the “Divine Matrix”. This is a world heritage of humanity and in no way remains personal intellectual property.
The principle is simple: everything is energy. Science admitted it. Nicola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
In addition to that Albert Einstein the father of our modern science explained:
“Everything is energy and that’s all. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you will not be able to stop getting it. It cannot be otherwise. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
It means that our intention or our thoughts impact the matter in terms of energy as everything is energy. Our emotions impact reality. If we analyze the word “emotion”: e-motion: e=mc2 (the formula of energy discovered by Einstein), literally, the emotion is energy in movement.
All is energy Einstein one more time said “What we have called ‘matter’ is energy, the vibration of which has been greatly reduced in order to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
Concretely the formula of this “Maharishi effect” is √1%Y:
Y= the population
So, for instance, we are roughly 7, 7 billion inhabitants: 1% of that population is 77 million and the square root of that: a bit less than 10,000 people. 10,000 people mobilized, unified at the same time on the same cause, on the same vibration and energy can impact our entire planet.
Of course like the flow of energy in an integrated system in electricity, there should not be any resistance. The participants should be sincere, having pure intentions that’s it. There is no notion of performance, just to be on time with a pure heart. So far we are in between 3,300 and 4,000 people.
Indeed for rational people, it can be weird or funny. If we provoke laugh at least we will have created good energy thanks to that’s great. And for those a bit skeptical or extremely rational 2 things:
1- We do not have anything to lose except releasing bad energy (just a few minutes relaxing)
2- Einstein said “You cannot solve the problems of the present with the same state of mind who created them. ”
Maybe this method is not conventional but science proved through the quantic mechanics that the intention of the observer impacts the reality if we refer to Young’s double-slit experiment.
Step1: we will start by asking (the intention) for “a peaceful and harmonious world full of Light & Love” being grateful it is already there.
Step2: (follow the guided meditation) we will visualize a ball of light coming from our heart/plexus solar growing and growing progressively.
Step3: the ball of Light reaches 2m of diameter.
Step4: gradually the ball of Light becomes as big as your house, the district then the city, your country, the continent…
Step5: this light is merging with other lights of people doing the same like embracing each other to enlarge more and more the perspective of the Light of Love and prosperity.
Step6: the ball of Light embraces completely the planet earth, mother earth.
Step7: you have the feeling to hug the planet, to hug all inhabitants and members: the human, the animal, the vegetal world, everything with an unconditional Love. This Light is emitted and maintained by you but reciprocally in parallel, you receive waves of Light and Love by positive boomerang effect like communicating vessels. You are merging with this Light, you are Light…
For those who need there is:
Option 1: an audio file on our Facebook page available to download
“ENGLISH-Audio for Guided Meditation.wav”
Option 2: an audio file on our YouTube channel available to watch/download:
It will last 8 minutes (vertically the symbol of infinity). The record is 9 minutes as the circle of numbers for you to have 1 minute to land. For those who want to extend all is fine.
Each full moon as normally this is a special period of tensions on the planet
The exact date and time will be announced on our Facebook group Well-Rounded Root Meditation
It should be very simple. Organize a comfortable atmosphere: pillow, quiet place, etc.
This is a self-experience meditation, all the participants will join the meditation at distance on time, and there will not be a prior announcement or live access for this meditation.
You can just attend on your own wherever you are.
It is referring to “square root” √ because in the basis of formula (√1%Y) the square is embraced by the opposite and the complementarity of round (circle) and well-rounded means harmonious.
“Root” is in the singular because we are one, not ALONE but ALL ONE.
There is a common trunk in the tree of life (which is invisible). Only one root, no border, no time difference, no space-time impact, no social, educational, religious, political dimension… just pure energy of Light and of Love. The goal is just to reach worldwide harmony nothing more nothing less: a peaceful balance for achieving YOUnity.
Shambali is not only an organization providing holistic retreats, but this is also and mainly a foundation as we finance and support an orphanage and we handle different charity projects. Shambali is a state of mind based on the famous Gandhi’s sentence saying “be the change that you want to see in the world”. Humbly at our modest scale, we just try our best to open up the mind and the heart of a maximum people who desire to contribute by welcoming the new paradigm based on a more harmonious world.
Issa ~ AM
In 1993: 4,000 people meditate to decrease the crime rate, the police noticed that the rate reduced by 23%… see the article of the NEW YORK TIMES:
In 2006: during of Lebanon-Israel in Middle East some people meditate to stop the war (more precisely for peace), few times after the conflict was ended. See the article http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/lebanon_peace_project_research.html
Group meditation effect :
Young’s double-slit experiment:
Hundredth monkey effect: